1、國立高雄師範大學論文原創性比對報告National Kaohsiung Normal University Thesis Declaration of Originality Report系所 Department: 姓名 Student Name: 學號 Student No.: 論文題目 Thesis Title: 比對系統(Plagiarism Detection Software):Turnitin比對參數(Detection Parameters):1. 比對之字串字數(Exact Wording Match):(建議 4050 字/40-50words count)2. 有無排除比
2、對文獻或文章(Exclusion of Literary Sources):無(No) (學校建議避免排除任何比對文獻/NKNU Recommends not to Exclude any Literature Review)有(Yes),有排除。請列出所排除文獻或文章。(If any, please list below.)(1) (2) (3) 比對日期(Date of Detection of Originality Report): / / (YYYY/MM/DD)比對相似度(Similarity Result): % (系所自訂)請檢附比對系統檢核結果。(Please attach your software detection result together with this report.)學生簽名 Student Signature: (請親筆書寫簽名 Signature)