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1、后配额时代我国纺织服装企业的发展对策摘 要 纺织品和服装生产是一项传统的制造业, 但决非是夕阳产业。纺织品服装工业伴随着科技进步也在不断地向前发展。世界上许多国家均是依靠纺织品出口作为经济发展的起点, 我国也不例外。由于原料和劳动力成本的优势, 纺织品尤其是服装产品的出口一直占我国出口贸易额很大的比重。但中国纺织产业在经历了高速发展之后, 也面临诸多困难。仅就去年而言, 纺织业就受到了伊拉克战争、 “非典”疫情、棉价上涨、贸易摩擦等不利因素的影响。从长远看, 中国纺织产业面临的形势也并不乐观, 人工成本的上涨、跨国公司的进入、配额的取消、进口关税的降低、发达国家贸易保护主义的抬头等无疑会对我国

2、纺织产业的发展形成一定的冲击。在这种情况下, 确立服装纺织企业的竞争优势就显得尤为重要。 由于我国的生产力尚处在较低的水平, 以劳动密集型为主的纺织服装出口占据着主要地位, 加工贸易是目前我国纺织品服装出口的主要形式。在我国纺织服装出口的企业主体中, 三资、集体和个人的比例在增加, 结构已发生了根本的变化。 从 2005 年 1 月 1 日起,全球纺织品和服装贸易配额限制将全部取消。这意味着纺织品可以自由地出入任何国家,国际纺织资源将得到更加有效的配置,全球纺织品贸易竞争的自由化时代即将来临。世界各国的出口商、制造商以及受限国家都非常关注“后配额时代”纺织品服装贸易可能产生的变化以及发展前景。

3、 纺织业是中国具有比较优势的产业,美国将世界服装昀有竞争力的生产国进行了排名,中国排第一位。2003 年,中国纺织工业总产值突破 21500 亿元,出口创汇 804.8 亿美元,出口量占世界 1/5,中国已位于世界纺织大国之首。2003年日本从中国进口服装 29 亿件套,占日本服装进口总量的 91%。世界贸易理论认为,具有比较优势的产业应重点发展,加快发展。我国是世界上第一大服装出口国,其产品在国际市场上的竞争力是毋庸置疑的,其根源在于我国的劳动力成本明显低于世界平均水平。 纺织品服装出口在中国总出口中也占有重要地位。2003 年,纺织品服装出口占全国出口总额的 18%。纺织品服装外贸在国家平

4、衡外贸进出口收支、取得顺差方面起着决定性的作用。2003 年纺织品服装外贸实现顺差 649 亿美元,2004年上半年贸易顺差为 336 亿美元。纺织品服装出口的迅速发展,对我国纺织品服装业保持庞大的就业队伍,缓和社会就业压力,起了重要作用。据报道,纺织品服装出口,每增加 1.5 万美元就可增加一个就业岗位。2003 年我国纺织品服装出口增长创造的就业岗位超过 100 万人,另外,纺织工业的发展还直接关系着 1 亿棉农的就业和收入问题。 2005 年 1 月 1 日就要来临,世界纺织品贸易也将如期迎来自由化。长期以来,美国、欧盟、加拿大等发达纺织品进口方实行的进口配额制,从根本上违背了自由贸易原

5、则,严重制约着发展中成员发挥比较优势。纺织品服装回归正常状态,无疑有利于多边贸易体制的健全运作,有利于全球纺织品贸易的健康、可持续发展以及纺织业的技术改造和结构调整,而昀终将有利于为全球消费者提供更多价廉物美的纺织品。由此,国外业界和媒体预言,中国将是配额取消后的昀大赢家。据预测,配额全面取消后 ,如果各主要进口国在当年均不对我国重新设限,到 2008 年我国纺织品服装出口总额估计可达 1000 亿?1200 亿美元,约占全球纺织品出口总额的 30%,这将使我国纺织业新增 600 万个就业机会,国内生产总值可增长近 2%。 同时不可小觑的是,配额取消后我们面临的挑战也很多,从贸易壁垒的到技术的

6、,从国内企业的规模到他们的内部管理,都需要内功的提升。种种迹象表明,反倾销、纺织品特别保障措施、技术贸易壁垒和社会责任标准将可能成为欧、美等发达国家(地区)在纺织品服装配额取消后努力设置的新的贸易壁垒,限制进口中国纺织品,使未来中国纺织品服装出口面临严峻挑战。美国贸易组织委员会 NCTONational council of textile organization 的报告表明,在取消配额的 29 个服装目录中,从 2002 年 1 月 1 日到现在为止我国的产品价格下降了 49%,这引起了他们的恐慌,他们认为中国利用外汇政策、出口补贴和国有企业的特殊保护等政策扭曲了世界纺织品和服装的贸易公平

7、性,因此美国和欧盟都有启动针对中国的“特保”措施的意向。国内的企业规模都不大,技术含量均不高,服装没有自己的品牌和设计,出口主要依靠低价,这也会引起反倾销的注意力。另外,与我们的主要对手墨西哥和土耳其等相比, 地缘劣势也是我们要克服的。因此,如何把握机遇,应对挑战,关系到中国纺织服装业未来的发展之路。 后配额时代对于中国纺织品服装业来说,前景是乐观的,但是必须谨慎地对待出口量激增、价格下降导致总利润下降、更多贸易保护等问题,以获得持续健康的发展。 随着全球纺织贸易后配额时代的到来,一个新的纺织品贸易竞争格局也将形成。中国纺织行业在参与新一轮的竞争中,在原有的优势并不稳固的情况下,要取得与其他国

8、家共赢的局面,必须进一步提高产品的国际竞争力。今后中国纺织行业应加快结构调整和产业升级,走新型工业化道路,满足世界市场顾客个性化消费趋势。突破绿色壁垒,把绿色纺织品、环保服装等高质量产品作为扩大出口的新增长点,从而全面提高中国纺织业在国际市场的竞争力。 在经济全球化的今天,简单的数量增长不是中国纺织品出口追求的目标;抓住一体化机遇、实现纺织品出口的可持续发展才是我们的发展方向。 本文通过对后配额时代我国纺织服装出口企业所面临的机遇和挑战的分析以及中国纺织服装企业在取消配额后的主要竞争对手的介绍和研究, 剖析了我国纺织企业目前普遍存在的问题, 力图找出一条中国纺织服装企业在后配额时代的发展出路。

9、 纺织品服装工业是我传统产业中就业昀多、规模昀大的行业。从全球范围看,中国目前依然是世界纺织品服装出口的第一大国;从国内来说,纺织品服装出口在我国纺织业以及整个国民经济的发展中占有举足轻重的作用。因此,在后配额时代我国纺织品服装出口的发展将直接影响到国家和千家万户的利益。 ABSTRACT The textile and costume industry is a traditional manufacturing, but it is not the setting sun industry. With the development of technology, the textile a

10、nd costume industry is improving graduallyMany countries in the world start from the development of textile and costume industry, China is also an example. Since China has the advantages of raw material and labor power, the exportation of textile, especially in the area of costume covers a large num

11、ber of proportions to the export volume. However, China textile industry is facing many difficulties after it had an experience of fasten development. In last year, textile industry was affected by some affairs, such as Iraq War, SARS, and the rising cost of cotton and trade conflict. From a long te

12、rm point of view, China textile industry is not optimistic, because it has to face the jump of manpower, the entrance of multi-national company, the cancellation of quota, the reduce of import custom tax and the trade protectionism of developed country, etc. Under this situation, it is very importan

13、t to guarantee the advantage of competition to the textile and costume enterprisesBecause the productivity of China is still in a low level, the export of textile and costume plays an important role with the process trade as the main form. The increasing of Joint Venture, collectivistic enterprises

14、and personal enterprises changes the structure of the export entitiesstStart from Jan, 1 2005, the global trade quota textile and costume will be canceled completely. It means that the textile product can be entering any country freely in the world. The international textile resource will be configu

15、red much more reasonable than before. The manufacturers, exporters and the country that is limited by the quota will pay high attention to the great changes and the foreground in the time of After-quotaThe textile industry is the advantage comparatively to China. China ranks the first place on the l

16、ist made by USA, which includes the most competitive country in textile industry. In 2003, the production volume of China textile industry breaks 21500 billion RMB, export volume is 804.4 billion USD, which occupies 1/5 world market. The world trade theory does think that a country should develop th

17、e industry fast that has the comparative advantage. China is the largest country to export textile in the world, it has no doubt that Chinese product is the most competitive in the international market, the root is that the cost the labor power is obviously lower than the other areas in the worldTex

18、tile and costume export also plays a very important role in the general export of China. In 2003, textile product covers 18% of all the general export volume, it is crucial to balance the state foreign trade income and expand. In the year 2003, textile export has a surplus of 649 billion USD, in the

19、 half year of 2004, trade surplus reached 336 USD. The rapid development of textile is very critical to hold a group of manpower and ease the employment pressure in China. According to a report, if the exports of textile increase 15000 USD, it will create a position of employment. In 2003, the expor

20、ts of textile industry create over 1 million jobs for people. Moreover, textile industry is also connected with the income and employment of 1 billion cotton farmersstThe date of Jan 1 of 2005 is coming soon; the world textile trade will welcome the free trade on schedule. In the long term, USA, EU

21、, Canada and other developed countries take the quota system to the importers, it violate the principle of free trade, it restrict the developing countries to exert their comparative advantages. It is benefit to the operation of multi-bilateral trade system and the healthy development of global textile trade with it is back to the correct situation, finally


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