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1、山 西 大 学2007 届在职人员攻读教育硕士专业学位论文基于中学教育目标多元化的素质教育研究作者姓名 周庆翔指导教师 侯怀银;李彦军 学科专业 教育硕士研究方向 教育管理培养单位 教育科学学院学习年限 2007 年 3 月2009 年 6 月二九年五月Shanxi UniversityEssay for Serving Officers Pursuing Education Master s Degree of 2007The Study on Quality Education Based on Educational Objective in SecondaryName: Zhou Qi

2、ngxiangSupervisor: HouHuaiYin;Li YanjunMajor: Master of EducationField of Research: Management of EducationDepartment: College of Educational ScienceResearch Duration: March,2007-June,2009May, 2009目 录引言 .1第一章 导论 .11.1 研究的目的和意义 .11.2 研究的理论基础 .21.3 研究内容、研究方法及所要解决的问题 .6第二章 中学教育目标多元化的内涵 .82.1 中学教育目标多元化的

3、涵义 .82.2 教育目标多元化是一种新理念 .9第三章 中学教育目标多元化是实施素质教育的必然要求 .133.1 教育目标多元化是教育理论尤其是多元智力理论的具体实践 .133.2 教育目标多元化是社会多元化发展趋势的必然要求 .133.3 教育目标多元化是由素质教育的主题地位决定的,是素质教育改革的基本出发点 .153.4 充分发挥学生个体潜能需要教育目标多元化 .17第四章 中学教育目标多元化改革中存在的问题 .194.1 素质教育认识上的偏差导致教育目标多元化虚构 .194.2 中学教育中重智育轻德育、重知识传授轻能力培养、一味求同忘却差异的问题严重 .194.3 教学目标的固定化与封

4、闭性 .204.4 教学评价的片面性及评价方式的单一化 .214.5 外部环境制约着素质教育和教育目标多元化的实施 .21第五章 实现教育目标多元化的路径选择 .235.1 全面提高对素质教育的认识,树立正确的教育观念 .235.2 教育主体、教育形式与内容必须多元化 .245.3 确立学生在学习过程中的主体地位 .255.4 实现教学目标的开放性和多元化 .265.5 推动课程教材改革,适应教育目标多元化的要求 .285.6 改进教学评价的方式方法,实施教学评价方式的多元化 .315.7 全方位沟通,实施学校、社会、家庭一体化教育 .32第六章 结论 .35参考文献 .36致谢 .38中 文

5、 摘 要素质教育是教育的主体,是教育的本质要求。实施素质教育主要的目的是培育全面发展的学生,不放弃每一个学生,注重开发学生的思考能力、实践能力和创造能力。教育目标多元化就是根据社会的需要和学生个体自身的状况将学生培养成为不同规格、不同层次、不同发展方向的现代公民。对本题的研究,将从理论上进一步丰富和发展国内外关于充分发展学生个性的相关理论;有利于打破传统教学的格局,形成学校、家庭、社会的整体合力,形成多元化的培养力量和不同方式的多元化的教育模式;有利于充分开发学生的学习潜能,培养学生个性,即适应全面培养学生的需要,又发挥学生专长,使我国的基础教育主动适应当今社会多元化发展的需要。本文综合运用比

6、较分析法、文献资料法、个案研究法等,以国内外相关教育理论尤其是孔子的教育理论及加德纳的多元智力理论为依据,阐述了教育目标多元化改革及实施素质教育的现实必要性,同时对当前中学教育目标多元化改革中存在的许多问题 ,诸如教学目标的固定化与封闭性问题、社会价值观的扭曲和教学评价的片面性及评价方式的单一化问题、教育目标多元化改革缺乏良好的外部环境问题、中学教育中重智育轻德育、重知识传授轻能力培养、一味求同忘却差异的问题等,进行了深入分析,并在此基础上提出了今后实施素质教育,实现教育目标多元化改革的具体思路。重点是全面提高对素质教育的认识,树立正确的教育观念,教育主体、教育形式与内容必须多元化,实现教学目


8、目标多元化之路。关键词:中学教育目标;多元化;多元智能;全面发展;素质教育 ABSTRACTThe quality education is the subject and the requirement of education.the main purpose of quality education is cultivating the students of all-around development,not giving up each student as well as developing studentsthinking ability,practical ability

9、and creative ability.educational objective diversification,it means that students are cultivated modern citizens of different types,different levels and different directions of future development,in accordance of the need of society and questions their life being.the study on this issue aims to enri

10、ch and develop the concerning theories of fully developing studentspersonality at home and abroad. The study on this issue is helpful to break the traditional educational pattern,to form the overall effort of school,family and society,plural training force as well as plural educational model of diff

11、erent types.The study on this issue also helps to fully develop studentsstudy potential,totrain studentspersonality.The educational objective diversification not only meet the needs of training students of development in all-round way,but also helps to exert studentsspecialty. Therefore,the basis ed

12、ucation of our country meets the needs of plural development in todays society.This thesis use many methods synthetically, such as method of relative analysis, philological data and case study. Based on the domestic and international related education theories, particularly on the education theories

13、 of Confucius and the diverse intelligence theories of Gardner, the author elaborated the necessity of goal of pluralistic education reform and implementation quality education. To many problems of goal of pluralistic education reform in high school, such as the fixed and closed teaching target, the

14、 distorted social value, the unilateral of teaching evaluation, pluralistic reform lacking good external environment, valuing intellectual education to despise virtuous teaching, valuing knowledge induction slighting ability development, pursuing homology but neglecting difference, the author put fo

15、rward to the concrete way of carrying out quality education to the goal of pluralistic education reform by thorough analysis. The point is to overall exaltations understanding for quality education and set up correct education idea. The subject of education, educational form and contents have to be

16、pluralistic to carry out diversification of the opening of teaching target, so as to establish the objective position of students in the learning process. Push course reform, get the goal of pluralistic education reform. Continuously improve the method of teaching evaluation, carry out the diversifi

17、cation of teaching evaluation method.This thesis puts the goal of pluralistic educational under the background of the quality education and makes promoting of quality education more realistic and more concrete. The thesis put together the school education, home education and social education, making

18、 the contents of quality education more abundant, really reflecting the essence of education, carrying out educational purpose, so it is of certain theories innovation significance. The research really solute the problem of valuing examination education, the students developing identically and only

19、having cultural education, helps the students to develop completely,including students personality, then the quality education is really through in teaching process. The goal of pluralistic education is inevitable to carry out quality education. Carrying out the quality education must implement the

20、goal of pluralistic education.KEY WORDS: Educational objective in secondary; Diversity; Multiple intelligence; Development in all-round way;Quality education第一章 导论1引言当前在中学教育改革过程中,素质教育已成为教育的本质和主题,教育要面向全体学生、提高学生全面素质,促进人的全面发展。教育工作的基本目标就是培养德智体美全面发展的有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的“四有新人” ,培养社会主义事业的建设者和接班人。适应经济社会全面发展的需要,

21、教育不仅担负着传授知识的重任,而且必须注重开发学生的思考能力、实践能力和创造能力,学校、社会、家庭多方面通力合作,实现中学教育目标的多元化。第一章 导论 1.1 研究的目的和意义党的十七大从全面建设小康社会的全局出发,作出了“优先发展教育、建设人力资源强国”的战略部署,为新时期教育事业发展指明了工作方向。从新的历史起点出发,优先发展教育,实现由人力资源大国向人力资源强国的根本性转变,最关键的是实施素质教育。当前,随着知识经济的兴起和经济一体化进程的加速,国家和地区间的发展竞争,越来越依赖于人力资源的竞争,高素质人力资源已成为经济竞争优势的决定性因素。全面实施素质教育是提高人口素质、开发人力资源



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