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1、12018 高一期末复习 Module 3 Unit 1 随堂练习 一、单词拼写1.The truth is that it is too (有雾的) for the bus to run that far.2.She heard the sound of footsteps (靠近).3.Keep calm. Do not (恐慌)4.The (士兵) are asleep while a guard watches for the enemy.5.The law is the law, and you cannot i_ a red light even though your actio

2、ns have no effect on others.6.With the midterm examination a_, the students are working harder and harder.7.The tall man was _(到处都不) to be seen.8.The farmers are harvesting their crops in the sun, or more exactly, they are _ (流汗) through their work. 9.He is standing in front of the window and _ (盯着看

3、) at the rain pouring down.10 .This ring, which my mother left to me, is my most valuable piece of j_.11 .The driver i_ (不理会 ) the traffic lights and had an accident.12. Soon a team of 200 v_ arrived in the area to help the wounded, sick and helpless without any pay.13 .The little boy held his mothe

4、rs hand f_ when crossing the street.14 .With Tomb-Sweeping Day a _, every one becomes exciting. 15 .Parents were a_ about the children when they didnt come back from school. 16 .I r_ his voice on the phone although he tried to pretend. 二、短语1.毫不犹豫地 _2.天气)放晴 _3.如释重负地 _4.对好奇 _5.由于害怕一动不动_6.有可能做某事 _7.与相反

5、 _8.对担心/忧虑_9.感激某人 _10.吸引某人的注意力_11.把误认为 _12.重视 _13.做某事的方法 _14.要求某人做某事_15.在能够到的范围内_16.动身出发 _17.密切注视 _18.留心,小心 _三、完成句子1. 他盯着那幅画看了很长时间以至于开始感到困了。He _ up _ the painting for so long that she began to feel sleepy.2. 尽管那个男人已经走了,她仍然能够感到自己的心脏因害怕而跳动。Although the man had moved away, he could still feel her heart

6、 _ with _.3. 等她到了街道拐角处,脚步声消失了。_ _ _ she reached the corner of the street, the footsteps were _.4. 我能回报人们给予我的帮助,这使我很高兴。_ I can _ _ the help people give me makes me happy.5. 科学家所感兴趣的是嗅觉是否与疼痛有关。Scientists are interested in _ the _ of smell is _ to pain.6. 他取得巨大进步的原因是他能充分利用时间。The reason _ he has made gr

7、eat _ is that he can make the _ of his time. 7 .Mr Thomas was anxious at hearing the bad news, but he soon _ _. (冷静)8 .他有可能通过这次考试。She is (83)_ (84)_ pass the exam.29. 现在为这件事苦恼是没有意义的。There is no (81)_ (82)_ getting upset about it now.10._ the risk (降低)of a shark attack, you should follow these sugges

8、tions. 11.父母亲总是让他们的孩子当心陌生人。 Parents always ask their children to _for the strangers.四、单项选择1. Tom was _ to win the 100-metre hurdles, but he fell to the ground and missed the chance.A. possible B. probable C. likely D. maybe2. Line A is _ as Line B.A. as twice B. twice longer C. twice long as D. twic

9、e as long3. A blind person like me cant _ the road without help, except in a fog like this.A. get over B. get through C. get down D. get across4. am really very sorry, sir. I have read the material for a long time but it doesnt make any _ to me.A. sense B. importance C. meaning D. benefit5. I dont t

10、hink your lecture _ the audience, for they appeared quite puzzled.A. got across to B. got around to C. got away from D. got along with6. They are not _ to give up the chance to take part in the international book fair.A. likely B. possible C. probable D. maybe7. Some people fear that _ air pollution

11、 may bring about changes in _ weather around the world. A. /; the B. the; / C. an; the D. the; a8. _ in the regulations(规定) that you should not tell other people the password of youre-mail account.A. What is required B. What requires C. it requires D. It is required9. I have the same opinion as your

12、s about _ the privacy of ones life should be kept secret.A. whether B. what C. which D. when10. That it keeps raining cats and dogs _ the tourists.A. worry B. worried C. worries D. worrying11. It is not immediately clear _ the financial crisis will soon be over.A. since B. what C. when D. whether12.

13、The reason _ he refused to attend the meeting was that they didnt give him an invitation earlier.A. how B. which C. why D. because13.The news _our athletes won another gold medal was reported in yesterdays newspaper.A. which B. whether C. what D. that14 Luckily, wed brought a road map, without _ we

14、would have got lost. A. it B. that C. this D. which15. It was at the crossroads _ I met one of my classmates _ I had not seen for ages.A. where, that B. where, which C. that, that D. that, which16. . _ the mans rude behavior cost him his job, he was still in high spirits.A. As B. Despite C. Because

15、D. While17 Professor Wang, _great archaeologist, was made _head of our expedition last month. A a; a B the ; the C /; / D a; /32018 高一期末复习 Module 3 Unit 2 随堂练习 一、单词拼写1. You can do a lot of reading to enlarge/increase/widen your v . 2. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his great c to physics.3

16、. The police came to the c that the accident was caused by human error.4. Women, in general, tend to be more concerned than men about their own personal a . 5. As a green hand, he lacks p experience.6. Some people cant d right from wrong.7. I felt e by the joke he played on me.8. The school b the st

17、udents from smoking on campus.9. It cant have been my car. You must be m .10. I find it difficult c having a career with looking after children. 11. The enemy o the city.12. Every persons fingerprints are u . 13. The only a to the farm house is across the fields.14. It rained hard, and t the game wa

18、s put off.15. The o language of Hong Kong are Chinese and English.16. I dont like the leading c in the novel. 17. She smiled to me, i _that she had seen me.18. It is easy for us to understand the s_ Chinese characters.19. Its believed that teachers will never be r_ by computers in the future.20. The

19、 medical team c _ of five doctors and ten nurses.二、词性变化1. conclusion-_(v.) 2. distinction-_(v.)3. simple- _(v.) 4. press-_(n.)5. embarrass-_(n.) 6. race-_(adj.)7. mix-_(n.) 8. indicate-_(n.)9. practice-_(adj.) 10. mistake-_(adj.)11. appear-_(n.) 12. contribute-_(n.)13.interrupt-_(n.) 14.differ-_(n.)

20、_(adj.) 15.convenient-_(反义词)_(n.)三、单选1. A: Nancy is not coming tonight. B: But she _!A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised2. The story of the group traveling in the desert was _ we had never heard before.A. that B. it C. one D. the one3. There are ten workers there, seven men worke

21、rs _.A. including B. included C. containing D. contained4. The water of the river _ by two feet last night.A. raised B. was raised C. rose D. was risen5. The service industry _ two thirds of the income of the country.A. is made of B. is made up of C. makes of D. makes up6. Through their hard work, p

22、eople of Atlanta finally _ their fear and doubt caused by the war _ hope and faith.A. replaced; with B. replaced; for C. overcame; with D. overcame; for7. Mary smiled _ her mother did when she was her age.A. what B. that C. the way D. as though8. A: _ did you like his speech?B: Not bad, but I did no

23、t agree with _ he said.A. What; that B. How; everything C. Why; what D. How; anything9. -Are all telephone numbers_ in the directory? - Yes, all _ Janes.4A.listed;including B.listed;included C.including; includes D.being listed; being included10.In Britain today, women _44% of the workforce, and nea

24、rly half the mothers with children are in paid work. A. take up B. make up C. pick up D. give up 11.In the supermarket foreign names of the products got _, and I was confused about what to buy.A. picked up B. showed up C. mixed up D. fixed up 12. _ it is for the sky divers to jump from a plane 10,00

25、0 feet high.A. What unusual experience B. How unusual experienceC. What an unusual experience D. How an unusual experience13. I dont know what the signal “X” _ on the road. Could you tell me? A. stands out B. refers to C. means D. stands for 14. Ill give you an answer _Ive finished reading your file

26、.A. immediately B. suddenly C. while D. on15. _is no use arguing with him about that.A. He B. It C. That D. This16. It is five oclock. Its time I _ to pick up my daughter.A. go B. am going C. went D. will go17. You cant imagine what difficulty we had _ home in the snowstorm. A. walked B. walk C. to

27、walk D. walking18.If you keep practicing your son in football, he _ to be a famous player .A. wants B. hopes C. wishes D. promises19. Peter is a person hard to _.A. get on B. get along C. get along with D. get with20.For all these years I have been working for others. Im hoping Ill _ my own business

28、 someday.A. turn up B.fix up C. set up D. make up四、完成句子1.最大的贡献来自于讲法语的诺曼人,他们于 1066 年击败英格兰并控制了这个国家。_ _ _ _ was from the Normans, a _ people who defeated England and _ _ _ the country in 1066.2.然而,诺曼征服对英语的影响并不及约 600 年前盎格鲁人和撒克逊人的胜利对英语的影响,那场胜利导致古英语替代了凯尔特语。However, the Norman Conquest did not _ _ _ _ _ th

29、e Angles and the Saxons victory about 600 years earlier,_ _ _ Old English_ Celtic.3.有人抱乐观态度,认为这个过程是好的,而其他人则担心它会导致语言污染。Some people are _ and believe that _ _ _ _, _ others worry that it may _ _ _ _.4.汉语与西方语言不通,区别在于它不使用字母,而是用汉字表示思想,物体和行为。The Chinese language _ _ Western languages _ _, _ _ an alphabet,

30、 it uses characters which _ _ ideas, objects or deeds.5.虽然这些类型的汉字能够表达意义,但是它们的缺点之一是其字形不具有表音的功能。_ these kinds of characters _ _, one of their _ _ _ they do not show how they should be _.6.他的方法使用带小凸点的纸张,这些小凸点可以用手指感觉出来。His system used paper with_ _dots_ _ _ _ _ fingers.7.虽然学生们都觉得士兵的想法非常有趣,但这一方法太过复杂,并不实用

31、。_ the students _ the soldiers idea _, the system was _ _ _ be of _ _.8.从广义上讲,语言是传递信息的一种形式。Language, _ _ _ _, is _ _ information is expressed.9.现在,外来词的蔓延主要归因于因特网的便利使用以及来自世界各地的电视节目。Today, _ _ _ borrowed words is mostly _ _ the _ _ Internet and television programmes _ _ _ _.10.总而言之,我们需要了解一个国家的习俗,以便不让别

32、人尴尬或生气。_ _, we need to know the _ of a country _ _we do not make others _ or _. 5Module 3 Unit 1 复习训练单词拼写 略完成句子1 stared at 2 beating ; with 3 By the time; gone 4 That ; pay back 5 whether ; senses; related/linked 6 why; progress; use 7 calmed down 8 likely to 9 sense/point in 10 To reduce 11 watch o

33、ut 1-5 CDDAA 6-10 AADAC 11-15DCDDA DD Module 3 Unit 2 复习训练单词拼写1.vocabulary 2. contributions 3. conclusion 4. appearance 5. practical 6. distinguish7. embarrassed 8. banned 9. mistaken 10. combining 11. occupied 12. unique13. access 14. therefore 15. official 16. characters 17. indicating 18. simplif

34、ied19. replaced 20. consists词性变化1.conclude 2. distinguish 3. simplify 4. pressure 5. embarrassment 6. racial 7. mixture 8. indication9. practical 10. mistaken 11. appearance 12. contribution 13. interruption 14. difference; different15. inconvenient; convenience单选1-5 BDBCB 6-10 CCBAB 11-15 CCDAB 16-

35、20 CDDCC完成句子1The most important contribution/ French-speaking/ took control of2.affect English as much as/ which led to replacing3.Optimistic/ this process is good/ while result in language pollution4.Differs from/ in that/ instead of/ stand for5.Though/ indicate meanings/ shortcomings is that pronounced6.Small raised that could be felt with7.While/ found/ interesting/ too difficult to practical use8.In a broad sense/ the way9.The spread of/ due to/ easily accessed/ from across the world10.In conclusion customs so that/ embarrassed/ annoyed


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