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1、Please use Shippers Company Letterhead before you Send - 1 - INDEMNITY AND GUARANTEE FOR TELEX RELEASE (电 放 保 函 ) TO: SITC CONTAINER LINES CO., LTD (“SITC”) AND TO: THE OWNER AND THE AGENT OF THE VESSEL . 致:新海丰集装箱运输有限公司及其船舶所有人和代理 M.V.(船名 ) Voy(航次 ) B/L(提单号 ): POL/POD(装货港 /卸货港 ): Container/Seal No.(箱

2、封号 ):_ _. For the above goods shipped by you, please arrange for telex release against our request and the consignee is as follows: (上述货物请根据我司要求办理电报放货,收货人如下: ) And we undertake and guarantee that: (我司承诺并保证: ) 1. To indemnify you and hold you harmless in respect of any liability, loss, expsense or da

3、mages of whatsoever nature which you may sustain by reason of delivering the goods to consignee in accordance with our request. (赔偿并确保贵司免除因根据我司请求将货 物交予收货人而可能遭受的任何性质的责任、灭失、费用或损害。 ) 2. To indemnify you that the consignee will clear the custom and take delivery of the said cargo soon after its arrival,

4、 otherwise we will pay the demurrage as per your tariff, and bear all the other charge and liability which brought.( 我司收货人能在货物到达目的港后及时提货,不然我司将按照贵司集装箱超期使用费标准支付集装箱超期使用费用以及承担因此产生的所有其他费用与责任。 ) 3. To pay you on demand the amount of any loss or damages which you, the master and/or agents of the vessel or

5、any other servants or agents whatsoever may incur as a result of delivering the goods as aforesaid. (贵司、船长及/或船舶代理人或其他任何雇员、代理人因按前述指示交付货物而可能承担的任何灭失或损害,一经贵司提出,我司即赔偿给贵司。) 4. In the event of any proceeding being commenced against you or any of you servants or agents in connection with the delivery of the

6、 goods as aforesaid, to provide you or them from time to time on demand with sufficient funds to defend the same, including but not limited to the courts fees, lawyer fee, investigation cost, travel cost and all other disbursement related to the defence. (一旦贵司或贵司的代理 /雇员因按前述指示交付货物而被提起 诉讼,一经贵司提出,我司即向贵

7、司或贵司代理 /雇员支付足额的抗辩费用,包括但不限于诉讼费、律师费、调查费、差旅费及其他与抗辩相关的实际开支。 ) 5. If, in connection with the delivery of the cargo as aforesaid, the ship, or any other ship or property in the same or associated ownership, management or control, should be arrested or detained or should the arrest or detention thereof be

8、threatened, or should there be any interference in the use or trading of the vessel, to provide on demand such bail or other security as may be required to prevent such arrest or detention or to secure the release of such ship or property or to remove such interference and to indemnity you in respec

9、t of any liability, loss, damage or expense caused by such arrest or detention or threatened arrest or detention or such interference, whether or not such arrest or detention or threatened arrest or detention or such interference may be justified.(由于如上所述的电放交付货物致使该船舶或属于该船舶所有人所有的或联营的、经营的、管理的任何其他船舶或财产被

10、拘留、扣押或受到被拘留、扣押的威胁,或者船舶的使用和营运受到任何妨碍,一经贵司要求我司即提供足够的保释金或其他所需要的担保,以防止此种拘留、扣押,或释放被拘留或被扣押的船舶、财产,或消除这种妨碍并赔偿贵司由于这种拘留、扣押,或受 到这种被拘留、扣押的威胁,或船舶的使用和营运受到任何妨碍所遭致的任何性质的责任、损失、损害或费用,而不论该拘留、扣押,或受到的被拘留、扣押的威胁,或船舶的使用和营运受到任何妨碍是否正当 )。 6、 The liability of the Requestor terminates after thirty months from the delivery of all

11、 original bills of lading to you or the shipowner; if no original bills of lading are signed and issued, the Requestors liability under the Letter of Indemnity is for an initial thirty six months from the cargo delivery, but which is automatically renewable from time to time for further periods of t

12、wo years at the request of SITC.(我公司的保证责任将在全部正本提单交还给贵司或船舶所有人日起 30 个月后终止,如果没有正本提单签发,我公司的初步保证责任将是货物交付日起 36 个月,但是这个初步保证期将根据贵司的要求多次自动延长两年)。 7、 The indemnity shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Chinese law. All disputes arising under and in connection with this indemnity shall be determined by ShangHai Maritime Court or QingDao Maritime Court of China (本保函适用中国法律,按照中国法律解释。本保函项下产生的所有争议都提交中国上海海事法院或者青岛海事法院审理。 ) Dated : Requestor: (shipper of the bill of lading) Signature of Authorised signatory & company chop (授权签字人签名及公司签章 )


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