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1、 Module 2 Unit 1 同步练习( 五年级 )一、 单项选择(15)( ) 1 Will you help_ ? A he B him C his ( ) 2 How many _ do you want ? A apple B apples C an apple ( ) 3 How _milk do you want ? A many B much C few( ) 4 How much is it going _ ? A to cost B cost C costs ( ) 5 How many things are there _ the list ? A in B at C

2、on ( ) 6 I want to buy a _ . A hamburger B cheese C hamburgers ( ) 7 What about a _ ? A dog B apple C oranges ( ) 8 His birthday is on Sunday . I want to buy _a present . A her B him C he ( ) 9 Lets go to the _. We need food for our picnic . A supermarket B hospital C cinema( ) 10 Amy and Sam like _

3、. A banana B bananas C cat ( ) 11 Here _ your oranges . A is B am C are ( ) 12 Hello. How _ oranges do you want ? A many B long C much ( ) 13 What about some pears ?_. A Yes, I do . B Yes, I like pears. C Yes, it is .( ) 14 Do you like _, Lingling ? A cheeses B cheese C chees ( ) 15 Lets buy one kil

4、o of _. A noodle B noodles C the noodles 二、 连线(9)1 How much cheese do you want ? A They will come tomorrow.2 How many things are there ? B Im shopping .3 When will these things come ? C Half a kilo.4 What are you doing ? D Thirty-seven.1 How much do you need ? A 让我们列个清单吧!2 Lets make a list. B 你想要多少果

5、汁 ?3 How much juice do you want ? C 让我们去购物吧!4 Lets go shopping. D 你能看见多少只鸭子?5 How many ducks can you see ? E 你需要多少?三、选词填空(5) for to at of in 1 They are _ school. 2 Do you live _ China ?3 We need some food _our picnic . 4 I want half a kilo _noodles .5 Lets go _ the supermarket.四、补全对话(16)A: Lets go t

6、o the _, Lingling. We need food for our picnic. Can you read the shopping _to me , please?B: The first thing is bananas. How _ do you want ?A: Six , please. Amy and Sam like bananas. Do you like _?B: Yes , I do .A: Good. Whats _ ?B: _. I can see the cheese . How _cheese do you want ?A: Half a _. Do

7、you like cheese , Lingling ?B: Great !五、选词填空(5) 1 How _( much / many ) bananas do you want ?2 Herere _( you / your ) pears.3 Can you _( need / read ) the list for the old man ?4 Amy and Linda _( like / likes ) milk. 5. (Do/Are )you like bananas?Module 2 Unit 2 同步练习( 五年级 )一、 选择(10)( ) 1 There are _ b

8、ooks on the desk . A many B much C any ( ) 2 Do you have bags ? No, I dont . But I have six _. A box B boxes C boxs( ) 3 _ there much milk in the glass ? Yes, there is . A Is B Are C Am( ) 4 What are we going to take _our picnic?. A in B on C at ( ) 5 What about _ ? A play football B playing footbal

9、l C play the football( ) 6 How much milk do you want ? _ . A Six bottles , please . B Five apples . C Ten oranges .( ) 7 How many apples do you want ? _ . A Here you are . B Seven oranges . C One kilo , please.( ) 8 Do you like cheese ? _. A Five yuan, please. B No , I dont . C Yes, I am .( ) 9 Does

10、 John like bananas ? _. A Yes , he does. B No , he is . C Yes , he doesnt.( ) 10 What did you do yesterday ? _. A I am doing my homework. B I played basketball . C I am a pupil.二、选词填空 (14)How much How many 1 _ cakes do you want ? Five cakes, please.2 _ cheese do you want ? A kilo.3 _ books are there

11、 ? Twenty-eight.4 _ is it going to cost ? One hundred yuan .to for do next how many how much of on by an 1 _apples do you want ? Two kilo , please.2 Lets go _the supermarket.3 _ you like bananas ? Yes , I do .4 _ cheese do you want ? Half a kilo.5 Did you have _ ice cream yesterday ?6 Whats _ ? Chee

12、se .7 Did you go home _bus yesterday ?8 We need food _our picnic .9 What are you going to take _ our picnic ?10 Lets buy one kilo _noodles .三、改错(10)1 Let buy one kilo of noodles . 2 We need food to our picnic . 3 How many orange do you want ? 4 Herere you oranges . 5 Do you like milks ? 四、连词成句(10)1

13、much do how need you _2 are you what take going to _3 go home going to I am _4 us let make a list _5 want I bottles five of milk _五、根据汉语提示补全句子(6)1 I _(喜欢)noodles very much .2 _(让我们)make a list .3. Did Lily _(落下,掉下) her ice cream yesterday ?Module 2 Unit 1 基础篇( 五年级 )一、 单词(10)1 超市_2 需要_3 食物_4 野餐_5 下一个

14、_6 奶酪_7 一半儿_8 公斤_9 果汁_10 盒子_二、词组(20)1 去超市_2 购物清单_3 多少(用于可数名词)_4多少(用于不可数名词)_5 半公斤_6 一公斤面条_7制作一个清单_8怎么样 _三、选择(10)( ) 1 We need food _ our picnic . A to B on C of D for ( ) 2 Can you read the shopping list _ me ? A to B on C of D for ( ) 3 _ books do you want ? A How many B How much C how many D how mu

15、ch ( ) 4 Amy and Sam _ bananas . A like B likes C liked D doesnt like ( ) 5 _ cheese do you want ? A How many B How much C how many D how much ( ) 6 Lets buy one kilo _ noodles . A to B on C of D for ( ) 7 What are we going to take _ our picnic ? A to B on C of D for ( ) 8 Lets _ a list . A make B m

16、akes C making D made ( ) 9 How much do we need ? Six _ . A box B boxes C boxs D boxing ( ) 10 How much _ do you want ? A books B apples C milk D oranges 四、用所给动词的适当形式填空(10)1 Do you _ ( like ) oranges ? Yes , I do .2 How much cheese _( do ) you want ? One kilo, please .3 We _ ( go ) to the park yester

17、day .4 Look , they are _ ( play ) basketball .5 Is she _ ( listen ) to music ? Yes, she is .6 I _( buy ) a new book yesterday .7 They _ ( go ) to school by bike yesterday .8 My father _(come ) back last Sunday .9 Does your grandma _( live ) in London ? No , she doesnt .10 Yesterday, I _( have ) an i

18、ce cream .五、连词成句(10 )1 oranges you how many do want _2 like you do apples _3 saw I bus a yesterday _4 can I the see cheese _5 are back China you from _六、句型转换(10)1 Did you go to work yesterday ?(做出肯定回答)_2 They went home by bus yesterday .(对划线部分提问)_3 How many apples do you want ?(用 two kilos 做回答)_4 Do

19、 you like noodles ?(做出否定回答)_5 They are watching TV .(对划线部分提问)_七、名词变复数(30)1 box _2 bus _ 3 watch _4 brush _ 5 orange _ 6 page _7 hero_ 8 kilo _ 9 tomato _10 hippo(河马) _11 baby _12 family _13 key _ 14 boy _ 15 zoo _ 16 radio _ 17 leaf _ 18 knife _19 man _20 woman _21 sheep _22 tooth _23 foot _ 24 mous

20、e _ 25 ox (公牛)_26 child _ 27 Chinese _ 28 Japanese _ 29 postcard_30 hobby_参考答案:Module2 Unit1 同步练习:1、BBBAC AABAB CABBB 二、1C 2D 3A 4B 1E 2A 3B 4C 5D 三、1at 2 in 3 for 4 of 5 to 四、supermarket ,list,many, bananas,next, cheese,kilo. 五、many,your,read,like,Do Module2 Unit2 同步练习:1、ABABB ACBAB 二、1.How many,2.

21、How much.3.How many. 4.How much. 1.How many,2.to,3Do,4.How much,5.an,6.next,7.by,8.for,9.on, 10.of 三、1.Let-Lets 2.to-for 3.orange-oranges 4.you-your 5.milks-milk四、1.How much do you need?2.What are you going to take? 3.I am going to go home. 4. Let us make a list.5.I want five bottles of milk. 五、 1.l

22、ike 2 Lets 3.drop Module2 Unit1 基础篇:一、1.supermarket 2.need 3.food 4. Picnic 5.next 6.cheese 7.half 8.kilo 9.juice 10.box 二、1.go to the supermarket 2.the shopping list 3.how many 4.how much 5.half a kilo6.a kilo of noodles 7.make a list 8. What about.? 三、DAAAB CB ABC 四、1.like 2.do 3.went 4.playing 5.

23、listening 6.bought 7. Went 8. Came 9.live 10.had 五、1.How many oranges do you want? 2.Do you like apples? 3.I saw a bus yesterday.4, I can see the cheese.5.You are back from China.六、1.Yes,I did.2.How did they go home yesterday?3.Two kilos of apples 4.No,I dont. 5.What are they doing? 七、boxes,buses,watches,brushes,oranges,pages,heroes, kilos,tomatoes,hippos ,babies,families,keys,boys,zoos,radios, leaves,knives,men,women,sheep,teeth,feet,mice, oxen, children,Chinese, Japanese, postcards,hobbies.


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