1、应用型硕士学位论文贵州煤矿瓦斯灾害及控制对策研究Study on Coal Mine Gas Disaster and Control Countermeasures in Guizhou作 者:石坚胜导 师:程远平 教授中国矿业大学二一五年五月学位论文使用授权声明本人完全了解中国矿业大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意本人所撰写的学位论文的使用授权按照学校的管理规定处理:作为申请学位的条件之一,学位论文著作权拥有者须授权所在学校拥有学位论文的部分使用权,即:学校档案馆和图书馆有权保留学位论文的纸质版和电子版,可以使用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编学位论文;为教学和科研目的,学校档案馆
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3、安全工程 研究方向 矿井瓦斯防治 答辩委员会主席 蒋承林 评 阅 人 李增华、张彬 二一五年五月论文审阅认定书研究生 石坚胜 在规定的学习年限内,按照研究生培养方案的要求,完成了研究生课程的学习,成绩合格;在我的指导下完成本学位论文,经审阅,论文中的观点、数据、表述和结构为我所认同,论文撰写格式符合学校的相关规定,同意将本论文作为学位申请论文送专家评审。导师签字:年 月 日致谢本文是在程远平老师悉心指导下完成的,整篇文章从选题、撰写、格式修改直至定稿均凝聚着程老师的心血。在硕士三年的生涯中,程老师在学习、科研和生活上给予了我很大的帮助。程老师在科研上实事求是的态度、在教学上孜孜不倦的精神潜移默
5、据,在此表示由衷感谢!感谢本文中所有被引用为参考文献的作者!是您们增长了我的见识,非常感谢!最后,由衷的感谢各位专家老师在百忙之中对我论文的评阅,由于水平有限,论文中难免会有不当和不足的地方,恳请各位专家老师批评指正! I摘 要本文以贵州省煤层瓦斯灾害为研究对象,从区域地质构造、赋煤单元划分及地质构造对煤层瓦斯的控制作用入手,通过统计分析主要产煤区矿井瓦斯涌出及瓦斯等级资料,获得了区域瓦斯赋存特征,结合瓦斯事故特征及典型突出案例分析,针对性的提出了煤矿瓦斯灾害防治对策,主要结论如下:1)通过对区域大地构造及构造演化特征的分析,结合煤炭资源分布特征,境内可以细化出 9 个级赋煤区,其中,六盘水、
6、织纳、兴义和黔北等 4 个煤田为富煤区;黔西北和贵阳 2 个煤田为含煤区;黔东北、黔南和黔东南等 3 个煤田为贫煤区。2)地质构造及演化沉积作用对煤层瓦斯具有控制作用。相对于其他产煤省份,贵州省煤层瓦斯含量高、瓦斯压力大,全省平均瓦斯含量达到 12.29m3/t。从区域分布来看,黔北、六盘水、兴义、织纳、贵阳等煤田煤层瓦斯大,而黔南、黔东南以及黔东北等煤田煤层瓦斯相对较小。3)贵州地区整体矿井平均瓦斯涌出量大,达到 26.92m3/t 以上,高瓦斯矿井和突出矿井数量多、所占比例大约占总数的 2/3。整体上,以六盘水地区为中心,可以将习水桐梓遵义清镇平坝兴仁兴义一线包围的六盘水、毕节、遵义、安顺
7、、黔西南、贵阳地区以及荔波地区划分为高瓦斯区,其它区域为瓦斯区或者贫煤区。4)贵州作为我国西南地区产煤大省,产煤量大、矿井数量多,其中乡镇煤矿占总煤矿数的 84%以上,小型矿井众多,分布区域广。近些年,瓦斯事故呈现下降的趋势,但仍会出现反弹现象。瓦斯事故死亡比例远高于起数比例,单起死亡人数不减反增,瓦斯事故极易造成群死群伤,瓦斯事故依然是最主要的煤矿事故之一5)绝大多数人员死亡是较大、重大瓦斯事故造成的。乡镇煤矿瓦斯事故大幅下降,而国有煤矿连续多年发生较大、重大瓦斯事故,造成的死亡人数多于乡镇煤矿。较大及以上瓦斯事故主要包括瓦斯爆炸和煤与瓦斯突出两种类型。六盘水地区是较大、重大瓦斯事故多发区,
8、大多数的瓦斯事故发生在文章中划定的高瓦斯区域内。6)针对贵州省煤层瓦斯分布及瓦斯事故特征,从技术、管理和监管三个方面提出贵州省煤矿瓦斯事故防治对策。该论文有图 20 幅,表 28 个,参考文献 54 篇。关键词:煤层瓦斯;地质构造;瓦斯涌出;瓦斯灾害;防治对策IIAbstractThe paper takes the gas disasters of coal seam in Guizhou province as the research object, and starts from regional geological tectonic, division of coal units
9、and the control effect of coal seam gas from geological structure. Through statistical analysis of gas emission from the main coal-producing mine and gas level data, the occurrence characteristics of the regional gas is obtained. Combined with the feature of gas accident and the analysis of outstand
10、ing typical case, some countermeasures for the prevention and control of gas disaster in coal mine is puts forward pointedly, and the main conclusions are as follows:1) Through the analysis of regional tectonic and tectonic evolution characteristics and combined with the characteristics of coal reso
11、urces distribution, the coal area can be distilled in 9 grade. Among them, 4 coals of the Liupanshui, Zhina, Xingyi and north fields of Guizhou province are the rich coal areas; 2 coals of northwestern of Guizhou province and Guiyang fields are coal-bearing region; 3 coals of northeast, south, south
12、east fields of Guizhou province are less coal areas.2) Geological structure and the evolution of sedimentation has control function to the coal seam gas. Relative to other coal-producing provinces, gas content and gas pressure of coal seam of Guizhou province is highter, the average gas content of t
13、he entire province are 12.29m3/t. From the regional distribution, in the north fields of Guizhou province, Liupanshui, Xingyi, Zhina, Guiyang, coal seam gas is high; in the northeast, south, southeast fields of Guizhou province, gas is relatively small.3) The overall average mine gas emission of Gui
14、zhou province is big, amounting to more than 26.92m3/t. The quantity of highly gassy mines and outburst mines are more than others and the proportion is about 2/3. Overall, taking the area of Liupanshui as the center, the areas of Liupanshui, Bijie, Zunyi, Anshun, southwest fields of Guizhou provinc
15、e and Guiyang region is divided into high gas area, which is surrounded by a line of TongZi, Zunyi, Qingzhen - Pingba - Xingren - Xingyi, and other areas are the gas zone or less coal zone.4) As a coal-rich province in southwest China, Guizhou province have a quantity of mines. Among them, the villa
16、ges and towns coal mine is more than 84% of the total number of coal mines. Many small mines has a wide distribution area. Recent years, the gas accident showed a trend of decline, but rebound phenomenon were still exits, and gas accident death rate is much higher than proportion, and single death t
17、oll IIIincreased instead of decreased. Gas accidents resulted in high casualties easily, and gas accidents are still one of the major coal mine accidents.5) The vast majority of deaths are caused by larger or major gas accidents. The gas accident of coal mine in villages and towns declined sharply.
18、The state-owned coal mine caused great larger or major gas accidents for many years, the death toll of which are more than the coal mine of villages and towns. Larger or more gas accidents mainly include gas explosion and outburst of coal and gas. Liupanshui area is larger, major gas accident incide
19、nce, and most of the gas accident occurred within the gas area defined in the article.6) Based on the gas distribution of coal seam and gas accident in Guizhou province, the countermeasures of coal mine gas accident prevention and control is put forward from three aspects: technology, management and
20、 supervision.The paper has 20figures, 28 tables, 54 references.Key words: Coal seam gas; Geological structure; Gas emission; Gas disasters;Prevention and control countermeasuresIV目 录摘 要 .I目 录 .IV图清单 .VIII表清单 .X1 绪论 .11.1 选题背景和意义 .11.2 国内外研究现状 .31.3 研究内容、方法及技术路线 .52 构造演化及瓦斯控制特征 .72.1 区域地质构造及演化特征 .72.
21、2 地质构造对瓦斯赋存的控制 .132.3 本章小结 .153 贵州省煤层赋存及瓦斯涌出 .163.1 煤层赋存特征 .163.2 矿井瓦斯涌出及瓦斯等级统计 .173.3 煤层瓦斯涌出特征分析 .233.4 本章小结 .264 贵州省瓦斯事故分析 .274.1 贵州省煤矿基本情况 .274.2 煤矿瓦斯事故总体情况 .274.3 煤矿瓦斯事故特点 .294.4 本章小结 .335 典型煤与瓦斯突出案例分析 .345.1 响水煤矿“11.24”重大煤与瓦斯突出事故 .345.2 马场煤矿“3.12”重大煤与瓦斯突出事故 .395.3 本章小结 .446 煤矿瓦斯灾害防治对策研究 .456.1 贵州省煤层赋存、瓦斯分布及事故特征 .456.2 瓦斯灾害防治对策 .456.3 本章小结 .507 结论及展望 .537.1 结论 .537.2 展望 .54