4、申志发Email :shenzhifa Tel :15868772693 662693 短号温州医科大学检验医学院 生命科学院教育部检验医学重点实验室1. 代谢组学及研究技术2. microRNA的研究及应用3. 免疫共沉淀技术CoImmu。
5、Chapter 2 DNA Structure and properties, 2-1 DNA is the Genetic Material 2-2 The Chemical Nature of Polynucleotides 2-3 DNA is a Double Helix 2-4 Polymorphism of DNA Structure 2-5 Denaturation and Renaturation 2-6 Supercoiled DNA and Topoisomerase 2-7 Restriction Enzymes and DNA Sequencing, 2-1 DNA is the genetic material,deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) DNA is the storehouse, or cell library, that contains all the information required 。
6、医学分子生物学Medical Molecular Biology 第一章 绪论 Chapter 1 Introduction 主讲人: 胡维新 教授 中南大学生物科学与技术学院 1Date 22.分子生物学的研究内容1.分子生物学的定义 3。
7、Chapter 2 Gene and Chromosome,Contents,2.1 Structure of DNA,Definition:the nucletide residue sequence of the polynucleotide chain;Linkage:3,5-phosphodiester bond;Backbone:phosphate + pentose;Direction: 5 3 ;,-DNA double helix,Xray photograph of DNA with high quality:DNA specimens from different species have the same results(constant width; 3.4nm);Chargaff rules:the rule of the composition of DNA Physical chemistry studies and acid and alkali titrate studies on DNA base ;,Expe。