1、河 南 工 业 职 业 技 术 学 院Henan Polytechnic Institute毕 业 设 计 ( 论 文 )题 目班 级姓 名指导教师一、课程设计任务书题目:齿轮泵设计工作条件:使用年限 10 年(每年工作 300 天),工作为二班工作制。原始数据:理论排量:125ml/r;额定压力:6.3MPa;工作介质轴承油:220sm/2注意事项:课程设计任务书:1)测绘一套相近部件或产品,完成测绘图;2)根据给定要求设计齿轮泵,完成一套齿轮泵装配图和全部非标零件图;3)完成全部零件三维实体造型,并进行数字装配;4)完成齿轮泵标准件的计算选型5)完成齿轮泵非标零件精度设计目录一、课程设计任
2、务书( 4 )二、齿轮的设计与校核( 5 )三、卸荷槽的计算( 12 )四、泵体的校核( 13 )五、滑动轴承的计算( 14 )六、联轴器的选择及校核计算( 17 )七、连接螺栓的选择与校核( 18 )八、连接螺栓的选择与校核( 20 )九、齿轮泵进出口大小确定( 21 )十、齿轮泵的密封( 22 )十一、法兰的选择( 23 )十二、键的选择( 24 )十三、键的选择( 25 )设计小结( 27 )参考文献( 29 )摘 要在机械制造的机械加工、检验、装配、焊接和热处理等冷热工艺过程中,使用着大量的夹具,用以安装加工对象,使之占有正确的位置,以保证零件和产品的质量,并提高生产效率。在机床上加工
3、工件时,为了保证加工精度,必须正确安装工件,使其相对机床切削成形运动和刀具占有正确的位置,这一过程称为“定位” 。为了不因受切削力、惯性力、重力等外力作用而破坏工件已定的正确位置,还必须对其施加一定的夹紧力,这一过程称为“夹紧” 。定位和夹紧的全过程称为“安装” 。在机床上用来完成工件安装任务的重要工艺装备,就是各类夹具中应用最为广泛的“机床夹具” 。机床夹具的种类很多,其中,使用范围最广的通用夹具,规格尺寸多已标准化,并且有专业的工厂进行生产。而广泛用于批量生产,专为某工件加工工序服务的专用夹具,则需要各制造厂根据工件加工工艺自行设计制造。因此,专用夹具的设计是一项重要生产准备工作,每一个从
4、事加工工艺的工装设计人员,都应该掌握有关夹具设计的基础知识。本设计的主要内容是设计钻床夹具,需要对齿轮泵端盖上的 2 个 M8 螺孔和 1 个 的孔进行钻削加工。文中介绍了工件在夹具体中的定位方式,定位4元件与定位机构的选择,及夹紧机构的选择与设计。现代高效率的夹具大多采用机动夹紧,按力源分有气动、液压、气液联合、电传动及利用机床运动等对工件进行夹紧。这些方式具有夹紧动作快,夹紧力稳定,可减轻工人劳动强度等优点。本设计选用电动机作为夹紧的动力装置,运用机电传动控制回路来控制电动机的正反转,借以控制被加工工件在夹具体上的夹紧。此外,文中还对夹具进行了简单的精度分析与计算。机械零件上往往都有各种不
6、引偏。关键词:机械制造,通用夹具,专用夹具,钻床夹具,齿轮泵,电动机ABSTRCTAt the machine manufacture machine-finishing, the examination,the assembly, the welding and the heat treatment and so on in the coldhot technological process, are using the massive jigs, with installsthe processing object, enable it to hold the correct positi
7、on,guarantees the components and the product quality, and enhancementproduction efficiency. Processes the work piece when the engine bed, in order to guaranteethe processing precision, must correctly install the work piece,causes its relative engine bed cutting forming movement and thecutting tool h
8、olds the correct position, this process is called “thelocalization“. For because of Cutting force, inertial force , exogenic processand so on the gravity is not destroyed the work piece already thecorrect position which decides, but also must certainly exert to itclamps the strength, this process is
9、 called “clamps“. Locates theentire process which and clamps to be called “the installment“. Usesfor on the engine bed to complete the work piece to install the dutythe important craft equipment, is in each kind of jig widely applies“the engine bed jig“. Engine bed jig type very many, among, the use
10、 scope broadest generaljig, the specification size are many has standardized, and has thespecialty the factory to carry on the production. But widely uses inthe volume production, specially unit clamp which serves for some workpiece processing working procedure, then needs various factoriesindepende
11、ntly to design the manufacture according to the work pieceprocessing craft. Therefore, the unit clamp design is an importantproduction preparatory work, each is engaged in the processing craftthe work clothes design personnel, all should grasp the elementaryknowledge which the related jig designs.Th
12、is design main content designs the drilling machine jig, needs thecounter gear pumps on the end cover 2 M8 hole and 1 the holecarries on drills truncates the 4processing. In the article introducedthe work piece in clamps the concrete center the locate mode, locatesthe part and the detent mechanism c
13、hoice, and clamps the organizationthe choice and the design. The modern high efficiency jig mostly usesmobile clamps, divides according to the strength source has airoperated, the hydraulic pressure, the gas fluid union, the electricitytransmission and so on carries on using the engine bed movement
14、to thework piece clamps. These ways have clamp the movement quickly, clampsthe strength to be stable, may reduce merit and so on worker laborintensity. This design selects the power unit which the electric motorachievement clamps, the utilization mechanical and electricaltransmission control loop co
15、ntrol motor the reverse, is processed inorder to the control the work piece in to clamp concrete on clamping.In addition, in the article has also carried on the simple precisionanalysis and the computation to the jig. On the machine parts often all has each kind of different use and thedifferent pre
16、cision hole needs to process. In the machine-finishing,the hole process load accounts for the proportion to be bigger, drillbit, Expanding drilling, Reamer and so on decides the size cutting toolprocessing to occupy quite most. By now, besides had to guarantee thehole the size precision, but also ha
17、d to achieve the hole the positionprecision request. In the single unit small volume production, afterdraws a line adjusts the hole spool thread position method processing,because the drill bit rigidity bad, is easier to distort, thereforethe production efficiency low also the precision is bad. Gene
18、rally alluses the drilling machine jig in the volume production, the drillingmachine jig calls 钻模, through drills the set of guidance cuttingtool to carry on the processing to be possible accurately to determinebetween the cutting tool and the work piece relative position, is 钻模 main characteristic.
19、 Drills when truncates, is processed thehole the size and the precision mainly by the cutting tool itself sizeand the precision guaranteed; But the hole position precision bydrills the set to be photogenic in the jig regarding locates the partthe position precision to determine. Because through dril
20、ls the set ofguidance cutting tool to carry on the processing, this both possiblyenhances the cutting tool system rigidity, and can prevent the drillbit directs.Keywords : machinery, common fixture, special fixture, drilling fixture, gear pumps, motors第一章 引言1.1 本课题研究意义齿轮泵是在工业应用中运用极其广泛的重要装置之一,尤其是在液压传
21、动与控制技术中占有很大的比重,它具有结构简单、体积小、重量轻、自吸性能好、耐污染、使用可靠、寿命较长、制造容易、维修方便、价格便宜等特点L 一” 。但同时齿轮泵也还存在一些不足,如困油现象比较严重、流量和压力脉动较大、径向力不平衡、泄漏大、噪声高及易产生气穴等缺点,这些特性和缺点都直接影响着齿轮泵的质量。随着齿轮泵在高温、高压、大排量、低流量脉动、低噪音等方面发展及应用,对齿轮泵的特性研究及提高齿轮泵的安全和效率已成为国内外深入研究的课题。外啮合齿轮泵是应用最广泛的一种齿轮泵( 称为普通齿轮泵), 其设计及生产技术水平也最成熟。多采用三片式结构、浮动轴套轴向间隙自动补偿措施,并采用平槽以减小齿
22、轮( 轴承) 的径向不平衡力。目前,这种齿轮泵的额定压力可达 25 MPa。但是, 由于这种齿轮泵的齿数较少,导致其流量脉动较大由于齿轮泵在液压传动系统中应用广泛,因此,吸引了大量学者对其进行研究。目前,国内外学者关于齿轮泵的研究主要集中在以下方面:齿轮参数及泵体结构的优化设计;齿轮泵间隙优化及补偿技术;困油冲击及卸荷措施;齿轮泵流量品质研究;齿轮泵的噪声控制技术;轮齿表面涂覆技术;齿轮泵的变量方法研究;齿轮泵的寿命及其影响因素研究;齿轮泵液压力分析及其高压化的途径;水介质齿轮泵基础理论研究 。综上所知,对齿轮泵的自主研发和设计对我国尤为重要。特别是在提高其效力和降低噪音和振动方面。本次毕业设
23、计的主要任务书是设计:设计外啮合容积式齿轮泵,适用于输送不含固体颗粒和纤维,工作介质轴承油:220 sm/2在输油系统中可用作传输、增压泵、润滑油泵。1.2 齿轮泵的发展研究现状早在二千多年前,人类就发明了齿轮传动装置。早期的齿轮采用木料或金属铸造成形,只能传递两轴间的回转运动,不能保证传动的平稳性,承载能力也很小。随着生产的发展,齿轮运转的平稳性受到重视。1674 年丹麦天文学家罗默首次提出用外摆线作齿廓曲线,以得到运转平稳的齿轮。18 世纪工业革命时期,齿轮技术得到高速发展,人们对齿轮进行了大量的研究。江苏工业学院祝海林教授等人针对现有高粘度齿轮泵结构单一、径向力不平衡、轴承受力大造成磨损
25、 1:1。齿轮泵是我国最早生产的液压元件之一,压力从 0.5MPa 至 25Mpa(最高压力达到 31.SMpa),流量从 3Umin 至 4OOL/min 的齿轮泵均有生产;我国的内啮合齿轮泵产量不大,特别是内啮合摆线齿轮泵和其它非渐开线齿廓啮合齿轮泵,基本还处于初级阶段。目前,我国的齿轮泵产品性能还比较低,与国外同类产品相比,还有不小的差距。第二章 齿轮泵简介2.1 齿 轮 泵 的 工 作 原 理外啮合齿轮泵的工作原理图如图 2-1 所示:图 2-1 齿轮泵工作原理图由图可见,这种泵的壳体内装有一对外啮合齿轮。由于齿轮端面与壳体 端盖之间的缝隙很小,齿轮齿顶与壳体内表面的间隙也很小,因此可
26、以看成将齿轮泵壳体内分隔成 左、右两个密封容腔。当齿轮按图示方向旋转时,右侧的齿轮逐渐脱离啮合,露出齿间。因此这 一侧的密封容腔的体积逐渐增大,形成局部真空,油箱中的油液在大气压力的作用下经泵的吸油 口进入这个腔体,因此这个容腔称为吸油腔。随着齿轮的转动,每个齿间中的油液从右侧被带到 了左侧。在左侧的密封容腔中,轮齿逐渐进入啮合,使左侧密封容腔的体积逐渐减小,把齿间的油 液从压油口挤压输出的容腔称为压油腔。当齿轮泵不断地旋转时,齿轮泵的吸、压油口不断地吸油 和压油,实现了向液压系统输送油液的过程。在齿轮泵中,吸油区和压油区由相互啮合的轮齿和泵体分隔开来,因此没有单独的配油机构。齿轮泵是容积式回转泵的一种,其工作原理是:齿轮泵具有一对互相啮合的齿轮,齿轮(主动轮)固定在主动轴上,齿轮泵的轴一端伸出壳外由原动机驱动,齿轮泵的另一个齿轮(从动轮)装在另一个轴上,齿轮泵的齿轮旋转时,