摘要氮、磷的过量输入导致太湖水体富营养化程度加剧,而农业面源污染是其主要来源。阐述了太湖地区农业面源污染现状及主要原因,提出了以发展有机农业来治理农业面源污染导致的太湖水污染问题,旨在为相关领域的科学工关键词农业面源污染;有机农业;污染治理;太湖地区AbstractThe excessive input of nitrogen and phosphorus worsen the eutrophication of Taihu Lake,the agricultural non-point source pollution is the main source.The current status of agricultural non-point source pollution in Taihu Lake region and its main causes were stated.The development of organic agriculture was put forward to control the water pollution of Taihu