本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑小学生短笑话大全爆笑 英语小笑话爆笑的小学 冷笑话是近年来颇为流行的一种语言现象,主要以机灵、幽默著称。我整理了爆笑的学校英语小笑话,欢迎! 爆笑的学校英语小笑话篇一 A keen young teacher wanted to introduce her class to the glories of classical music, so she arranged an outing to an afternoon concert. 一位热心的年轻老师想让她的同学多了解一点优秀的古典音乐,就支配了一天下午去听音乐会。 To make the occasion even more memorable, she treated everyone to lemonade, cake, chocs and ices. 为了使这次活动能给大家留下更深的印象,她请大家喝柠檬汽水、吃点心、巧克力和冰淇淋。 Just as the party was getting back int