1、课程名称:国际商务英语(双语)课程编码:7042101课程学分:2 学分课程学时:32 学时适用专业:国际经济与贸易国际商务英语 (双语)(International Business English)教学大纲一、课程性质与任务国际商务英语(双语)是国际经济与贸易专业本科生的专业选修课,也是一门重要的专业技能深化课程。课程通过活动教学,模拟实际商务环境,介绍国际贸易与国际商务领域中的一些基本概念和知识,其重点在于通过本课程的学习促进学生对英文专业术语的掌握,并在运用商务专业英语进行沟通交流方面有所提高。同时,也为考取剑桥商务英语(BEC Vantage)证书作准备。Business Engli
2、sh is a basic course for college students majoring in international economics and trade. This lesson provides basic concept and knowledge of international business. The main purpose is to encourage students to learn necessary English terms and improve their ability to communicate with others in Engl
3、ish.二、教学基本内容及基本要求 Module 1 1、教学基本内容1.1 Ways of working 1.2 Making contacts1.3 Getting through1.4 Speaking skills: part one 2、教学基本要求了解:The principle of working and meeting people under different circumstances.理解:The appropriate topics of business talk and social talk.掌握:Words, phrases and sentence st
4、ructures used in making contacts; Communicate with people through telephone in different business situations. Module 21、教学基本内容2.1 Company benefit2.2 Presenting your company2.3 Management2.4 Reading skills: part five2.5 Writing skills: part one 2、教学基本要求了解:The principles of company organization and be
5、nefit.理解:How to ask questions about job.掌握:Words, phrases and sentence structures used in describing company history; discuss with your workmates about the working environment, company development and work arrangement.Module 31、教学基本内容3.1 Starting a business3.2 Leaving and taking messages3.3 Business
6、 Law3.4 Listening skills: part one3.5 Speaking skills: part two 2、教学基本要求了解:The types of business and legal terms.理解:How to start a business and obey the legal constraints.掌握:Words, phrases and sentence structures used in leaving and taking messages on the phone, dealing with legal problems in busine
7、ss.Module 41、教学基本内容4.1 Advertising4.2 Branding4.3 Delegating 4.4 Reading skills: part four4.5 Presenting your own product/service2、教学基本要求了解:The principles of making advertisement and branding.理解:Different means of advertisement, skills of branding. 掌握:Words, phrases and sentence structures used in d
8、esigning and presenting a marketing plan for your own products and services. Module 51、教学基本内容5.1 The workplace5.2 Participating in a meeting5.3 Solving Problems5.4 Reading skills: part three5.5 Speaking skills: part three2、教学基本要求了解:The principles of dealing with problems in business situation.理解:How
9、 to face the crisis, how to prepare and participate in a meeting.掌握:Words, phrases and sentence structures used in dealing with problems; Capable of correct mistakes and handling crisis.Module 61、教学基本内容6.1 Recruitment6.2 Emailing6.3 Simulation of Job application and interview 6.4 Reading skills: par
10、t two2、教学基本要求了解:The characteristics of a resume and job application letter; the principle of writing emails.理解:The preparation of a job interview .掌握:Words, phrases and sentence structures used in job application and interview.Module 71、教学基本内容7.1 Sales7.2 Selling7.3 Showing youre listening7.4 Readin
11、g skills: part one 7.5 Writing skills: part two2、教学基本要求了解:The characteristics and importance of sales and marketing.理解:The characteristics of different means of selling.掌握:Words, phrases and sentence structures used in market research and analysis; Capable of conducting marketing activities and mark
12、et analysis.Module 81、教学基本内容8.1 Ethical economics8.2 Training8.3 Handling questions8.4 Presentation2、教学基本要求了解:The characteristics and importance of ethical economics.理解:The characteristics of different means of training.掌握:Words, phrases and sentence structures used in economic ethics ; Capable of a
13、sking and answering questions during training.三、本课程与其它相关课程的联系与分工先修课:国际贸易导论 、 国际贸易实务 、 宏观经济学 、 大学英语。The characteristic of this course is a combination of English and core courses of Business major. The pre-required courses include International Trade, Macro Economics and International Trade Practices
14、 as well as College English.四、实践性教学内容的安排与要求本课程的实践内容为讨论课或讲座。讨论课要求学生分为 3-5 人小组,就一个课题进行充分准备,做成 PPT,在课堂上进行演讲,回答其他同学和教师的提问,课后据此完成报告并提交。讲座将邀请国内外教授进行专题报告,要求学生听完讲座之后提交报告一份。The practical parts of this course include class discussions and seminars. During the discussion class, students are divided into groups
15、 of 3 to 5 to prepare a presentation, answer questions from the classmates and teacher, finish and hand in a report after class. Seminars will be given by professors domestic and overseas and the students are required to hand in a report after the seminar.五、课程各教学环节和各篇章(节)学时分配章节 内容 总学时 讲授学时实验学时(或上机、讨
16、论)Module 1 Making contacts 4 4Module 2 Presenting your company 4 4Module 3 Starting a business 4 4Module 4 Advertising 4 2 2Module 5 Solving Problems 4 4Module 6 Recruitment 4 2 2Module 7 Sales 4 4Module 8 Ethical economics 4 4合计 32 28 4六、本课程采用的教学方法和教学手段本课程使用电脑多媒体投影仪进行现代化手段的教学。将课堂讲授与课堂练习及课外阅读写作相结合,引
17、导学生主动积极学习。七、本课程课外练习要求课内外学时比为 1:1。作业包括对各章节的预习和复习;和课程对接的剑桥商务英语考试(BEC Vantage)的真题和模拟练习;为课堂讨论而准备的演讲和报告。八、教材及教学参考资料教材:John Hughs, 新编剑桥商务英语(中级) ,经济科学出版社, 2008 年教学参考资料:Leo Jones , 剑桥国际商务英语 ,华夏出版社,2001 年Guy Brook-Hart 剑桥标准商务英语教程,西安交通大学出版社,2008 年Economist 、 Times等杂志九、本课程的考核方法及成绩评定标准课程考核方法:平时与期末闭卷考试相结合。成绩评定标准:总评成绩以百分制计算,由平时成绩和期末考试成绩两部分组成。平时成绩占 50%,包括作业和课堂表现两部分;期末考试成绩占50%。 十、其它问题的说明无大纲撰写人: 白小伟大纲审阅人: 姜延书系负责人: 丁娟娟学院负责人: 孙道银制定(修订)日期: 2013 年 3 月