
Chapter1 Geographical Features and Natural Resources 1. In area, the United States is the 4th largest country in the wor,精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Unit 1 1 我们的计算机系


1、Chapter1 Geographical Features and Natural Resources 1. In area, the United States is the 4th largest country in the wor。

2、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Unit 1 1 我们的计算机系统出了毛病,但我觉得问题比较小。 We have a problem with the computer system, but I think its fairly minor. 。

3、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 UNIT1 1. For some,it was a matter of geographynot just which tower they worked in or on which floor,but in 。

4、Unit 1The idea of becoming a writer had come to me off and on since my childhood in Belleville, but it wasnt until my third year in high school that the possibility took hold.从孩提时代,我还住在贝尔维尔时,我的脑子里就断断续续地转着当作家的念头,但直等到我高中三年级,这想法才有了实现的可能。Lying on the sofa, I finally faced up to the unwelcome task, took the list out of my notebook, and scanned it. The topic on which my eye stopped was “The Art of Eating Spaghetti.”我躺在沙发上,最终不得不面。

5、UNIT 6P751) The enraged father threatened to throw the screaming boy out of the room.2) You can use the frequently used method.3) Tommy, filled with despair, left the office.4) Smiling through the window, the girl is enjoying one of the happiest days in her life.5) The boy was sitting at his desk, his feet gently tapping the floor.6) The computers damaged by an unknown virus, the employees are happy to take the day off.P76 Task1Sentences 1) and 2) participles as attributesSentences 3) and 。

6、Unit 1 1 我们的计算机系统出了毛病,但我觉得问题比较小。 We have a problem with the computer system, but I think its fairly minor. 2父亲去世时我还小,不能独。

7、Unit 6Preview 1. Listen to the recording of the text and choose the statement that best reflects your understanding.1. D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. DVocabulary1. Become familiar with the rules of word formation.1. Give the corresponding nouns for the following verbs.1. strain 7. realization 13. assurance2. teasing/tease 8. burial 14. astonishment3. dawn 9. scattering/scatter 15. expectation4. Death 10. grasp 。

8、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Unit4 1 研究表明,笑能够带来许多健康上的好处。laughter Research shows that laughter can bring a lot of health benefits. 2 互联网连。

9、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Unit7 1 自从新政生效之后,很多小企业在这个城市涌现出来。spring up Many small businesses have sprung up in the city since the new po。

10、Unit 1 1. Thanks to the modern technology, the film about that ancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being o。

11、 1 21 世纪大学实用英语综合教程(第一册) Unit16课文翻译及课后答案 第一单元 Text A 大学 我一生中的转折点 佚名 作为一名一年级新生初进大学时,我害怕自己在学业上搞不好。我害怕独自一人在外,因为我是第一次远离家人。这里周围都是我不认识的人,而他们也不认识我。我得和他们交朋友,或许还得在我要学的课程上跟他们在分数上进行竞争。他们比我更聪明吗?我跟得上他们吗?他们会接受我吗? 我很快就认识到,我的生活现在就取决于我自己了。如果我要在学业上取得成功,我就必须制定一份学习计划。 我必须调整花在学习上的时间和花。

12、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上Unit 1 Outlines are essential to effective speeches.By outlining, you make sure that related ideas are toget。

13、新编英语教程练习册 4 答案1Unit 11.每当他午夜下班回家,他总是蹑手蹑脚地上楼,以免吵醒邻居。Every time he rerurned home from work at midnight,he would tiptoe upstairs ,trying not to disturb his neighbours.2.为了与新来的邻居建立一种和睦的关系,格林先生不失时机地主动帮她把行李搬进屋子。To establish some kind of rapport with his new neighbour,Mr. Green lost no chance in offering to carry her luggage to the house.3.米勒博士向我们推荐的文章集中论述了空气污染问题,同时也提到了诸如水污染,噪音污染和视觉。

14、第一册 Book1Unit1Unit10 翻译答案Unit1 翻译1) 史密斯太太对我抱怨说,她经常发现与自己十六岁的女儿简直无法沟通。Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found it simply impossible to communicate with her 16-year-old daughter.2) 我坚信,阅读简写的 (simplified) 英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法。I firmly believe that reading simplified English novels is an easy and enjoyable way of enlarging our vocabulary.3) 我认为我们在保护环境不受污染 (pollution) 方面还做得不够。I dont think were doin。

15、Unit1 1听到他屡遭失败的消息,我感到很难过 It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures. 2他虽然失去了老。

16、see 3 Rewrite the sentences using see . 1 In 1987 there was a major stock market crash. 1987 saw a major stock market cr。

17、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 英语翻译 Unit one Nine to five passage1 大学毕业找工作的第一要义:别躺在沙发上做梦 今年夏天,超过65 万的大学生毕业离校,其中有许多人根本不知道怎么找工作。在当今金融危机的背景下,。

18、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 7 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese. If you ask me, real life is not all its cracked up to be. Twelve y。

19、Unit 1Outlines are essential to effective speeches.By outlining, you make sure that related ideas are together, that your thoughts flow from one to another, and that the structure of your speech is coherent. You will probably use two kinds of outlines for your speeches-the detailed preparation outline and the brief speaking outline.In a preparation outline, you should state your specific purpose and central idea, and identify main points and sub-points using a consistent pattern. The speaking。

20、Unit 1Sentence TranslationWe have a problem with the computer system, but I think its fairly minor.My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took over (responsibility for) my upbringing at that point.The toys have to meet strict/tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children.Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.When it comes to this magazine, it is/carries a digest of artic。

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