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1、汕头大学医学院外籍人员差旅费报销指南Guidelines for Travel Expense Reimbursement of Foreign Personnel in Shantou University Medical College计财处Department of Finance2016 年 12 月 8 日December 8, 2016学院外籍人员差旅费等办理日常报销,应遵守执行国家、省及医学院关于差旅费的相关规定。由于国内国外旅费规定差异,出差人员在出差前应先办理汕头大学医学院出差申请单或者因公临时出国任务和预算审批意见表 (表格附在最后) 。The travel expense

2、s of foreign personnel in the college should be reimbursed routinely according to national, provincial and medical colleges regulations related to travel expenses. Due to discrepancies between domestic and foreign regulations related to travel expenses, the personnel should handle Business Trip Appl

3、ication Form of Shantou University Medical College or Feedback Form of Task and Budget Approval for Unscheduled Trip Abroad on Business (forms are enclosed at the end) prior to business trip.一、出差审批:I. Business Trip Authorization:(一)国内差旅审批手续(I) Approval procedures for domestic business trip国内差旅费审批根据以

4、下权限办理汕头大学医学院出差申请单:Business Trip Application Form of Shantou University Medical College should be handled for the approval of domestic travel expense:1、教学科研部门人员出差由主管部门审批,行政人员出差由主管的部处室负责人审批。1. The business trip of personnel in Teaching Other funds to be used should be examined and approved by the proj

5、ect leader. In case the project leader is the participant, it should be examined and approved by the head of unit; in case the head of unit is the participant, it should be examined and approved by the competent school leader.参加一般工作会议,凭上级主管单位的会议通知及经本单位主管领导审批;单位负责人自己参加的,由院领导审批。As to general job meeti

6、ngs, it should be approved by the leader in charge of the unit upon the meeting notice from superior competent unit; In case the head of unit is the participant, it should be examined by the head of college.3、科研人员外出调研,应由科研项目负责人审批,项目负责人自己参加的,由主管单位负责人审批。3. If scientific research personnel go out for r

7、esearch, it should be approved by the person in charge of scientific research projects; if the project leader is the participant, it should be approved by the person in charge of competent unit.(二)国外差旅审批手续(II) Approval procedures for business trip abroad因公出国(境)进行科研学术会议等,办理因公临时出国任务和预算审批意见表 。With resp

8、ect to business trip abroad (outbound) for scientific research and academic meetings, Feedback Form of Task and Budget Approval for Unscheduled Trip Abroad on Business should be handled.二、费用支付:II. Payment of Charges:我院外籍人员出差结束后,应当立即办理报销费用手续。乘坐交通工具的等级、住宿费标准、出差补助标准等,请向计财处详询。Foreign personnel of our co

9、llege should immediately apply for reimbursement upon completion of business trip. For details of level of transportation, standard of accommodation, standard of travel subsidy, etc., Please enquire Department of Finance.(一)因公出差或参加国内会议或科研合作,办理报销时,应提供以下有效凭据:(I) The following valid credentials should

10、be provided for reimbursement for business trips or participating in domestic meetings or scientific research cooperation:1、城市间交通费票据,包括出差期间的火车车票、轮船船票、飞机机票(附上行程单及登机牌) ,汽车车票等。1. Intercity transportation bills, including tickets of train, ship, airplane (with travel itinerary and boarding passes), car,

11、 etc.2、住宿费票据,包括出差期间的住宿票发票。2. Accommodation bills, including invoices for accommodation tickets during business trip.3、其他相关票据,包括出席会议的会议通知、邀请函及会议费(会务费)发票;经批准发生的签转或退票费、乘坐交通工具的交通意外保险费凭据报销。3. Other related bills, including invoices of meeting notices, invitations and conference fees (meeting affair charg

12、e); Incurred fees of approved transfer or refund and traffic accident insurance expenses should be reimbursed according to bills.4、出差前已经审批的汕头大学医学院出差申请单 。4. Approved Business Trip Application Form of Shantou University Medical College prior to business trip.(二)因公出国(境)参加科研学术会议等,办理报销时,应提供以下有效凭据:(II) Wi

13、th respect to business trip abroad (outbound) for scientific research and academic meetings, expenses should be reimbursed based on the effective bills as follows:1、提供对外合作交流处办理的出国(境)申请、备案以及出差前已经审批的因公临时出国任务和预算审批意见表 。1. Applications for travel abroad (outbound) and filed documents handled in foreign e

14、xchange and cooperation office, and Feedback Form of Task and Budget Approval for Unscheduled Trip Abroad on Business.2、提供护照(包括签证和出入境记录)复印件。2. Copies of passport (including visa and movement records).3、提供国际旅费(航空运输电子客票行程单 、登机牌) 、住宿费、其他费用(主要是指出国签证费用、必需的保险费用、防疫费用、国际会议注册费用)等有效原始票据据实报销。3. Effective origi

15、nal bills related to international traveling expenses (Itinerary/receipt of E-ticket for Air Transportation, boarding passes),accommodation fees and other expenses (mainly including visa fee, necessary insurance fee, epidemic prevention fee, registration fee for international conference); such expen

16、ses should be reimbursed according to fact.4、各种报销凭证须用中文注明开支的内容、日期、数量、金额等,并由经办人签名。4. Various reimbursement vouchers shall be indicated in Chinese with the contents, date, quantity and amount of the expenses and signed by the responsible person.(三) 、外籍老师国外探亲(III) Family visit abroad for foreign teache

17、rs1、提供人事处审批单据。1. Provide the proof of approval by Department of Personnel.2、如有与人事处签订探亲等相关合同,提供单位与之签订的合同复印件。2. If a contract related to family visit is signed with Department of Personnel, then copies of such contract should be provided.3、具有国外(境外)永久居住权或持有绿卡教职人员,如配偶在境外工作一年以上,配偶情况凭国(境)外当地出具证明材料,作为报销依据。

18、3. With respect to a faculty member with abroad (overseas) permanent residency or green card, if his/her spouse has been working abroad for more than one year, the local resident certificate of the foreign country (overseas) should be provided as the proof of reimbursement.4、提供返探亲所在国机票及登机牌,机票标准为经济舱。

19、4. Provide local return air tickets and boarding passes according to the standard of economy class.汕头大学医学院出差申请单 ( B 类 : 业 务 )Business Trip Application Form of Shantou University Medical College (Class B: business)填表时间:年月日Date of filling: MM/DD/YY 姓名:_ 职称( 职务):_ 单位:_Name: _ Title (post): _ Unit: _ 事由

20、Cause 会议名称: 主办单位:Conference name: Sponsored by: 出差时间:_起_止,共计:_天Business trip time: From _ to _, _day(s) in total出差地点:_Place of business trip: _时间行程Time schedule 往返路线:往:_ 返:_Go-return route: To: _ Return: _会务费: 预计差旅费:Meeting affair charge: Travel expenses estimated: 经费Expenses 经费来源:Source of funding:

21、 教研室(研究机构)意见:Opinions of Teaching and Research Office (research institute):(签章)(Seal or signature)年月日MM/DD/YY 主管部门意见:Opinions of the department in charge:(签章)(Seal or signature)年月日MM/DD/YY 人事处意见:(外出超过 4 周、出国/境参加会议或交流者均须报人事处审批)Opinions of the Personnel Department: (Those go abroad (outbound) for meet

22、ings or exchanges over 4 weeks should be approved by the Personnel Department.)(签章)(Seal or signature)年月日MM/DD/YY 学院领导意见:Opinions of college leader:(签章)(Seal or signature)年月日MM/DD/YY 申请人须知Instructions to Applicants 1.出差者须按规定权限逐级审批,必须在离校前填写申请单,返校后补填者无效;1. The applicant should apply for the step-by-st

23、ep approval according to the authority stipulated and fill in an application form prior to leaving school, which will be invalid after the return.2行政领导离校告知情况,请按学院“关于学院各级领导干部离校告知制度的通知”执行;2. For administrative leadership leaving informing, it should observe the “Notice on leaving informing system for

24、leading cadres at all levels in the college“;3.参加会议者请将会议通知交科研科存档,外出参加学术交流或科研合作者请下载并填写学术活动登记表交科研科存档;3. If you are going to participate in a meeting, please submit the meeting notice to the Scientific Research Office for filing; if you are about to attending an academic exchange or scientific research

25、 cooperation, please download and fill in an Academic Activity Registration Form and submit it to the Scientific Research Office for filing;4.凭此单到计财处办理报账手续,报账时请先到计财处填写差旅费报销单;4. You can handle the reimbursement procedures in Department of Finance based on the Form, and fill in the Claims for Travel E

26、xpense prior to the reimbursement;5.出差者要按照学校规定的交通、住宿标准执行,超标部分由本人承担;5. If you are going to have a business trip, you should observe the transportation and accommodation standards that the school stipulates, and those exceeding the standards will be assumed by yourself;6.参加学术会议者,返校后须在一定范围内传达、报告。6. If

27、you participate in an academic conference, you should make communication and report within a certain range after the return. 汕头大学医学院外出参加学术活动登记表Shantou University Medical College Registration for Out-of-school Academic Activities职称职务Title/post 联系电话Tel. 申请者情况Applicant information 姓名Name 部门Department 时

28、间Time 地点Place 对方单位Host organization 联系人/电话Contact person/tel. 活动简况Activity situation 活动内容Activity content 教研室意见Opinions of Teaching and Research Office (负责人签名):(Signature of responsible person): 申请人须知Instructions to Applicants 1.学术活动出差者,须凭本登记表到科研科办理登记手续(参加会议者凭会议通知即可,无须填写此表) 。1. Those who go out to p

29、articipate in academic activities should handle registration procedures in the Scientific Research Office with this registration form (those who participate in a meeting should hold the meeting notice and not have to fill in the form).2.本表可在“学院主页- 科学研究- 表格下载-科研出差表”栏目中下载。2. The form could be download

30、ed in “Collage Home - Scientific Research - Form Download - Research Business Form“ column. 因公临时出国任务和预算审批意见表Feedback of Task and Budget Approval for Unscheduled Trip Abroad on Business 团组名称Name of group 组团单位Organization unit 汕头大学医学院Shantou University Medical College 团长(级别)Head of the group 团员人数Numbe

31、r of member 出访国别(含经停)Visit country (incl. stops) 出访时间(天数)Visit time (days) 出国任务审核意见Review opinions on mission abroad 审核单位Review authority 汕头大学医学院对外合作交流处International Office, Shantou University Medical College审核日期Review date 审核依据Review basis 汕头大学医学院因公出国(境)管理规定Regulations on Business Trip Abroad (Outb

32、ound) of Shantou University Medical College是否列入出国计划:Included in the going-abroad plan or not:出访目标和必要性:Visit purpose and necessity:时间和国别是否符合规定:Time and country compliance:路线是否符合规定:Route compliance: 团组人数是否符合规定:Group member number compliance: 审核内容Review contents 其他事项:Miscellaneous: 审核意见Review opinions

33、预算财务审核意见Review opinions on financial budget 审核单位Review authority 审核日期Review date 审核依据Review basis 省直党政机关和事业单位因公临时出国经费管理办法Regulations on Expenses of Unscheduled Trip Abroad on Business for Provincial Party and Government Organs and Institutions 经费渠道Source of Funding 是否列入年度预算:Whether to be included in

34、 annual budget: 合计Total 国际旅费International traveling fees 住宿费Accommodation fees 伙食费Board expenses 公杂费Official incidental expense 其他费用Other fees 须事先报批的支出事项:Expenses need to be approved in advance: 审核内容Review contents 其他事项:Miscellaneous: 审核意见Review opinions备注:出访团组和单位财务部门应对各项支出的测算和审核做详细说明。Note: Delegations and financial departments should detail the calculation and review of each expenditure.


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