1、2017 年亚洲国家中医药养生保健文化官员研修班项目简介表项目全称 2017 年亚洲国家中医药养生保健文化官员研修班承办单位 中国中医科学院西苑医院举办时间 2017 年 6 月 7 日至 7 月 6 日 授课语言 英语邀请范围 亚洲发展中国家医学领域相关人员计划人数 共 30 人 年龄要求 司局级人员年龄不超过 50 岁;处级人员不超过 45 岁身体健康状况要求身体健康,并提供当地公立医院出具的健康证明或体检表,无中国法律法规禁止入境的疾病,无严重高血压、心脑血管疾病、糖尿病等其他严重慢性疾病、精神性疾病或者有可能对公共卫生造成重大危害的传染病,非重大手术后恢复期及急性病发作期,非肢体严重残
2、疾,非孕期授课语言要求 英语听、说、读、写能力满足授课要求学员要求其 它 中国政府不承担学员在华期间携带配偶或亲友的来华费用举办地点 北京市 举办地天气状况 28-35 参观考察城市 上海市,江苏省南京市 考察地天气状况 上海市:28-35南京市:28-35备注 无项目联系人 王晶(女士)办公电话 0086-10-62835012手 机 0086-18301029657传 真 0086-10-62883495承办单位联系方式E-mail 承办单位简介中国中医科学院西苑医院成立于 1955 年,是新中国成立后由中央政府建设的第一所大型综合性三级甲等中医医院。西苑医院是全国示范中医医院和北京市基本
3、医疗保险定点医疗机构,还是世界卫生组织传统医学合作中心之一。医院心血管科、血液科,老年病科、脾胃病科(消化科) 、肺病科(呼吸科)以及肿瘤科是国家中医药管理局重点专科。西苑医院目前拥有 28 位享受国家特殊津贴的著名专家;主任医师、副主任医师 180 人。医院设有 18 个研究室、18 个病区及 54个临床科室,开放病床 569 张,日均门、急诊量 7000 余人次,年出院人数 14000 余人。医院配备了 DSA、MRI、ECT、多层螺旋CT、流式细胞仪等大型设备,并设有急诊科、百级无菌间、血透室、介入中心、CCU、ICU 等急危重症的医疗救治中心。近年来,西苑医院获得各级科研成果奖 180
4、 余项,转让各种新药 50 余种,其中胃疡宁已转让到日本,并在日本正式上市。医院拥有 4 个国家三级实验室和 3 个局级重点学科,并承担国家部局级课题 100 余项,与国内外 100 多家科研研究机构建立了良好的科研协作关系。西苑医院现有博士生导师 30 人、硕士生导师 74 人、博士后流动工作站两个,共培养研究生 200 余人,博士后工作出站 18 名;共举办 15 期西学中班,培养出中西医结合学术骨干 600 余人。西苑医院共接待世界近百个国家和地区的参观访问团体千余个,每年为外宾治病几百人次,接收世界各地中医短期培训以及 WHO学员培训生数百人。项目内容介绍受中华人民共和国商务部委托,此
5、次中医药研修项目将充分有效地开展多层次多角度的援外医疗合作项目,向来华培训的发展中国家医疗人员介绍中医基础理论知识、中医药的诊断治疗方法、中医针灸临床应用及疗效、优势病种特色疗法,以及中医药发展现状等方面的研究成果。此次研修班旨在通过相互交流研讨,促进中国与发展中国家的传统友谊和在经贸及其他领域的合作,促进发展中国家的人力资源开发和经济社会发展。研修班的主要活动包括专题讲座、座谈交流、参观考察等。主要课程为:中医基本理论及诊断方法介绍、中药及方剂介绍、中医应用技术、中医药的临床应用等。Project DescriptionName 2017 Seminar on Traditional Chi
6、nese Medicine Health-care for Asian CountriesOrganizer Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical SciencesTime 2017-06-07 to 2017-07-06 Language EnglishInvited Countries Relevant personnel in the medical industry of Asian Developing CountriesNumber of Participants 30 personsAge Under 45 for
7、 officials at or under directors level; under 50 for officials at director generals level.HealthIn good health with health certificate issued by the local public hospitals; without diseases with which entry to China is disallowed by Chinas laws and regulations; without severe chronic diseases such a
8、s serious high blood pressure, cardiovascular/cerebrovascular diseases and diabetes; without metal diseases or epidemic diseases that are likely to cause serious threat to public health; not in the process of recovering after a major operation or in the process of acute diseases; not seriously disab
9、led or pregnant.Language Capable of listening, speaking, reading and writing in EnglishRequirements for the ParticipantsothersChinese government shall not bear the expenses of participants family members and friends visit to China during his/her stay in ChinaHost City Beijing Local Temperature 28-35
10、Cities to visit Shanghai, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province Local Temperature Shanghai: 28- 35Nanjing: 28- 35NotesContact Person(s) Wang JingTelephone 0086-10-62835012Cell 0086-18301029657Fax 0086-10-62883495Contact oftheOrganizerE-mail About the Organizer Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical
11、 Sciences, founded in 1955, was designated as the first AAA-grade TCM hospital by the government. As a national model TCM hospital and medical Insurance-designated hospital, Xiyuan Hospital is a part of International Collaborating Center for Traditional Medicine of the World Health Organization (WHO
12、). It includes national TCM Therapeutic Centers of Cardiology, Hematology, Gerontology, Oncology, Digestive Diseases and Respiratory Diseases.At present, the Hospital has 28 national outstand experts; 180 professors and vice professors; 18 research centers; 54 clinical departments; 18 ward regions w
13、ith 569 beds in Inpatient. The daily outpatients reach more than 7000 people, and more than 14,000 inpatients were out of hospital every year. The Hospital is equipped with advanced modern facilities including German Doly Dorsos DSA device, MRI, ECT, spiral CT, ELIPE-flow cytometer, and constructed
14、with emergency room, clean BMT room, hemodialysis room, interventional center, CCU and ICU in inpatient building.In recent years, the Hospital has awarded more than 180 researching prizes by the State and Minister. More than 50 achievements have already been transferred to domestic/foreign factories
15、, including Wei Yang Ning which technique has successfully been transferred to Japan. The Hospital includes four national AAA-grade laboratories and three Ministers TCM key departments. Besides, we have made co-operations with more than 100 scientific research institutions for undertaking more than
16、100 research projects from the State, the Ministry and China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences.At present, the Hospital has 2 academicians; 74 supervisors for postgraduate of Master and 30 for Doctors; 2 postdoctoral workstations. We trained more than 200 postgraduates and 18 postdoctoral, and hel
17、d 15 TCM training courses with more than 600 professionals for doctors of Western Medicine.Since 1955, the Hospital has received more than 1000 foreign students or doctors from more than 100 countries and regions.Seminar ContentThis TCM training program, is authorized by the Ministry of the Commerce
18、 of the Peoples Republic of China, will carry out the TCM foreign aid projects fully and effectively. The physicians in developing countries can get a general idea about the national TCM research achievements in the fields of: 1) basic theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine; 2) diagnosis and treatme
19、nt of TCM Acupuncture; 3) clinical application and efficiency; 4) characteristics of TCM for treating special diseases; 5) the status of Traditional Chinese Medicine.The training program aim at teaching managerial experience and practical techniques, promoting the traditional friendship and cooperat
20、ion in fields like economy and trade between China and other developing countries and meanwhile accelerating human resource development and economic social progress in those countries. The training program covers a wide range of activities including lectures, discussions, field trips, and practice. Main Courses: basic theory and diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine; Chinese herbs and prescription; clinical techniques of traditional Chinese medicine; clinical application of traditional Chinese medicine, etc.