1、华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划125通信工程专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Telecommunication Engineering一、培养目标Educational Objectives培养德、智、体全面发展,具有电子信息领域里系统、扎 实的理论基础,知 识结构合理,具有创新能力和国际竞争力的高素质的科技人才。本专业的学生在信息的获取、 传递、 处理及应用等方面具有 较宽广的专业知识、掌握现代通信工程中通信系统和通信网络的基本原理和技术并具有较强的工程实践能力,具备设计、开 发各种通信系统和信息处理的能力。要求本 专业 的学生
2、具有较强的英语语 言能力、良好的人文素 质和创新精神,并在电子、通信、计算机、自动化、 电 子信息、光信息和信息 传 感专业领域中的一个或两个方向具有特色。毕业生能在信息和通信技术产业,科研部 门,高等院校及其相关领域从事通信工程、信息科学与技 术的研究、设计、集成及开发等方面工作的高 级研究型及应用型人才。The program is designed to provide a thorough grounding in the theoretical principles and knowledge of information retrieval, its transfer, its p
3、rocessing and application in the field of electronics and information. It remains committed to systematic education as an education for high-level researchers and doers, who have particular interests in the area of electron, communication, computer, automation, optical information and information se
4、nsing. Students with good command of English and personality of innovation can prepare for any professional role they might choose research, design, integration, practice in information technology industries, research institutes, universities, the professions and other community groups.二、基本规格要求Skill
5、s Profile毕业生应获得以下几个方面的知识和能力:1具有较扎实的数理基础;2掌握信息科学的基本理论和方法,了解信息学科的发展 动态和理论前沿;3具有研究解决信息学科领域理 论和实际问题的能力;4具有较强的英语语言能力;5掌握文献检索、资料查询的方法和撰写科学论文的能力;6具有较好的人文社科知识和人文素 质,以及 较强的协调 、组织能力;7具有较强的创新精神。Students are expected to gain the following:1Sound grounding in both mathematics and physics;2Principles of informati
6、on science, electronics and computer science;3Skills in research and problem solving;4Skills to understand the development and trend in the discipline;5Skills to use English language;6Ability to do documentary search, data query and thesis writing;7Attainment in humanities and art, cooperative and o
7、rganizational skills;8Sense of creation and innovation.华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划126三、培养特色Program Features以电子技术、信号处理为基础 ,信息系 统设计及应用为方向,具有扎实的、宽广的理论基础,具有较强的工程实践和创新能力。修完学科大 类平台课程后,可选择攻读电子、通信、 计算机、自 动化、电子信息、光信息和信息传感领 域中的一个或两个专业。Our characteristic is based on circuits and signal processing and heading at communica
8、tion systems design and application. Students have not only solid and broad theoretic fundamentals, but also ability of practice and innovation. After the learning of basic courses in disciplines, students may major in one or two fields like electronic and information, telecommunication, computer sc
9、ience, automation, optical information and information sensing.四、主干学科Major Disciplines信息与通信工程Information and Telecommunication Engineering五、学制与学位Length of Schooling and Degree学制:四年制 Length of Schooling: Four years授予学位:工学学士 Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering六、学时与学分Hours/Credits完成学业最低课内学分(含课程体
10、系与集中性实践教学环节)要求:199.5Minimum Credits of Curricular (Comprising course system and intensified internship practical training): 199.5完成学业最低课外学分要求:5Minimum Extracurricular Credits: 51. 课程体系学时与学分Hours/Credits of Course System课程类别 课程性质 学时/学分 占课程体系学分比例()必修 1248/74 43.7通识教育基础课程选修 160/10 5.9学科大类基础课程 必修 608/38
11、 22.4学科基础课程 学科专业基础课程 必修 520/32.5 19.2公共专业选修课程 必修 80/5.0 3.0专业课程 专业方向课程 选修 160/10.0 5.8合计 2776/169.5 100Course Classified Course Nature Hrs/Crs Percentage (%)Required 1248/74 43.7Basic Courses in General EducationElective 160/10 5.9Basic Courses in General Discipline Required 600/37.5 22.4Basic Cours
12、es in Discipline Basic Courses in Discipline Required 520/32.5 19.2Common Specialty- Elective Courses Required 80/5.0 3.0Courses in Specialty Specialty-Oriented Courses Elective 160/10.0 5.8华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划127Total 2776/169.5 1002. 集中性实践教学环节周数与学分Weeks/Credits of Intensified Internship and Practical
13、Training实践教学环节名称 课程性质 周数/学分 占实践教学环节学分比例()军事训练 必修 2/2 6.7电工实习 必修 2/2 6.7生产实习(社会实践) 必修 2/2 6.7微电子器件课程设计 必修 2/2 6.7软件课程设计 必修 2/2 6.7硬件课程设计 必修 2/2 6.7专业方向课程设计 必修 2/2 6.7毕业设计 必修 16/16 53.1合计 30/30 100Internship Membership of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist
14、Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province2CET-6 Students whose Band-6 exam scores accord our requirements 2National Computer RankExaminationWin certificate of Band-2 or higher 2Win certificate of programmer 2Win certificate of Advanced Programmer 32Examinations in English and ComputerNational Computer
15、Software Qualification Win certificate of System Analyst 4Win first prize 3Win second prize 2University LevelWin third prize 1Win first prize 4Win second prize 3Provincial LevelWin third prize 2Win first prize 6Win second prize 43 CompetitionsNational LevelWin third prize 34 Thesis Those whose thesi
16、s appears in national publications Per piece 235 Scientific ResearchDepending on both the time spent in and ability demonstrated in scientific research project Each item 136 Experiments Depending on innovative extent Each item 13Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third
17、 to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level.七、主要课程Main Courses in Specialty电路理论 Circuit Theory、模 拟电子技术 Analog Electronics、数字电路与逻辑设计 Digital Circuit and Logic Design、通信电子线路 Electronic Ci
18、rcuits of Communication、数据结构 Data Structure、信号与线性系统 Signal and Linear System、随机过程 Stochastic Process、数字信号 处理 Digital Signal Processing、微机原理 Principle of Microcomputer、电磁场与 电磁波 Electromagnetic Field and Wave、基础信息论 Basics of Fundamental Informatics、通信原理 Principles of Communication 华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划129八
19、、主要实践教学环节(含专业实验)Main Internship and Practical Training (Including experiments)电子线路设计测试实验 Electronic Circuitry Design, Test and Experiments、微机原理 实验 Experiment of Microcomputer Principle、软件课程设计 Course Project of Software、硬件 课程设计Course Project of Hardware九、教学进程计划表Table of Teaching Schedule院(系):电子与信息工程系
20、 专业:通信工程School (Department): Department of Electronics and Information Engineering Specialty: Telecommunications Engineering其中Including各学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-Fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六
21、6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0301901思想道德修养与法律基础Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law 48/3 12 36必 修Required 0100721中国近现代史纲要Survey of Modern Chinese History 32/2 8 24必 修Required 0100881马克思主义基本原理Basic Theory of Marxism 48/3 12 36必 修Required 0100931思政课社会实践Social Practice of Ideological and Political Theories
22、Course32/2 28 4必 修Required 0100321毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论General Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics64/4 64必 修Required 0100741形势与政策Current Affairs and Policy 32/2 14 3 3 3 3 3 3必 修Required 0510071中国语文Chinese 32/2 32必 修Required 0500015大学英语(一)College Engli
23、sh () 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0500017大学英语(二)College English () 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0500019大学英语(三)College English () 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0503019大学英语(四)College English () 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0400111大学体育(一)Physical Education() 32/1 32通识教育基础课程GeneralEducationCourses必 修Required 0400121大学体育(二)Physical Edu
24、cation() 32/1 32华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划130续表其中Including各学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-Fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0400131大学体育(三)Physical Education() 32/1 32必 修Required 0400141大学体
25、育(四)Physical Education() 32/1 32必 修Required 1200011军事理论Military Theory 16/1 16必 修Required 0700011微积分(一)上Calculus() 88/5.5 88必 修Required 0700012微积分(一)下Calculus() 88/5.5 88必 修Required 0700031大学物理(一)Physics() 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0700032大学物理(二)Physics() 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0700041物理实验(一)Physical Exper
26、iments() 32/2 32 32必 修Required 0700042物理实验(二)Physical Experiments() 24/1.5 24 24必 修Required 0700051线性代数(一)Linear Algebra() 40/2.5 40必 修Required 0700071复变函数与积分变换Complex Function and Integral Transform 40/2.5 40必 修Required 0700063概率论与数理统计 (三)Probability and Mathematics Statistics() 40/2.5 40必 修Require
27、d 0700081数理方程与特殊函数(一)Mathematics Physics Equations and Functions40/2.5 40必 修Required 0800171大学计算机基础Fundamentals of computer technology 32/2 12 32通识教育基础课程GeneralEducationCourses必 修Required 0810011C 语言程序设计Advanced Programming Language (C+) 56/3.5 20 56必 修Required 0801663工程制图(一)Engineering Graphics() 4
28、0/2.5 40必 修Required 0800441信息技术导论Introduction to Information Technologies 24/1.5 12 24必 修Required 0800113电路理论(三)Circuit Theory() 88/5.5 88必 修Required 0511901文献情报检索Retrieve Informatics from Literature 24/1.5 24华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划131续表其中Including各学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-Fied课程
29、性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0803051电路测试实验Circuit Measurement Experiments 32/2 32 32必 修Required 0800124模拟电子技术(二)Analog Electronics() 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0800155信号与线性系统Signal and Linear System 64/4 8
30、64必 修Required 0800773数字电路与逻辑设计(一)Digital Circuit and Logic Design() 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0815811电子线路设计测试实验(一)Electronic Circuitry Design, Test and Experiments()32/2 32 32必 修Required 0815821电子线路设计测试实验(二)Electronic Circuitry Design, Test and Experiments()32/2 32 32必 修Required 0800301微机原理 Principle of
31、Microcomputer 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0811161计算机网络技术及应用Computer Network 48/3 16 48学科大类基础课程BasicCoursesinGeneralDiscipline必 修Required 0810651微电子器件与 IC 设计Electronic Device Basic and IC Design 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0800412数据结构Data Structure 56/3.5 12 56必 修Required 0803071通信电子线路Electronic Circuits of Commun
32、ication 64/4 8 64必 修Required 0700034随机信号分析Stochastic Process 48/3 8 48必 修Required 0808041操作系统Operation System 48/3 8 48必 修Required 0800791微机原理实验Experiment of Microcomputer Principle 32/2 32 32必 修Required 0800252电磁场与电磁波Electromagnetic Field and Wave 40/2.5 40必 修Required 0800161数字信号处理Digital Signal Pr
33、ocessing 48/3 48必 修Required 0800511基础信息论Basics of Fundamental Information 32/2 32学科基础课程学科专业基础BasicCoursesinDiscipline必 修Required 0821341嵌入式系统原理与设计Principle and Design of Embedded System 32/2 32续表华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划132其中Including各学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-Fied课程性质CourseNature课程
34、代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th必 修Required 0800431通信原理Principles of Communication 64/4 8 64必 修Required 0803081微波技术基础Fundamentals of Microwave Engineering 56/3.5 8 56专业方向选修课程组 80/5.5选 修Elective 0840251 专业方向及其选课讲座 8/0.5 8选 修Elective
35、 0800502高级程序设计Advanced Programming 32/2 32 32选 修Elective 0800234数据库Database System 32/2 32 32选 修Elective 0803172软件工程Software Engineering 32/2 32 32选 修Elective 0809961虚拟仪器技术及应用Virtual Technology and Application 32/2 32 32选 修Elective 0803231传感器技术及应用Sensing Technology and Application 32/2 32 32选 修Elect
36、ive 0809891Java 语言程序设计JAVA Language Programming 32/2 16 32 32选 修Elective 0810261可靠性技术基础Fundamentals of Reliability Technique 32/2 32 32选 修Elective 0821351ARM 处理器及应用ARM Processor and Application 32/2 32 32选 修Elective 0821361Altera 可编程片上系统及应用Altera SOPC and Application 32/2 32 32选 修Elective 0821371Xil
37、inx FPGA 及应用Xilinx FPGA and Application 32/2 32 32选 修Elective 0821381MSP430 单 片机及应用MSP430 Microcontroller and Application 32/2 32 32选 修Elective 0821391Freescale 单片机及 应用Freescale Microcontroller and Application 32/2 32 32选 修Elective 08214018051 系列单片机原理及应用8051 Microcontroller Principle and Application
38、 32/2 32 32选 修Elective 0803151DSP 处理器及应用Digital Signal Processors and their Application32/2 32 32专业课程专业方向CoursesinSpecialtydirection选 修Elective 0821411嵌入式 Linux 软件 设计Embedded Linux Software Design 32/2 32 32续表华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划133其中Including各学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-Fied课程性质
39、CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th选 修Elective 0821421WinCE 软件设计WinCE Software Design 32/2 32 32选 修Elective 0833041信号检测与估计Signal Detection and Estimation 40/2.5 40选 修Elective 0833051现代信号处理Advanced Signal Processing 40/2.
40、5 40选 修Elective 0830041光纤通信基础Fundamentals of Fiber-optic Communication 32/2 32专业方向选修课程组(2 组选 1 组)Electives in Specialty 160/10课程组 A(通信网络 与交换方向)Limited Electives in Specialty A 160/10选 修Elective 0803183现代通信网Modern Communication Network 40/2.5 40选 修Elective 0810591现代通信网实验Modern Communication Network E
41、xpeniments16/1 16 16选 修Elective 0809841TCP/IP 网络原理与应用Principle and Application of TCP/IP Network40/2.5 40选 修Elective 0809921计算机网络安全Security of Computer Network 40/2.5 40选 修Elective 0833151无线传感网络Wireless Sensor Networks 32/2 32选 修Elective 0810291电子商务概论Introduction to Electronic Business 40/2.5 40选 修E
42、lective 0840261互联网技术及新应用Selected Topics on Internet Technologyand New Applications16/1 16课程组 B(无线通信方向)Limited Electives in Specialty B 160/10选 修Elective 0803221电波与天线Antenna and Radio Wave Propagation 32/2 32选 修Elective 0840271空间通信Space Communication 32/2 32选 修Elective 0809831射频电路设计与仿真Design and Simu
43、lation of Radio-frequency Circuits32/2 32 32专业课程专业方向CoursesinSpecialtydirection选 修Elective 0840281移动通信原理与技术Theory and Technology on MobileCommunicaion32/2 32续表华中科技大学本科专业人才培养计划134其中Including各学期学时Hours Distributionin a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-Fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/
44、Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th选 修Elective 0840291移动通信系统仿真与实验Simulation and Experiment of MobileSystems32/2 32选 修Elective 0803111锁相技术Phase-Locked Technique 32/2 32选 修Elective 0840301移动通信协议与仿真Simulation on Protocol of Mobile Systems 32/2 32选 修Elective 0833131纠错编码Erro
45、r-Correction Coding Technique 32/2 32选 修Elective 0840311通信前沿讲座Lectures on the Frontier of Communication 16/1 16必 修Required 1300012军事训练Military Training 2w/2 2w必 修Required 1300032电工实习Electrical Engineering Practice 2w/2 2w必 修Required 1300083生产实习Engineering Internship 2w/2 2w必 修Required 1327382微电子器件课程
46、设计Electronic Device Basic Course design 2w/2 2w必 修Required 1300402软件课程设计Course Project of Software 2w/2 2w必 修Required 1300292硬件课程设计Course Project of Hardware 2w/2 2w必 修Required 1325021专业方向课程设计Specialty-Oriented Course Project 2w/2 2w实践环节InternshipandPracticalTraining必 修Required 1300066毕业设计(论文)Undergraduate Thesis 16w/1616w