1、模糊模型規則庫自動建立之演算法 An improved approach to automatically build fuzzy model rules 王乃堅 (Nai-Jian Wang)台灣科技大學電機系中華民國九十年十月二十日地點:政大經濟系1Outlinew Motivationsw The concept of system identificationw The improved algorithmw Simulations and Discussionsw Conclusions and Future Works2MotivationwOnly I/O datawModel
2、constructionwI/O relationwModification3The concept of system identificationStructure Identification Ia: Input candidatesb: Input variablesStructure Identification IIa: Number of rulesb: Partition of input spaceParameter Identification4Takagi and Sugenos model5Sugeno and Yasukawas model6Fuzzy modeling7To decide the number of rules 8Fuzzy C-means clustering9To determine the number of rules10