川菜 Sichuan Cuisineo o Sichuan food has a long history . As one of our eight Sichuan food has a long history . As one of our eight regional cuisines regional cuisines , , Sichuan cuisine occupies an Sichuan cuisine occupies an important position in the history. o 四川菜有着悠久的历史。是我国的八大菜系之 一, 川菜在饮食的发展史上占有重要地位。o The birthplace of sichuan food are the ancient Ba and Shu States. o 四川菜的发源地是古老的巴和蜀 o Sichuan cuisine is based in Chengdu, Chongqing, represented by two local dishes o 川菜是建立在成都、重庆、所代表的两个地 方美食o Ex