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1、2018 年浙江省温州市中考真题英语一、单项填空(本题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)1.Will you go to_ school-leavers party tomorrow?Certainly. Im going with my parents.A. aB. anC. theD. /解析:句意:你明天会去参加离校生的派对吗?当然。我要和父母一起去。这里指的是“那个”离校生的派对,不是随便的某一个派对,是特指,故选定冠词 the,选 C。答案:C2. What was the _ of the football match last night?AC Milan won t

2、he game.A. valueB. resultC. choiceD. decision解析:句意:昨天晚上的足球比赛的结果是什么?AC 米兰赢得了比赛。从答句可以看出前者是在问比赛的结果,选项 A“价值”,选项 B“结果 ”,选项 C“选择”,选项 D“决定”,故选 B。答案:B3. The cheese cake_ so good that I cant wait to eat it.A. tastesB. feelsC. soundsD. smells解析:句意:这块奶酪蛋糕闻起来很好所以我迫不及待要吃了它。选项 A“尝起来”,选项B“摸起来”,选项 C“听起来”,选项 D“闻起来”

3、。 “sothat”是“如此以至于”,这里说蛋糕闻起来很香以至于我迫不及待要吃,说明一开始并没有吃,只是闻了闻。故选 D。答案:D4. Did you find the way to the new library?Sure. Mr. White gave me very _ directions.A. clearB. privateC. creativeD. common解析:具有:你找到通往新图书馆的路了吗?当然,怀特先生给了我很多明确的指导。选项 A“清晰的”,选项 B“私人的”,选项 C“有创意的” ,选项 D“普通的”。答句说找到了路,说明怀特先生提供的肯定是“清晰的,清楚的”方向,

4、故选 A。答案:A5. Betty kept silent at first _ soon she joined the other girls, chatting and laughing.A. soB. butC. orD. because解析:具有:贝蒂一开口就保持沉默,但是不久她就加入了其他女孩,一起聊天和笑。选项 A“所以”,选项 B“但是”,选项 C“或者” ,选项 D“因为。前半句中的贝蒂是沉默的,后来开始聊天,开始欢笑,说明有明显的转折关系,故选 B。答案:B6. Mrs. Smith showed the boys how to behave _ like a gentlem

5、an at the dinner table.A. happilyB. bravelyC. politelyD. differently解析:句意:史密斯夫人向男孩们展示了怎样像一个绅士一样礼貌地在餐桌上举止。选项A“开心地”,选项 B“勇敢地”,选项 C“礼貌地” ,选项 D“不同地”,这个副词是用来修饰动词“表现(behave) ”的,想要表达的是“像是一个绅士一样礼貌地举止”,故选 C。答案:C7. Ive ordered some flowers for grandma and they will arrive _ two hours.A. inB. afterC. overD. fo

6、r解析:句意:我已经给奶奶点了一些鲜花,它们会两个小时后会到的。 “in+一段时间”表示“一段时间以后” ,通常与一般将来时连用,这里是说买的花两个小时后就会到,选项 B “after + 一段时间 ”也可表示“在以后”,但通常不与一般将来时共同使用,通常与一般过去时连用,选项 C “over+一段时间” 表示“在一段时间里”,会与现在完成时连用,最后“for+一段时间”表示“ 持续了” ,通常作为时间状语与现在完成时连用,故选 A。点睛:看到句子中的一般将来时,就要迅速回忆起相关的时间状语,最典型的通常会有“in+ 答案:A8. Do you like rock music or light

7、 music? _. I like Beijing Opera.A. EitherB. NoneC. BothD. Neither解析:句意:你喜欢摇滚音乐还是轻音乐?两者都不喜欢,我喜欢京剧。选项 A“两者中的一者”,选项 B“一个也没有” ,选项 C“两者都”,选项 D“两个都不”。回答的人说自己喜欢京剧,说明对于摇滚和轻音乐都不喜欢,两者都不喜欢用“neither”,故选 D。答案:D9. Alices room is tidy, isnt it?Yes. She always _ her toys after playing with them.A. looks forB. puts

8、awayC. sweeps awayD. pays for解析:句意:爱丽丝的房间很整洁,不是吗?是。玩完玩具后,她总是把她的玩具收起来。选项 A“寻找” ,选项 B“收起来”,选项 C“扫掉”,选项 D“为支付”,她的房间整洁说明玩完玩具后,爱丽丝都收拾好了,故选 B。答案:B10. John _ so hard on his project that he didnt notice his mom enter the room.A. worksB. has workedC. was workingD. will work解析:选项 A“约翰在他的项目上工作得如此努力以至于他没有注意到他的妈

9、妈进入了房间。”“work hard”指的是 “工作努力”,这句话描述的事情发生在过去,表示的是他的妈妈进入房间的时候,当时他正在工作,所以没有注意到。需要使用过去进行时来表示过去某段时间内正在进行的动作,所以这里要用“was working”,故选 C。答案:C二、完形填空(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)It was a Sunday morning. Lori was busy writing in her book. Marilyn was drinking coffee and I was reading a newspaper. Suddenly, Lori lo

10、oked up and asked,“ Why are there more pictures of Lisa than there are of 11 ?“Lisa is our older daughter.I stared back, not understanding the 12 . Lori left the room. I looked at Marilyn, “Are there more pictures of Lisa than of Lori?“Ive never 13 them. I dont know,” replied Marilyn.“But 14 would L

11、ori ask such a question? “ I asked. After a few minutes of thought Marilyn said, “When Lisa was born, you were taking photos. You hardly went 15 without a camera. When Lori was born videos became 16 . You used a video camera to record nearly everything in our life. There must be hundreds of videos o

12、f Lori in the computer that Lori has 17 seen or doesnt remember.“Late that night, when we were alone, I turned on the computer and found the 18 about Lori.“What are you going to do?” Marilyn asked.“Her birthday is coming,“ I said, “Lets make an album for her as a gift. I dont know if the album will

13、answer her question, but at least shell know that we 19 enough to find her an answer.“Over the next few days, we secretly 20 all the videos. We watched and selected until we were 21 . Marilyn had them made into photos. When the photos were returned, we placed them into an album. When we looked at th

14、e album, all the sweet memories came 22 . We hoped it showed how 23 she was to us.On June 7, when passing Loris room to leave for work. I opened the door and slipped the album inside. Attached to it was a birthday card with a note 24 why her mother and I had put the album together.It was about eight

15、 oclock when my office telephone rang. I picked up the receiver. A tiny voice spoke, “I love you, Daddy,“ she said and disconnected. I knew our 25 had been received.11.A. himB. herC. meD. them解析:句意:为什么 Lisa 的照片比我的照片多?A. 他,B.她,C.我,D.他们。这句话是Lori 的发问,她想问为什么 Lisa 的照片比她自己的更多,从后面我的问题“Are there more pictur

16、es of Lisa than of Lori?”也能看得出 “我”也在问是不是 Lisa 的照片相比更多,再次印证了答案,故选 C。答案:C12.A. questionB. bookC. newspaperD. answer解析:句意:我瞪大了眼睛看回去,没有理解这个问题。A.问题,B.书,C.报纸,D.回答,前面是 Lori 问了一个问题,这里是说我没懂那个问题,故选 A。答案:A13.A. seenB. countedC. takenD. bought解析:句意:我从来没数过它们。A. 看见,B.数,C.拿,D.买。这里的“them”指的是“照片”,是说 Marilyn 从来没数过照片的

17、数量,故选 B。答案:B14.A. whereB. howC. whenD. why解析:句意:为什么 Lori 会问那样一个问题呢?A. 哪里, B.如何, C.什么时候, D.为什么。这里表示的是我的纳闷,我的疑问,对 Lori 的问题的不解,选择疑问词“why”提问原因,故选 D。答案:D15.A. anywhereB. everywhereC. somewhereD. nowhere解析:句意:不带照相机你几乎不会去任何地方。A. 任何地方,B.每个地方,C.某处,D.无处。这里是说“我” 去哪都带着照相机, “hardly”表示“几乎不”,我“几乎不会去任何地方(anywhere)

18、”,如果不带相机的话。故选 A。答案:A16.A. popularB. effectiveC. expensiveD. obvious解析:句意:Lori 出生的时候,录像变得很流行。A. 流行的,B.有效的,C.昂贵的,D.明显的。从后面的“几乎使用录像机拍下几乎任何东西”说明“录像是很流行的”,故选 A。答案:A17.A. everB. neverC. alreadyD. just解析:句意:电脑中一定有数百个 Lori 从未见过或记得的视频。A.永远,B.从未,C.已经,D.只是。这里是说“我”拍了太多的视频,所以电脑里视频很多,所以很多 Lori 肯定也从来没(never)见过,故选

19、B。答案:B18.A. emailsB. picturesC. newsD. videos解析:句意:那天晚上,当我们独自一人的时候,我打开电脑,发现了关于 Lori 的视频。A.电子邮件,B.图片,C.新闻, D.视频。前面说电脑里一定有很多关于 Lori 的视频,所以这里就是指我打开电脑看视频,故选 D。答案:D19.A. respectB. benefitC. careD. regret解析:句意:我不知道这本相册是否会回答她的问题,但至少她会知道我们很在意为她找到答案。A.尊重,B.受益,C.关心,D.遗憾。对于“回答 Lori 的问题”这件事“我”很看重,想做一个相册让她知道“我们”

20、其实还是很在乎(care)的。故选 C。 答案:C20.A. took upB. pointed outC. went throughD. handed in解析:句意:在接下来的几天里,我们秘密地回顾了所有的视频。A.拿起,B.指出,C.经历、回顾,D.递交。这里是说我们在为制作相册 /专辑做准备,视频很多,所以我需要“过”一遍,这里使用“go through” 来表达这个意思。故选 C。答案:C21.A. relaxedB. satisfiedC. activeD. lucky解析:句意:我们观看并选择,直到我们都满意。A. 放松的,B.满意的,C.积极的,D.幸运的。这里是说我们一直在挑

21、选,肯定要做到我们都满意为止,故选 B。 答案:B22.A. backB. downC. offD. on解析:句意:当我们看着这张专辑时,所有甜蜜的回忆都回来了。A.返回, B.向下, C.离开, D.在上。 “come back”指的是“ 回来了”,这里是说看到专辑,我们就会回忆起以前那些往事,那些回忆自然就“回来了”,故选 A。答案:A23.A. kindB. helpfulC. proudD. important解析:句意:我们希望它展示出她对我们是多么的重要。A.善良的,B. 有帮助的, C.骄傲的 ,D.重要的。 “it”在这里指“ 相册”, “she”指的是“Lori”,我们想通

22、过相册表达我们心中Lori 的重要性,故选 D。答案:D24.A. discussingB. comparingC. explainingD. importing解析:句意:一个生日卡片附在上面,卡片上面解释了为什么她的妈妈和我会做这部相册。A.讨论,B.比较,C.解释,D.进口。这里是用动词 ing 形式来做 note 的定语,描述这个卡片的功能,上面解释了我们做相册的原因,故选 C。答案:C25.A. messageB. prizeC. memoryD. view解析:句意:我知道我们的信息已经被传达过去了。A. 消息,B.奖,C.记忆,D.观点。最后 Lori 打电话过来表达了她对爸爸的

23、爱,说明“我” 的目的达到了,精心制作的相册被收到了,所以想要传达的爱的信息也被收到了,故选 A。答案:A三、阅读理解(本题有 15 小题,第 26-28 小题,每小题 1 分,第 29-39 小题,每小题 2 分,第 40 小题 5 分,共 30 分)阅读下面短文,客观题请从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。AOats are healthy food. Many families have them for breakfast. The following is the instructions of Golden Oats from America.26. To ma

24、ke three servings of oats, we need one cup of Golden Oats and _ cups of water.A. twoB. threeC. fiveD. six解析:句意:要制作三份燕麦,我们需要一杯金燕麦和三杯水。A.二 B.三 C.五 D.六。参照说明左上角的表格,第一列是“servings”(份数) ,第二列是 “金燕麦”,第三列是需要的“water”(水) ,所以得出三份燕麦需要一杯金燕麦和三杯水,故选 B。答案:B27. Both Oatmeal Cookies and Oatmeal Apple Crisp need _ .A. m

25、ilkB. eggsC. saltD. butter解析:句意:燕麦饼干和燕麦苹果脆片都需要黄油。A. 牛奶 B.鸡蛋 C.盐 D.黄油。通过对比图右侧两种食物的配方,发现在(牛奶、鸡蛋、盐、黄油)这几样中唯一共同拥有的就是黄油,故选 D。答案:D28. According to the instructions, we must _ .A. cook the oats before adding waterB. cook the oats for at least 4 minutesC. choose the microwave to cook the oatsD. add fruits t

26、o the oats when cooking them解析:句意:根据说明,我们必须至少煮燕麦 4 分钟。根据说明左下角最后一栏的提示(cook for 4 minutes)说明 B.“煮燕麦至少 4 分钟”是正确的。原文“Boil the water, Add Golden Oats”说明 A.“加水前先煮燕麦”次序反了。原文中说煮燕麦用得是“stove” ,故C.“选择微波炉煮燕麦” 是错误的。D. 烹饪时加燕麦水果,没有依据,不正确,故选 B。答案:BBBath, 97 miles west of London, is the largest city in Somerset, Eng

27、land. It became a World Heritage Site in 1987.The city got its name from the Roman Baths, which was a place for public bathing in Roman Britain. The water there is naturally heated under the ground. Today visitors are no longer allowed to enter the water. However, the exhibitions there will tell you

28、 the history of the Roman Baths. You can see many ancient Roman objects, including the coins that were thrown into the water to show respect to the goddess.Looking over the city, you will see many old buildings in the color of honey. Among them, the Royal Crescent and the Circus are the most famous.

29、 The Royal Crescent is a row of 30 houses in the shape of crescent. The Circus is about 200 meters to the east of the Royal Crescent. It is a huge circle formed with large townhouses. It is divided into three parts of the same length by three entrances with a lawn in the center. When visiting Bath,

30、you cant miss these two sites.The museums in the city are also popular. You can go and appreciate western paintings. If you are interested in the English writer Jane Austen, you can go to Jane Austen Center to know more about her life with her father in Bath, If you come in October, you can even tak

31、e part in the bath film Festival.29. The passage is mainly about the _ in Bath.A. writersB. paintingsC. festivalsD. buildings解析:句意:这段文章主要讲述了巴斯的建筑物。A. 作家 B.绘画 C.节日 D.建筑物。文章第二段讲了“the Roman Baths”这个建筑,第三段又讲了几种建筑物,所以文章主要是在描述建筑物。故选 D。答案:D30. According to the passage, what can visitors do in the Roman Bat

32、hs?A. Take a bath.B. Play in the water.C. Enjoy ancient coins.D. Buy ancient Roman objects.解析:句意:根据这段文章,游客在罗马浴场可以做些什么?A.洗个澡。B.在水中玩耍。C.享受古代的硬币。D.买古罗马物品。文章“Today visitors are no longer allowed to enter the water.”得出人们不能再进入水中了,故 AB 错误。原文“You can see many ancient Roman objects, including the coins”(你可以看

33、到许多古罗马物品,包括硬币)说明里面有很多硬币,所以人们可以享受这些硬币。故选 C。答案:C31. Which of the following is correct about the Royal Crescent and the Circus?A.B.C.D.解析:句意:以下哪项对皇家新月和马戏团来说是正确的?原文“The Royal Crescent is a row of 30 houses in the shape of crescent. The Circus is about 200 meters to the east of the Royal Crescent. It is a huge circle formed with large townhouses. It is divided into three parts of the same length by three entrances with a lawn in the center.”(皇家新月是一排新月形的 30 栋房屋。马戏团在皇家新月东边约 200 米处。它是一个由大型联排房屋组成的巨大圆圈形建筑。它由三个入口和中心的草坪分成三部分,长度相同。 )说明在平面图中马戏团在右边,皇家新月在左边。马戏团是个圆圈形建筑,结合四个选项,故选 B。答案:B


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