1、压力容器无损检测低温压力容器的无损检测技术沈功田,张万岭 1) ,王 勇(中国特种设备检测研究中心,北京 100013)摘 要:低温压力容器在液化气体储存和运输中得到广泛使用。综述了低温压力容器在制造和使用过程中可能出现的缺陷和分别采用的各种无损检测方法。这些方法包括射线、超声、磁粉、渗透、脉冲涡流、目视和泄漏检测等,并介绍低温压力容器无损检测方法的特点。关键词:射线检测;超声检测;磁粉检测;渗透检测;涡流检测;目视检测;泄漏检测;压力容器中图分类号: TG115. 28 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100026656 (2005) 1120592204Nondestructive Testin
2、g of Pressure Vessels :Nondestructive Testing Technique for Cryogenic Pressure VesselsSHEN Gong2tian , ZHANGWan2ling 1) , WANGYong(China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Center , Beijing 100013 , China)Abstract : Cryogenic pressure vessels are extensively used in storage and t ransportation
3、 of liquefied gas. Thedefect s possibly emerged in cryogenic pressure vessels and the nondest ructive testing (NDT) methods applied duringfabrication and using were reviewed , including radiographic testing (RT) , ult rasonic testing (U T) , magnetic particletesting (MT) , penet rant testing ( PT) ,
4、 pulsed eddy current testing ( PET) , visual testing (VT) and leak testing(L T) . The characteristics of the NDT methods for cryogenic pressure vessels were also int roduced.Keywords :Radiographic testing ; Ult rasonic testing ; Magnetic particle testing ; Penet rant testing ; Eddy currenttesting ; Visual testing ; Leak testing ; Pressure vessel