精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Unit Three Fame and Success Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action Working with Words and Expressi,精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Unit Two Man and
1、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Unit Three Fame and Success Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action Working with Words and Expressi。
2、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 Unit Two Man and Technology Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action Working with Words and Expressi。
3、Unit 1优等生的秘诀1 一位研究教育的老师针对成绩优异的学生做过重点研究,发现最 聪 明的学生不见得总能得高分。根据这位教授、其他教育专家以及优等生们自己的观点,懂得如何充分发挥自己的潜能对于学生来说更为重要。2 在班上名列前茅的学生之所以学习优秀,是因为他们掌握了几个人人都可以轻易学到的基本原则。首先,优等生知道如何决定轻重缓急。他们从来不会为了打电话、看电视或者吃零食而牺牲学习时间。换言之,学习总是摆在娱乐之前。另外,优等生们总是注意随时随地学习。有位成绩优异的学生同时也是优秀的运动员,每天利用户外。
4、新世纪大学英语综合教程 3 课文翻译UNIT 1送给史蒂维的一点心意1 我力求不存偏见,不过在雇用史蒂维时我有理由心存疑虑。他的就业顾问向我保证,说他会成为出色、可靠的餐馆杂工。我从未雇过智障的员工,是否要招收一位,我举棋不定。我的顾客会有什么反应,我没有把握。史蒂维是个矮个儿,胖墩墩的,如其他唐氏综合症患者一样,面部光滑,口齿不清。2 对大多数来就餐的卡车司机们,我还是很放心的。只要食物好,馅饼地道,他们基本不在乎谁收碗碟。真正让我担心的是那些高谈阔论的大学走读生,那些因惧怕”路边餐馆的细菌”而用餐巾悄悄。
5、Unit 4 Growing up: Keys to the execises Enhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions1 Listed in the boxes below are some of the words that you need to be very familiar with. Now work in pairs and make sentences with each of them to see if you have really mastered their usages. You are encouraged to consult a dictionary if you are still not quite sure about their meanings and usages.1) When the father learned about his sons school performance, he beamed with 。
6、 第一单元答案 Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action Working with Words and Expressions 1. In the boxes below are som。
7、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 新世纪大学英语综合教程2翻译部分 Unit 1 1离婚的传言不过是为他的新电影炒作的手段而已。aploytodosth. Therumorabouthisdivorceisjustaploytogainpublic。
8、新世纪大学英语综合教程 2 课文翻译UNIT 1陌生人的仁慈一个夏天,我正驱车从我的家乡加利福尼亚州的塔霍湖市前往新奥尔良。行驶到沙漠中部时,我遇到了一个正站在路边的年轻人。他竖起拇指请求搭车,另一只手里握着一个汽油罐。我径直从他身边开了过去。在这个国家曾经有一个时期,如果你对一个需要帮助的人置之不理,那你就被认为是一个愚蠢的人。但现在,你帮助了别人,你就是一个愚蠢的人。由于到处隐藏着歹徒、吸毒成瘾者、强奸犯和小偷,“我不想惹麻烦”就成了民族的箴言。驶过了几个州后,我仍然在想着那个搭便车的旅行者。把他束。
9、新世纪大学英语综合教程2翻译部分 Unit 1 1离婚的传言不过是为他的新电影炒作的手段而已。aploytodosth. Therumorabouthisdivorceisjustaploytogainpublicityforhisnewf。
10、Unit6LearningtoWorkTogether GetStarted Listenand Respond Optional Classroom Activities Enhance Your Language Awareness R。
11、Unit 3 All About YouListeningAudio Track 1-3-1 / Audio Track 1-3-2Ted: Hey, Mike. Whose trophies are these?Mike: They belong to my parents and my brother and sister.Ted: Really?Mike: Yeah. My family loves sports.Ted: I see. So, who plays basketball?Mike: My brother Tim. Hes great at it. Ted: And your sister?Mike: Shes on the swimming team at school. Shes always training even on the weekends.Ted: What about your parents?Mike: My dad plays tennis, and my mom plays golf.Ted: And what about yo。
12、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上 第四单元 Enhance Your Language Awareness Words in Action Working with Words and Expressions 1 In the boxes belo。
13、第一章1) 离婚的传言不过是为他的新电影炒作的手段而已。(a ploy to do sth.) The rumor about his divorce is just a ploy to gain publicity for his new film. 2) 他孤注一掷,用父母留给他的所有钱来开一家工厂。(take a gamble on sth.) He took a gamble on starting a factory with all the money his parents had left him. 3) 赢得那场重要的比赛之后,他们把队长抬到肩膀上,欢呼着胜利。(hoist . to .) After winning the important game they hoisted their captain to their shoulders in shouting triumph. 4) 在全球化热潮。
14、 方剂歌诀 一、辛温解表 1.麻黄汤 麻黄汤中臣桂枝, 杏仁甘草四般施, 发汗解表宣肺气, 伤寒表实无汗宜。 2.桂枝汤 桂枝芍药等量伍, 姜枣甘草微火煮, 解肌发表调营卫, 中风表虚自汗出。 3.九味羌活汤 九味羌活防风苍, 辛芷芎草芩地黄, 发汗祛湿兼清热, 分经论治变通良。 4.小青龙汤 解表蠲饮小青龙, 麻桂姜辛夏草从, 芍药五味敛气阴, 表寒内饮最有功。 5.止嗽散 止嗽散用百部菀, 白前桔草荆陈研, 宣肺疏风止咳痰, 姜汤调服不必煎。 二、辛凉解表 6.银翘散 银翘散主上焦疴, 竹叶荆蒡豉薄荷, 甘桔芦根凉解法, 清疏风热煮无。
15、第一单元答案Unit OneMan and NatureEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action Working with Words and Expressions1. In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with the words given. Change the form where necessary. Answers:1) spark2) compelled3) bare4) scrape5) destruction6) output7) retreat8) tipped9) miracle10) eternal11) pile12) transfer13) mass14) thereby15) have emerged16) trigger17) threaten 18) consumed19) hollow2. In the bo。
16、第一单元答案Unit OneMan and NatureEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action Working with Words and Expressions1. In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with the words given. Change the form where necessary. Answers:1) spark2) compelled3) bare4) scrape5) destruction6) output7) retreat8) tipped9) miracle10) eternal11) pile12) transfer13) mass14) thereby15) have emerged16) trigger17) threaten 18) consumed19) hollow2. In the bo。
17、P8:A:flew four threeB:1,3,5,7,8P9:A: (1): i havent finished (2)i havent canceled (3)i have picked up (4)i havent taken (5)have you washed (6)i haven“t cleaned (7)i watered (8)i have given(9)have you packedB:1:no ,he didnt2:she confirmed all their flights3.they wanted him to come in and watered the plants for them4:because the dog always look scared5:they want to use it again on their next vocationP10A:1:pre-trip planning 2:tagging luggage 。