单击此处编辑母版标题样式 单击此处编辑母版副标题样式 marois( 毛利人) New Zealand( 新西兰) native( 土著)Culture of New Zealand:Maori 1,The Maori are the native people living in the New Zealand and comprise about 14 percent of the countrys population. 2,The Maori first arrived here in voyaging canoes from their ancestral homeland of Hawaiki( 哈 瓦基) over 1000 years ago.1 ,Skin:Alittlebrown 2 ,theirbodyisbrawny 3 ,thereareallkindsoftattoo (刺青)ontheirbodiesorfaces 4 ,whentheydance,themanisnakedonlywithagrassskirt( 草 裙) ,butthewomanoft