
1小升初完形填空练习【一】Jim Green is an announcer(播音员)for the program. Most of the girls_1_ boys like the program. They _2_like Jim Green. Some of them often mak


1、1小升初完形填空练习【一】Jim Green is an announcer(播音员)for the program. Most of the girls_1_ boys like the program. They _2_like Jim Green. Some of them often make phone calls to him and thank him _3_ his work. There are lots of _4_ to him every day, too. Jim Green gets up at 6:00 every morning. He has bread and a glass of milk _5_ breakfast. He leaves home at 6:30 and _6_ his office at 7:15. The program _7_ at 7:30.He plays the new records (唱片) of the pop songs and modern mus。

2、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Test Passage 1 Passage 2 Mike and Lucy 1 brother and sister. They live 2 a big house. The house stands at t。

3、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 专心专注专业 完型填空专练 一 When Mr Smith retired 退休, he bought a small 1 in a village near the sea. He2 it and hoped t。

4、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Unit 10 This is Peters room. Its 1 room. There are two maps 2 the wall. One is a map 3 China, the other is 。

5、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 题目基本信息: 科目:英语; 年级:五六年级; 难度系数: 完形填空: Passage 1 Mr Hu 1 us English this term. He is nice . He 2 wearing a whi。

6、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 小升初完形填空练习 一 Jim Green is an announcer播音员for the program. Most of the girls1 boys like the program. They 2li。

7、 Passage 1 Jim and Bill are 1 .They are 2 twelve. They are American and they are in the same class 3 their school. 4 Li 。

8、 Passage 1 Jim and Bill are 1 .They are 2 twelve. They are American and they are in the same class 3 their school. 4 Li 。

9、 小升初完形填空练习 一 Jim Green is an announcer播音员for the program. Most of the girls1 boys like the program. They 2like Jim Green。

10、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 小升初完形填空练习 一 Jim Green is an announcer播音员for the program. Most of the girls1 boys like the program. They 2li。

11、 小升初完形填空练习 一 Jim Green is an announcer播音员for the program. Most of the girls1 boys like the program. They 2like Jim Green。

12、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Unit 1 一Li li, look 1 the picture. Its 2 picture of our classroom. In the picture, you can see some desks 3。

13、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上Unit 10This is Peters room. Its 1 room. There are two maps 2 the wall. One is a map 3 China, the other is a 。

14、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Unit 1 Passage 1 I am 1 girl. I am twelve. I am 2 school. 3 name is Zhang Hua. I am in 4 .I am 5 Row Five. 。

15、Passage 1Jim and Bill are 1 .They are 2 twelve. They are American and they are in the same class 3 their school. 4 Li is 5 English teacher. He is a good 6 . They love 7 very much. They have two good 8 . 9 names are Lucy and Lily. They are 10 .( )1.A. teachers B. workers C. students D. twin( )2.A. both B. all C. too D. two( )3.A. at B. in C. of D. to( )4.A. Mr B. Mrs C. Miss D. Teacher( )5.A. a B. an C. their D. they( )6.A. worker B. teacher C. fa。

16、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 小升初完形填空练习 一 Jim Green is an announcer播音员for the program. Most of the girls1 boys like the program. They 2li。

17、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 小升初完形填空练习 一 Jim Green is an announcer播音员for the program. Most of the girls1 boys like the program. They 2li。

18、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 一 Jim Green is an announcer播音员for the program. Most of the girls1 boys like the program. They 2like Jim Gre。

19、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Passage 1 Jim and Bill are 1 .They are 2 twelve. They are American and they are in the same class 3 their s。

20、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Passage 1 Jim and Bill are 1 .They are 2 twelve. They are American and they are in the same class 3 their s。

标签 > 六年级英语完形填空15篇共10页[编号:851756]

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