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1、每个单元的汉翻英和英翻汉在文档最后5Unit1StudyPractice. Paragraph Analysis1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c 5 .b 6 .c.Vocabulary Activities1.1) given 2) at a glance 3)fluency 4)Given 5) hopefully 6) define 7)looked(him)up 8) no good 9)context 10)guidance 11) immediate 12) disgust 13) come across 14)recognition 15)scope2.1) washed

2、his hands of 2) given 3) was confronted with 4) countering 5) were reduced to eating 6) at a glance 7) took refuge in 8) less practicable 9) countered 10) dedication 11) in disgust12) relied on 13) shorts-cuts to 3, 1) Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and take refug

3、e in drinking and taking drugs.2) The school washed its hands of the students behavior during the spring recess.3) His cruel remarks reduced the innocent girl to tears.4) Many difficult words are out of the scope of this learners dictionary.5) The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronte

4、d with the evidence.6) The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil of that time.4. 1) has come down 2) came to 3) comes out 4)come up to 5) come in 6) came across 7) has come about 8) come off 9) come to 10) give up 11) was given back 12) give away 13) gave out 14)giv

5、e in 15) gives off/out.Cloze1. express 2. both 3. intended 4. still 5. where 6. personal 7. of 8.them 9. make 10. before 11. still 12. before13. fluent 14. while 15. enough 16. on 17. in 18. In 19. find 20. who 21. carefully 22. to 23. possible 24. make 25. depend 26. than 27. made 28. use 29. phras

6、es 30. above 31. on 32. demonstrate 33. out 34. writing. Passage Translation(省略)Reading ActivityExercise A1.d 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.c 6.c 7.d 8.c 9.dExercise B1. d 2. h 3. g 4. c 5. f 6. a 7. j 8. I 9. b 10. e1. flexible 2. haphazard 3. established 4. land 5. mediocrity 6. identical 7. assurance 8. device 9

7、. a host of 10. quadrupledUnit 2Study the rest will take care of itself6) We should be as concerned with the development of variety as with the improvement on quality.4.1) Far from being permissive, many parents are putting tremendous pressure on their children to be exceptional in everything.2) Owi

8、ng to her academic excellence, this Changsha girl has been accepted by several prestigious, American universities, including Harvard, Yale and MIT.3) Many parents start their children in piano or violin lessons at ever-earlier ages in hopes that they will become exceptional pianists or violinists.4)

9、 In modern society, clothing styles change yearly. Some are in this year but will be out the next.5) More likely than not, what this“new” parenting idea brings about will be“super problems” rather than “super kids”.6) Young people should be given the opportunity to take the initiative, to take respo

10、nsibility for their mistakes and credit for their achievement.7) In my view, he is so weak-willed that he could hardly give up smoking. To my surprise, he has easily cured himself of this bad habit.8) Demands on students have to be tailored to their interests and abilities.5.1) looking forward to 2)

11、 looked on 3) look up to /look on 4) Look out5) look up 6)look into 7) looked upon as 8) look down on 9) look back 10) Look through 11) looked over 12) looking back on 13) took off 14) take to 15) took on 16) taken on17) tookfor 18) takes after/took after 19) took down 20) taken in21)took over 22) t

12、aken up 23) take in 24) take upIV. Cloze1. just 2. around 3. directions 4. why 5. major 6. in 7. with 8. language 9. pairs 10. makes 11. to 12. groups 13. low-status 14. hold 15. skill 16. purpose 17. in 18. out 19. case 20. men 21. where 22. which 23. by 24. from 25. costV. Error Correction1. tried

13、-managed 2. (in)the(mid-1970s) 3. handwriting-handwritten 4. eighth-eight 5. for-/ 6.illterate-literate 7.to-for 8. parenting-parental 9. between-of 10. for-toReading ActivityExercise A1.N 2.N 3.Y 4.NG5. in the college dining hall/went through all sorts of interviews6. A full-time job supervising st

14、udent labor in the dining hall7. settle for a job as a bookstore clerk8. mild irony9. a classicist working in the capacity as a bookstore clerk10. Its about time college graduates from the class of86 started their lucky or unlucky life journey! Or: Its about time for college graduates from the class

15、 of 1986 to start their lucky or unlucky life journey!Exercise B1. thrive on 2. minimal 3. persisted in 4. ultimate 5. aptitude 6. plight 7. enthusiastic 8. otherwise 9. is/was supervising 10. inquiries 11. entails 12. simultaneous 13. desperate for 14.be taken into account 15.pursue 16.prospective

16、17. at the mercy of 18. recession 19. contagious 20. unconcernedUnit5StudyPractice. Comprehension Questions3.c 4.d 5.b 7.d 8.d 11.b. Outlining Activity3. The Church banned Copernicus book, burned Bruno at the stake and imprisoned Galileo for popularizing Copernicus and his own scientific ideas.4. Ev

17、ery age has one or more groups of intellectual rebels who are persecuted, condemned or suppressed; but to a later age, they seem harmless and often essential to the improvement of human conditions.5. Most people have believed that the enormous success of science is due to the use of a scientific met

18、hod by scientists and Galileo is known as the “Father of the Scientific Method”.6. Rather than the scientific method, the scientific attitude is the key to the success of science.7. Scientists must accept facts whether they like them or not and they must be good at changing their minds because the p

19、urpose of science is not to defend their beliefs but to improve them.8. Honesty is the most valuable quality of scientists because it is not only essential to the progress of science but also a matter of self-interest to the scientists themselves. Vocabulary Activities1. 1) distinguish between 2) op

20、position 3) to the contrary 4) procedures 5) in principle 6)proportional 7) rebels 8) strive for9) Predictions 10) outcome 11) criterion 12) adopted 13) speculation 14) banned 15) outweigh 16) formulated, represented 17) ingredients 18) circulated 19) retain 20) pointed out 21) condemned2. 1) took h

21、is word for it 2) formulated 3) adequate 4) met with 5) representing 6)strive 7) immense 8) infinite 9) adopt 10) persecuted 11) circulates 12) retaining 13) are subjected to 14) its outcome 15) modified 16) condemned 17) suppressing 18) largely 19) ingredient 20)criteria3. 1) Youll buy nothing but

22、trouble if you buy that house, take my word for it.2) Dr. Li has always been credited with being able to understand and sympathize with his patients.3) If I dont hear anything to the contrary, Ill come and meet you on July 8th.4) Its very important to follow the safety procedures laid down in the se

23、rvice manual.5) The new Medicare program puts a high premium on prevention and primary care.6) Childrens comics were banned back then at home because my parents thought they werent a good influence.7) Its essential that children be taught to distinguish right from wrong.8) The number of representati

24、ves each state is entitled to is proportional to the size of its population.9) A novelist cannot be a great one unless he has a well-developed insight into human nature.10) More and more people have come to realize that cancer of the lung has more to do with smoking than with anything else.11) Late

25、frosts account for the poor fruit-crop of this year.12) Whats the matter with you today! Everything I say you contradict. Cloze1. questions 2. solving 3. out 4. between 5. establishing 6. these 7. with 8. science 9. do 10. in 11. so 12. universe 13. highest 14. dislikes 15. did 16. unpleasant 17. be

26、lieve18. hear 19. flying 20. breathe 21. age 22. terms 23. reverse 24. serve 25. those 26. themselves 27. to Reading ActivityExercise A1. c 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. d 6. Behavioral: b, c, e, g, h, i Medical: a, d, fExerciseB1. c 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. g 6. b 7. d 8. j 9. h 10. i1. serves you right 2. precede 3.

27、 data 4. evaluate 5. backs/backed up6. dramatically 7. radical 8. undergraduates 9. plainly 10. deliveredUnit6. Vocabulary1.1. virtual 2. reconciliation 3. deliberately 4. precedent5. essence 6. rational 7. get to the point 8. go out of my mind 9. immersed in 10. cut (you) off 11. scared to death 12

28、. lost his nerve 13. Supreme 14. apology 15. invasion 16. muttering2.1. awaiting 2. lost my never 3. immersed in 4. alleged 5. deliberately 6. involving her in 7. in celebration of 8. ironic 9. get to the point 10. yelled 11. is in need of 12. rational 13. fierce 14. squeeze3.1. Because of the banks

29、 refusal to give him another loan, Morris had to abandon the project.2. Although both of them were ready for a reconciliation, neither was prepared to make the first move.3. The old lady nearly died of fright when a gunman suddenly appeared in front of her.4. Bob seems to have an instinct for knowin

30、g which products will sell.5. The organizers of the appeal are reaching out to the public in order to get their help.6. I have an apology to make to you-Im afraid I opened your letter by mistake.4. 1. cut off 2. cut back/cut down 3. cut in 4. cut across 5. cut down 6. cuts in 7. cut (Oliver) off 8.

31、cut off 9. hangs back 10.hang up 11. hanging about 12. hang together 13. hang on 14. hang on to. Cloze1. other 2. with 3. increased 4. for 5. last/past 6. who 7. adult/grown-up 8. summed 9. in 10. who 11. better 12. teach 13. without 14. as 15. view 16. generation 17. granted 18. only 19. decision 2

32、0. importantReading ActivityExercise A1. d 2. T, T, X, T, F, F, T, F 3. b, c, e 4. c 5. d 6. 2, 3; 4, 5; 6, 17Exercise B1. j 2. f 3. e 4. h 5. c 6. g 7. l 8. b 9. d 10. k 11. a 12. i1. fragrance 2. knocked off 3. cozy 4. gasped 5. discharged6. furnished 7. smashed 8. for dear life 9. clinhing 10. ti

33、pped 11. shove 12. scrubbedUnit7Study & Practice. Comprehension Questions1. d 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. b 6. c 7. d 8. d 9. d 10. b.Vocabulary Activities1.1. dense 2. accompanied 3. theses 4. disorderly 5. evoked 6. voluntary 7. intellect 8. in sequence 9. deterioration 10. distinguished himself 11. deviate

34、d from 12.lit up 13. over the hill 14. talking shop 15. putback together 16. uncertain2.1. was confined to 2. distinguished himself 3. irresistible 4. accompany 5. accurately 6. (a year) to the day 7. reigned from8. overwhelmed 12. clumsy 3. come to anything 14. over the hill 15. broke down3. 1. To

35、my great surprise, they agreed to all our demands.2. They had to overcome formidable obstacles if they want to finish the task on time.3. She managed to maneuver her car into the parking space.4. The managers explanation evoked even greater anger from the employees.5. When the doctor told him he had

36、 lung cancer, Jim was overwhelmed.6.The new method deviated sharply from the traditional approach and the results were far more satisfactory.4.1. When I was a kid, I was so fascinated with the idea of travelling round the world that I would spend hours in my grandfathers spinning the globe and dream

37、ing of the places I would like to visit.2. A time bomb exploded this afternoon in one of Londons biggest supermarkets, evoking a great panic among the population.3. Accompanied by his father, Bill went to the police station ago confessed to the police officer that he had robbed an old man of his gol

38、d watch two weeks before.4. After getting engaged to Jane, Stephen started working hard for the first time in his life. And before long he distinguished himself as a young theoretical physicist.5. Prof. Stone is distinguished for his sternness. But, to everyones surprise, the speech he made at his daughters wedding last Saturday was full of wit and humor.6. Its amazing that so many people are willing to do voluntary work for the benefit of the community.5. 1. broke up 2. broke out 3. have broken through 4. break down


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