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1、 1 / 17 第 三 部 分: 词 汇 与 结构 ( 100%覆盖) 1.以下内容已包含 2014年 版 新大纲的 9 套模拟题精华部 分 , 75 个标成红色的题目,重 点 复习 . 2.根据考试出现频率高低,将次重点 51 个标注为蓝色( 蓝 色为除红色外出现几率大的考题) 3.黑色部分出现的几率较低,但为达到百分百覆盖率,提供给有基础的温习,如基础较差,可以不温习。 此部分对于基础不是很好的同学较难突击,能掌握最好 .考试 5 题 10 分 . 内部资料请勿传播 (如传播将停止更新服务 ), 复习本资料无 需 看其他资料 ,基础较差的重点温习标注红色的 45 题即 可,一般基础可以温

2、习 红色 +蓝色题即可。 一些同学的基础很差 , 看英语无法掌握 , 现在将全部题目翻译为中文 , 如遇到不能理解的题目可请教群主。 -以下红色 1-75 需重点掌握,考试中出现 3 个 - 1 Professor smith promised to look my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defence A after B over C on D into 史密 斯 教 授 答 应 帮 我 看 一 下我 的 论 文 , 也 就 是 说 , 要在 答 辩 前 仔 细 看 一 下。 2 Our house is about

3、a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses _. A in between B far apart C among them D from each other 我们 家 离 火车 站 大 概 一 英 里左 右 , 而 且 两 者 之 间 房 子不 多 。 3 As the bus came round the corner, it ran a big tree by the roadside. A into B on C over D up 汽 车 开 到 转 角 时 撞 到 了 路 边 的 一 棵 大树 4 W

4、hen Lily came home at 5 p.m. yesterday, her mother dinner in the kitchen. A cooked B was cooking C cooks D has cooked 莉莉 昨 天 五 点 钟 回 家 时 , 她妈 妈 正 在 厨 房 里 做 晚 饭 。 5 Did you notice the guy head looked like a big potato? A who B which C whose D whom 你 注 意 到 了 那 个脑 袋看 上 去 像 个 大 土 豆 的 家 伙了 吗 ? 答案 KEY:BAA

5、BC 6 I dont know the park, but its to be quite beautiful. A said B old C spoken D talked 我不 了 解 这 公 园 , 但 据 说 很美。 7 Mike is better than Peter swimming. A for B at C on D in Mike 比 Peter 更 擅 长 游泳 。 8 The young lady coming over to us our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that! A must be B ca

6、n be C would be D could be 那个 正 朝 我 们 走 来 的 年 轻 女子 肯 定 是 我 们 的 英 语 老 师; 她 走 路 的 样 子 就 告 诉 我们 了 。 9 Had you come five minutes earlier, you the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it. A Would catch B would have caught C Could catch D Should catch 要是 你 早 来 五 分 钟 , 你 就 能赶 上 那 班 去 伯 明 翰 的 火 车了 。 但 现

7、在 你 错 过 了。 10 Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have of fat. A a large number of B the large number C a large amount D the large amount 尽管 鸡 蛋 营 养 丰 富 , 但 它 含有 大 量 的 脂 肪 。 KEY:ABABC 11 The atmosphere certain gases mixed together in definite proportions A composes of B is made up C consists ofD make

8、s up of 大气 是 由 多 种 气 体 以 一 定 的比 例 混 合 而 成 的。 12 Neither John his father was able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train A nor B or C but D And 约 翰 和 他 父 亲 都 没 能 早点 起来 赶 上 早 班 火 车。 2 / 17 13 The girl is of a film star A somebody B something C anybody D Anyone 这个 女 孩 有 点 像 一 位 电 影 明星。 14 J

9、anes dress is similar in design her sisters A 1ike B with C to D As 简的 裙 子 和 她 妹 妹 的 在 设 计上 很 相 似 。 15 His salary as a driver is much higher than A a porter B is a porter C as a porter D that of a porter 他 当 司 机 的 薪 水 比 当 搬运 工的 薪 水 要 高 的 多。 KEY:CABCD 16 Its time we the lecture because everybody has

10、arrived A will start B shall start C start D Started 大家 都 到 了 , 我 们 该 开 始 讲课 了 。 17 these honors he received a sum of money A Except B But C Besides D Outside 除了 这 些 荣 誉 外 , 他 还 得 到了 一 笔 钱 。 18 Would you let to the park with my classmate, Mum? A me go B me going C I go D I going 妈妈 , 让 我 和 同 学 一 起 去

11、 公园 好 吗? 19 Therefore, other things equal, the member of workers that employers want decreases. A is B are C being D Having 因此 , 其 他 方 面 都 平 等 , 但雇 主 需 要 的 工 人 减 少 了 。 20 I have been looking forward to from my parents. A hear B being heard C be heard D Hearing 我一 直 盼 望 着 收 到 父 母 的 来信。 KEY:DCACD 21 T

12、he manager will not us to use his car A have B 1et C agree D Allow 经理 不 准 我 们 用 他 的 车。 22 her and then try to copy what she does A Mind B See C Stare at D Watch 留心 观 察 , 然 后 照 她 的 样 子做。 23 Will you me a favor, please? A do B make C bring D Give 你愿 意 帮 我 个 忙 吗? 24 Its bad for you to smoke in the publ

13、ic places where smoking is not allowed A behavior B action C manner D Movement 对 你 来说 在 禁 止 吸 烟 的公 共场 所 吸 烟 是 一 个 坏 的 举 止行 为 。 25 Its a good idea But whos going to the plan? I think John and Peter will 这是 个 好 主 意 。 但 谁 去 执 行这 个 计 划 呢? 我认 为 约 翰 和 比 德 可 以 去 执行 这 个 计 划。 A carry out B get through C take

14、 in D set aside KEY:DDAAA 26 Two days is not enough for him to finish the work He needs day A other B the other C the third D a third 两天 时 间 他 完 成 不 了 这 项 工作 , 还 需 要 一 天。 27 The red flower goes from one to in the class A the other B others C another D Other 教室 里 , 红 花 从 一 个 人 传 到另 一 个 人 。 28 The com

15、puter system suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet A broke down B broke out C broke up D broke in 在他 上 网 查 找 资 料 的 时 候 计算 机 系 统 突 然 瘫 痪 。 29 Theres lots of fruit the tree Our little cat is also in the tree A in B at C under D On 3 / 17 树上 长 了 许 多 果 实 。 我 们 的小 猫 也 在 树 上 。 30

16、 How can he if he is not ? 他不 听怎 么 能 听 到 呢 ? A 1isten; hearing B hear; listening C be listening; heard D be hearing; listened to KEY:DCADB 31 The students were all entertained in a Mexican restaurant, at Professor Brians A money B pay C expense D loss 布朗 教 授 在 一 家 墨 西 哥 餐 厅请 学 生 吃 饭。 32 Tom, what di

17、d you do with my documents? I have never seen such a and disorder A mass B mess C guess D bus 汤姆 , 你 拿 你 的 文 件 在 干 什么 ? 我 从 来 没 见 到 这 么 乱过。 33 If she wants to stay thin( keep slim), she must make a in her diet A change B turn C run D Go 如果 她 想 保 持 身 材 苗 条 , 就必 须 在 饮 食 有 所 改 变。 34 the War of Independ

18、ence, the United States was an English colony A Before B At C In D Between 在独 立 战 争 以 前 , 美 国 时 英国 的 一 个 殖 民 地。 35 No matter , the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely A it was snowing hard B hard it was snowing C how it was snowing hard D how hard it was snow

19、ing 不管 雪 下 的 多 大 , 两 个 小 姐妹 还 是 安 全 地 把 羊 拢 起 来赶 回 了 家 。 KEY:CBAAD 36 A police officer claimed that he had attempted to paying his fare. A avoid B reject C refuse D neglect 警官 说 这 个 年 轻 人 试 图 拒 付费 用 。 37 While I was in the university, I learned taking a photo, is very useful now for me. A it B which

20、 C that D what 我在 大 学 里 学 会 了 照相 , 现在 对 我 很 有 用 。 38 This kind of material expands the temperature increasing. A to B for C with D at 这种 材 料 随 温 度 的 提 高 而 膨胀。 39 People at the party worried about him because no one was aware he had gone. A of where B of the place where C where D the place 晚会 上 的 人都

21、为 他 担 忧 , 因为 没 人 知 道 他 去 哪 儿 了 。 40 A sudden noise of a fire-engine made him to the door. A hurrying B hurried C hurry D to hurry 火警 的 突 然 响 起 使 他 匆 忙 走到 门 口。 KEY:ABCAC 41 On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several a day. A customers B supporters C guests D clients 一般 一 个 成 功 的 律 师 一 天 要

22、接 待 好 几 个 委 托 人 。 42 What is the train to Birmingham? A fee B tip C fare D cost 到伯 明 翰 的 火 车 票 多 少 钱 ? 43 You shouldnt your time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight. A cut B do C kill D kick 鲍勃 , 你 不 该 那 样 浪 费 时 间; 你 今 晚 得 完 成 学 校 得 作业。 44 Both the kids and their parents Engl

23、ish, I think. I know it from their accent. A is B been C are D Was 我想 , 这 些 孩 子和 他 们 的 父母 都 是 英 格 兰 人 。 从 他 们的 口 音 我 可 以 知 道 。 4 / 17 45 Never before see such a terrible car accident on the road! A I have B Have I C I did D Did I 我从 来 没 有 看 到 过 这 么 恐 怖的 一 起 交 通 事 故。 KEY:DCCCD 46 I dont know to deal

24、with such matter. A what B how C which D / 我不知道怎样来处理这种事情。 47 is your girl friend like? She is very kind and good-looking. A How B What C Which D Who 你的女朋友长什么样?她很和蔼很漂亮。 48 He driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby. A insisted on B insisted at C insisted that D insisted in 他坚持要开车送我 回家,

25、尽管我告诉他我就住附近。 49 We came finally the conclusion that she has been telling lies all the time. A of B into C to D at 我们最终得出一个结论,她一直都在说谎 50 I wont make the mistake next time. A like B same C near D similar 我下次不会犯同样的错误 KEY:BBACB 51 He lives in the house where he was born. A already B yet C still D ever 他

26、仍然住在他出生的那个房子里。 52 I didnt know what to do ,but then an idea suddenly to me A appeared B happened C occurred D emerged 我不知道怎么做,但是随后,我突然有了个想法。 53 A pair of spectacles what I need at the moment. A is B are C has D have 此刻我需要的是一副眼镜。 54 You had better a doctor as soon as possible A seeing B saw C see D s

27、een 你最好尽快看医生 55 I fell and hurt myself while I basketball yesterday. A was playing B am playing C play D played 昨天我在打篮球时摔伤了。 KEY:CCACA 56 Tom more than twenty pounds on the novel. A spent B paid C cost D took 汤姆花了 20多英镑买了这本小说 57 Dont forget the window before leaving the room A to have closed B to cl

28、ose C having closed D closing 在离开房间前,不要忘了关窗户。 58 Twenty people were wounded in the air crash. A quickly B wrongly C bitterly D seriously 在这次飞机失事中, 20个人严重受伤。 59 Weve missed the last bus. Im afraid we have no but to take a taxi. A way B choice C possibility D selection 我们错过了最后一班公交车,恐怕我们没有选择,只能打的了。 60

29、Nancy is considered to be the other students in her class. A less intelligent B the most intelligent C intelligent as well D as intelligent as 大家认为 Nancy和班上其他同学一样聪明。 KEY:ABDBD 5 / 17 61 Its that he was wrong. A clearly B clarity C clear D clearing 很清楚他是错的 62 you are leaving tomorrow, we can have a d

30、inner together tonight. A Since B While C For D Before 既然你明天要离开,今晚我们一起吃晚饭。 63 I would like to do the job you dont force me to study. A in case B although C though D as long as 只要你不强迫我学习,我愿意做这项工作。 64 she survived the accident is miracle. A What B That C As D Which 她在这起事故中幸存,真是一个奇迹。 65 I often see the

31、 road on his way home A he cross B him cross C him crossed D he crossing 我经常看见他在回家路上穿过这条马路。 KEY:CADBB 66 His mother alone since his father died A lived B lives C has lived D is living 自从他父亲去世以来,他母亲一直独自一个人生活。 67 The workers are busy models for the exhibition A to make B with making C being making D m

32、aking 那些工人正在为展览会做模型。 68 It was well known that Thomas Edison the electric lamp A discovered B invented C found D developed 大家都知道托马斯 .爱迪生发明了电灯。 69 She wonders what will happen to her private life in the future A that B it C this D what 她不知道未来在她私人生活中会发生什么事。 70 The higher the temperature, the liquid ev

33、aporates A the faster B the more fast C the slower D the more slower 温度越高,液体蒸发的越快。 KEY:CDBDA 71 Australia is one of the few countries people drive on the left of the road. A which B that C where D on which 澳大利亚是少数几个沿左侧开车的国家之一。 72 Sunday is the day people usually dont go to work A when B which C in w

34、hich D that 星期天是人们通常不上班的日子。 73 you know, David has been well lately A Which B As C What D When 正像你所知道的那样,大卫近来身体很好。 74 The harder you study, you will learn A much B many C the more D much more 你学习越努力,学到的东西越多。 75 They got there an hour than the others A early B much early C more early D earlier 他们比别人早

35、到一个小时。 KEY:CABCD 6 / 17 -以下蓝色 1-51 需重点掌握,考试出现 1-2 个 - 1. They were the only men who received votes me. 除 了 我 他 们 是 被邀 请的 仅 有的 人 A next B besides C unless D except 2. Who jumps in your class? 你们 班 谁 跳的 最远 A far B farther C farthest D longer 3.I was talking with my mother on the phone when we were sud

36、denly. 我跟 我 妈 妈 打 电 话 时 突 然 中断 了 。 A.cut down B.cut off C.cut across D.cut back 4.The Japanese, average, live much longer than the Europeans. 日本 人 的 平 均 年 龄 比 欧 洲 人要 高 的 多 。 A.with B.in C.to D.on 5.If Mary _shopping this afternoon, please ask her to write a shopping list first. 如果 玛 瑞 下 午 去 购 物 , 请

37、让她 列 一 张 购 物 清 单 。 A.will go B.goes C.went D.has gone KEY: DCBDB 6.Tom was watching TV when someone_ . 有人 来 的 时 候 汤 姆 正 在 看 电视。 A.comes B.come C.came D.has come 7.Do you think you have talked too much? What you need now is more action and talk. 你不 觉 你 的 话 太 多 了 吗 ? 你现 在 需 要 的 是 少 说 多 做 。 A.less B.li

38、ttle C.fewer D.few 8.Suzan speaks English John. Suzan 说 英语 比简 流 利。 A.so fluently as B.as fluent as C.more fluent than D.much more fluently than 9.John never comes to school late , ? 约翰 上 学从 来 不 迟 到 , 是 不 是? A does he B doesnt he C is he D isnt he 10.Where is Mr. Green? the library . 格 林先 生去 哪 了 ? 他

39、去 图 书 馆 了 。 A. He is gone to B. He is been to C. He isnot in D. He is out KEY:CADAA 11.With a good command of reading skills,most students can manage to read _as they could the year before. 作为 对 阅 读 技 巧 好 的 介 绍 , 大多 数 学 生 能 设 法 达 到 比 他们 以 前 阅 读 速度 的 两 倍 。 A as twice fast B.as fast as twice C.as twic

40、e as fast D.twice as fast 12.Mary told me that she to the supermarket before coming home. 玛 丽告 诉 我他 回家 之 前 去 了 超 市。 A. go B had gone C. goes D. Gone 13.If I dont the phone at home, ring me at work. 如 果 没 人 接 接 家 里 电 话, 就 打 我 办 公室 电 话 A.reply B.return C.respond D.answer 14.The teachers lecture on pro

41、nunciation lasted for three hours. Many of us felt very and sleepy. 老 师 在 讲 台的 发言 足 足 有 三 个 小 时 , 我 们许 多 人 感 到 很 烦 并 昏 昏 欲睡 A.boring B.bored C.losing D.interested 15.This is the photo I have ever taken.这 是 我 曾 经拍 过 的 最 好 照 片 A.worse B.better C.best D.most worst KEY:DBDBC 16.In order to the disease,

42、the first thing we should do is to do research about it and find out a satisfactory cure. 为 了控 制 疾 病 , 我 们 要 做 的 第一 件 事 是 对 它 做 研 究 , 找出 一 个 满 意的 治疗 方 法。 A.confirmB.conduct C.control D.confuse 17.The firemen tried their best to the fire but in vain. 消 防 队 员 们 尽 力 扑 灭 火灾 却 徒 劳无 功 。 A.put up B.put for

43、ward C.put down D.put out 18. him go out if he wants to. 如果他 想 出 去, 让他 出 去 A.Allow B.Leave C.Let D.Permit 7 / 17 19.You will soon the weather here, and then the changes in temperature will not trouble you much. 你 很 快 就 会 习 惯这 里 的 天 气 , 之 后 天 气 的改 变 也 不 会 给 你 带 来 麻 烦 A.get used to B.get over C.get to

44、 D.get on with 20.The plane was about to _, and yet I left my ticket behind.飞 机 就 要 起 飞了 ,我 却 忘记 了带 机 票 A.take off B.take on C.take up D.take in KEY:CDCAA 21.The accident was to careless driving. 这 场 事 故被 认 为 是 司 机 的 疏 忽 大 意造 成 的 A.for B.likely C.due D.because 22.Fish cant live water. 鱼 离 开 了 水 无 法

45、生 存 A.with B.without C.in D.on 23.Can you look after my children for a while? I dont want to leave them .你 可以 帮 我照 看一 会 我 的 孩 子 吗 ? 我 不 想让 他 们 独 自 呆 着。 A.lonely B.away C.alone D.along 24.I couldnt find my English-Chinese dictionary .找遍 任 何 地 方 都 没 找 到 我 的英 汉 字 典。 A.anywhere B.everywhere C.nowhere D.somewhere 25.Put it down, Richard. You mustnt read letter. 理查 德 , 把 它 放 下 。 你 不能 读其 他 任何 人的信 A.anyones elses B.anyones else C.anyone elses D.anyone else KEY:CBCAC 26.He to me last week. 他 上 周 写 信 给 我了 A.is writing B.writes C.wrote D


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