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1、1科技與社會研究(2007 年秋)授課老師:吳嘉苓 (研究室 313,02-3366-1225,clwuntu.edu.tw)上課地點:台大社會系館 110 教室 上課時間:週五 9:10am12:00pm約談時間:週二 3:00-5:00pm(或是另約時間)課程簡介:這是針對碩士班學生所設計的 STS (Science, Technology, and Society )的導論課。STS 這個活力充沛的新領域,於 1960 年代於北美與西歐迅速發展,結合了過去半個世紀之久的科技史、科學哲學、科技社會學、醫療與社會研究等研究,以具有開創性的理論與方法,探討科技與社會相互形塑的過程。在過去十年間

2、,透過課程發展、STS 網站的擴張、社群 email 網絡的蔓延、期刊(科技、醫療與社會 、 East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal)的發行、學術研討會、國際學者的工作坊以及相關 STS 系列書籍的撰寫,STS 也在台灣日益成長茁壯。在這個科技與社會發展密不可分的時代,這個社會爭議往往也是科技爭議的時代,STS 做為一日益茁壯的新興學門,已為歐美紐澳世界、甚至日韓鄰邦,作為理解並介入科技社會所看重的研究領域,相信這也能成為台灣與東亞社會成為促發反思科技社會發展的利器。這門課的課程設計,從科技與社會

3、如何相互形塑的多重理論觀點切入,並強調閱讀經典經驗研究案例的重要性。同時,由於這門課也強調社會介入,因此課程設計也特別著重理論與社會實踐的關連,關注當代科技爭議、科技發展路徑、社會運動以及科技設計的民主化等議題。在國內目前有的 STS 資源方面,大家可以參考並自修 兩冊(選自西方 STS 經典論文並經仔細翻譯評論)的 STS 讀本科技渴望社會 、 科技渴望性別 (2004, 台北群學出版社,吳嘉苓、傅大為、雷祥麟編) ,並且參考、利用國內主要 STS 網站裡面豐富的資源:http:/sts.nthu.edu.tw/。本學期台灣學術社群亦有多項 STS 的活動,包括重量級的 STS 學者 Ian

4、 Hacking 與 Brain Wynne 將來台講學,以及台灣社會學會幾場東亞 STS 與台灣 STS 的研究發表,都期許同學藉由參與這些活動來學習。課程要求:課堂參與、報告與討論(30%) - 每人將負責兩次的指定閱讀報告,並以 power point 來進行科技紀錄片的評介(20%) 、期末報告:八千至一萬字 (50%)。每週教學進度與閱讀書目:W1. (9/21) 課程介紹觀看電影 Modern TimesW2 (9/28) 導論:超越科技決定論雷祥麟,2002, 劇變中的科技、民主與社會:STS(科技與社會研究)的挑戰 , 台灣社會研究季刊45:123-171McKenzie, D

5、onald and Judy Wajcman. 1999. “Introductory Essay: the Social Shaping of 2Technology.” Pp.3-27 in The Social Shaping of Technology (second edition), edited by Donald McKenzie and Judy Wajcman. Buckingham: Open University Press.Hughes, Thomas P. 1999. “Technological Momentum.” Pp.101-113 in Does Tech

6、nology Drive History? The Dilemma of Technological Determinism, eds. Merritt Roe Smith and Leo Marx. Cambridge: The MIT Press.W3 (10/5) 社會形塑科技?技術物的政治性/SCOTWinner, Langdon. 1986/2004. 技術物有政治性嗎? (方俊育、林崇熙譯,林崇熙校訂、導讀),頁 123-150 於科技渴望社會 。Pinch, Trevor and Wiebe Bijker. 1987. “The Social Construction of Fa

7、cts and Artifacts: Or How the Sociology of Science and Sociology of Technology Might Benefit Each Other” Pp.17-50 in The Social Construction of Technological Systems, edited by Wiebe E. Bijker, Thomas P. Hughes and Trevor Pinch. Cambridge; The MIT Press.W4 (10/12) 教師參加 4S 會議,停課一週W5(10/19)機器、技術物與社會選擇

8、Mackenzie. Donald. 1996. “Economic and Sociological Explanations of Technological Change.” Pp.49-65 in Knowing Machines: Essays on Technical Change. Cambridge: MIT Press.Nobel, David F. 1999. “Social Choice in Machine Design: the Case of Automatically Controlled Machine Tools.” Pp. 161-176 in The So

9、cial Shaping of Technology (second edition), edited by Donald McKenzie and Judy Wajcman. Buckingham: Open University Press.Berg, Anne-Jorunn. 1999. “A Gendered Socio-Technical Construction: the Smart House.” Pp.301-313 in The Social Shaping of Technology (second edition), edited by Donald McKenzie a

10、nd Judy Wajcman. Buckingham: Open University Press.W6 (10/26) 行動者網絡理論Latour, Bruno. 19832004. 給我一個實驗室,我將舉起全世界 (林宗德譯,雷祥麟校定,雷祥麟導讀) ,頁 219-263 於科技渴望社會 。Sismondo, Sergio. 2004. “Chapter 7: Actor-Network Theory.”Pp.65-74 in An Introduction to Science and Technology Studies. Oxford: Blackwell. Callon, Mic

11、hel. 1987. “Society in the Making: The Study of Technology as a Tool for Sociological Analysis.” Pp.83-103 in The Social Construction of Technological Systems, edited by Wiebe E. Bijker, Thomas P. Hughes and Trevor Pinch. Cambridge; The MIT Press.W7(11/2)技術物作為行動者、configurationAkrich, Madeline. 1992.

12、 “The De-Scription of Technical Objects.” Pp.205-224 in Shaping 3Technology/Building Society: Studies in Sociotechnical Change, eds. Wiebe E. Bijker and John Law.Van Oost, Ellen. 2003. “Materialized Gender: How Shavers Configure the Users Femininity and Masculinity.” Pp. 193-208 in How Users Matter:

13、 The Co-Construction of Users and Technology, eds. Nelly Oudshoorn and Trevor Pinch. Cambridge: MIT PressW8(11/9)創新、發展與全球化Wynne, Brian, Rlrike Felt, etc. 2007. “Chapter 2: Reinventing Innovation.” Pp.21-30 in Taking European Knowledge Society Seriously. Luxembourg: European Commission Hess, David. 2

14、007. “The Transformation of Technological Fields.” Pp. 69-85 in Alternative Pathways in Science and Technology: Activism, Innovation, and the Environment in an Era of Globalization. Cambridge: The MIT Press.吳泉源、林宗德,2000, 從網球拍到半導體:台灣產業技術特質的探討 , 台灣產業技術發展史論文集 。高雄:國立高雄科學工藝博物館。W9(11/16)後殖民科技研究Anderson, W

15、arwick. 2007. “Pramoedyas Chickens: Postcolonial Studies of Technoscience.” In The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Third Edition, eds. Edward J. Hackett, Olga Amsterdamska, Michael Lynch and Judy Wajcman. Cambridge: MIT Pres.Otake, Akiko and Shuhei Hosokawa. 19982001. “Karaoke in East As

16、ia: Modernization, Japanization, or Asianization?” Pp. 178-201 in Karaoke around the World, edited by Toru Mitsui and Shuhei Hosokawa. London: Routledge.W10 (11/23) 使用者研究 IOudshoorn, Nelly and Trevor Pinch. 2003. “How Users and Non-Users Matter.” Pp. 1-25 in How Users Matter: The co-construction bet

17、ween Users and Technology, edited by Nelly Oudshoorn and Trevor Pinch. Cambridge: MIT Press.Ito, Mizuko. 2006. “Introduction: Personal, Portable and Pedestrian.” Pp. 1-18 in Personal, Portable, Pedestrian: Mobil Phones in Japanese Life, eds. Mizuko Ito, Daisuke Okabe and Misa Matsuda. Cambridge: MIT

18、 Press.參與 11 月 24-25 日台灣社會學年會,有關科技、醫療與社會的諸多場次。其中包括東亞的再生能源科技論壇。W11 (11/30) 使用者研究 IIVon Hippel, Eric. 2005. “Chapter 2: Development of Product by Lead Users” (pp. 19-32) & “Democratizing Innovation.” (pp. 121-131)” in Democratizing Innovation. London: MIT Press 4傅憲豪, 建構新世代熱水網絡:台灣家用熱水系統的技術網絡發展 ,清大歷史所(S

19、TS 組)碩士論文提綱。客座主講:陳惠萍(台灣太陽能屋的示範使用者)W12(12/4)科技爭議研究 I:專家與常民知識Jasanoff, Sheila. 2005. “Civic Epistemology.” Pp. 247-271in Designing on Nature: Science and Democracy in Europe and the United States. Princeton: Princeton University Press.Wynne, Brian. 1996. “Misunderstood Misunderstanding: Social Identit

20、ies and Public Uptake of Science.” Pp.19-46 in Misunderstanding Science? The Public Reconstruction of Science and Technology, eds. Alan Irwin and Brian Wynne. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.分享期末報告計畫(兩頁的書面報告)12 月 8 日參與 Wynne 的科技與風險治理研討會W13(12/14)爭議研究 II:Social World 取向Clarke, E. Adele and Susa

21、n Leigh Star. 2007. “Social Worlds/Arena Analysis: A Theory/Method Package.” In The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Third Edition, eds. Edward J. Hackett, Olga Amsterdamska, Michael Lynch and Judy Wajcman. Cambridge: MIT Pres.Clarke, E. Adele. 1993. “The Many Faces of RU486: Tales of Sit

22、uated Knowledges and Technological Contestations.” Science Technology and Human Values 18(1): 42-78.W14(12/21)科學知識生產與政治:以流行病學為例Shim, Janet K. 2002. “Understanding the Routinised Inclusion of Race, Socioeconomic Status, andSex in Epidemiology: The Utility of Concepts from Technoscience Studies.“ Soci

23、ology of Health and Illness 24(2): 129-50.林宜平,2006, 女人與水:由性別觀點分析 RCA 健康相關研究 , 女學學誌21 。吳嘉苓、曾嬿芬,2006, SARS 的風險治理:超越技術模型 , 台灣社會學11: 57-109。W15(12/28)科學知識生產與政治:實驗室檢測Pinch, Trevor. 1993. “Testing - One, Two, Three.Testing!: Towards a Sociology of Testing,“ Science, Technology and Human Values 18:25-41. O

24、udshoorn, Nelly. 1999. “On Masculinities, Technologies and Pain: The Testing of Male Contraceptives in the Clinic and the Media,” Science Technology and Human Values 24: 265-289 W16(1/4)科技與民主Irwin, Alan. 2007. “Scientific Governance and Democratic Engagement with Science and Technology.” In The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, Third Edition, eds. Edward J. Hackett, Olga Amsterdamska, Michael Lynch and Judy Wajcman. Cambridge: MIT Pres.5W17 (1/11) 期末報告


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