1、1浙江省普通高中知识拓展类选修教材英语美文欣赏杭州市塘栖中学 沈曙明 编著2作者声明1、 本教材著作权归教材作者所有,未经作者授权,任何组织或个人不得以任何形式对本教材进行出版、发行。2、 本教材仅供在本校范围内用于选修课教学,经本人同意,允许其他教师使用本教材。3、 本教材存在的疏漏、错误之处敬请批评指正,欢迎相关专家、老师与作者联系,共同参与本教材的研究和完善工作。联系电话:13588309396。3课程说明一、本课程属知识拓展类校本课程。二、课程开设的目的和意义(一)高中英语教材(现在学生用课本)有着丰富而鲜活的语言素材,是一套很理想的教材,但对于优秀生群体来说,内容还显得不足,学生学力
2、有余。英语文化丰富且博大精深,从莎士比亚英语到如今网络英语,英语语言随着人们生活的变化、时代的进步而不断发展,如果不能充分地利用这种时代英语资源,充分开发学生潜力,既是浪费资源,也是错失教育良机。(二)阅读课程是高中英语学习中最重要的组成部分之一,学生阅读水平的高低不仅决定着学生的英语高考成绩,也在很大程度上影响着学生其他英语基本技能的发展。本课程开设的目的是让学生在读原汁原味的英语文章的环境下训练获得信息的技能,从而提升学生的阅读水平,促进学生英语水平的整体提高。(三)英语高考改革后,阅读是五篇文章,其中多以美文为载体编辑题目,其中 D 篇都是经典文学作品的节选,所以美文的欣赏对高中生来说更
5、共 18 篇文章,平均每篇一个课时,共 18 个课时。主要任务是通过篇章阅读,获取信息,了解相关知识,增强文化意识;掌握不同题材文章的阅读技巧,形成相应的阅读策略;掌握关键词、短语和句型,扩大词汇量,重点培养学生阅读理解能力。实施建议一、教学建议(一)学分与学时本课程为 1 个学分,共 18 学时,安排在高一或高二年级进行。(二)教学设备互联网、多媒体课件、文字材料、图片、视频和音频。(三)教学方式教师讲授、学生阅读材料(可采用两种模式:1 课内阅读,讨论升华。2.课后阅读,课堂反馈收集材料,交流美文欣赏感受,师生交流讨论等。 )5二、评价建议(一)评价形式本课程注重过程性与终结性评价的有机结
6、合,对学生学习的评定及学分的认定可以用“平时课堂表现 20%+课外活动表现 30%+考试成绩 50%”的方法进行测评。(二)评价内容附表 1)评价指标 评价平时课堂表现课外活动表现考试成绩附表 2)美文欣赏自我评价表:(每节课下课前学生自我评价)Name Date 注: 优秀(A)良好(B)合格(C)待改进(D )Reading Item A B C DLook up new words in the dictionaryFind out difficult and key pointsHunt for wonderful sentencesBe active in thinking whil
7、e readingWhileReadingExpress your feelings/ ideas clearlyBe involved in discussion activelyWrite down what you think and feel and likeAfterReadingSummarize reading strategies6英语美文欣赏前言人教版的英语教材内容涉及面较为广泛,是一套比较理想的也已经为大家所接受的教材。但对于我们塘栖中学的学生来说,有些内容还是显得偏难偏生涩。学生本身知识面不够广,词汇积累少,对有些话题很难展开讨论,打击了他们原本就不怎么高的积极性,课堂缺
8、乏生机和活力。笔者在以前的教学过程中曾经尝试找一些相对简单易懂的课外英语素材(主要为美文赏析) ,抽出一定的课堂教学时间给学生看,帮助他们从欣赏的角度去阅读,体验英语语言文字之美,发现学生比较喜欢,遂想到开设这样一门选修课。以弥补教材的不足,扩大学生的阅读视野和知识面,提升思维能力,获得一些情感体验和共鸣,积累一些原汁原味的优美语句,增加文学素养和英语修养,培养快速获取信息和加工信息的能力以及作品鉴赏能力。世界上没有哪个国家像中国这样去学习一门外语并且作为高考的主要科目,然而学习了多年英语的中国学生在阅读英文书刊和同英语国家人士交流交往中往往会因为缺乏英语国家文化而遇到很多困难。最近几年的高考
9、英语试题也更加注重对真实语言和语言运用能力的测试。无论是听力,单选,完型,阅读还是书面表达,对跨文化语言运用方面的内容考查也有逐渐增多的趋势。所以,在英语教学中除了语言知识的教学以外,培养学生的跨文化意识,让学生认识了解英语国家的文化,对学生学英语兴趣的培养和能力的提高相当重要。更何况浙江英语高考改革后,阅读部分 D 篇往往是经典文学作品原著中加以改编的节选,所以美文的欣赏对高中生来说更具有现实意义。作者遵循基础性、趣味性、思想性和审美性原则编写本教材,是一本适合中学生阅读水平和兴趣的文学教材。但由于时间仓促,难免存在疏漏甚至错误,7还望大家批评指正,并欢迎共同参与本教材的研究和完善工作。目
10、录前言 思想篇11. “飞鱼”奥运后望享受生活12. Free Minds and Hearts at Work 23. What Will Matter? 64. Five Balls of Life75. Life Throws a Brick at Your Head 9智慧篇 106. Learning to Think All Over Again 10礼仪篇 137. Dining Etiquette When Dating 148. Customs on Invitation in Britain 169. American Etiquette 19友谊篇 2110. Mans
11、Best Friend 2111. My Stepfather, My Friend 2112. Teenagers Need Friends 2513. How to Make Friends With Foreigners 2614. A Special Friend 29生活篇 2915. Why Do You Do What You Do? 29816. Life Doesnt Always Give Us the Joys We Want 31励志篇 3117. Never Give Up Hope 3118. How to Make Your Biggest Weakness Yo
12、ur Biggest Strength 32杭州市塘栖中学选修课程丛书 知识拓展类 英语美文欣赏1思想篇 1. “飞鱼”奥运后望享受生活LONDON U.S. swimmer Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian ever, said Monday that he has accomplished all his goals and dreams in competitive swimming and now he wants to enjoy life.Phelps now has three Olympic records - for wi
13、nning the most overall medals with 22, for winning the most gold medals with 18, and for the most gold medals in a single Olympics with eight, which he won in Beijing in 2008.When asked at a news conference in London which medal meant the most to him, Phelps said it was the gold medal he won in Athe
14、ns for the 400 meter individual medley.“That so hard. Ill probably say that its my first Olympic gold in 2004 in the 400 I.M,“ said Phelps. “You know being able to, you know, sort of train your whole life to achieve something and finally getting the gold medal and standing at the top of the podium l
15、istening to the national anthem play, it was one of the coolest moments of my life.”Phelps said his goal in London was to break the all-time record for career Olympic medals but he was initially frustrated after finishing fourth in the 400 meter individual medley. However he regained his confidence
16、after winning his first individual gold medal in the 200 meter medley.At 27-years-old, Phelps is now retired from competitive swimming. He said he intends to stay involved with his foundation that promotes water safety and encourages young people to swim. Beyond that, he said he just wants to have f
17、un.“And I dont have any fears about the sort of next stage of my life. This is something that is going to be enjoyable,“ he said. “Ive been able to, Ive swam for 20 years and Ive been able to put my mind to something and achieve everything I ever wanted, and there are a lot of goals that I have, and
18、 I have the confidence now that I can achieve anything I put my mind to.”杭州市塘栖中学选修课程丛书 知识拓展类 英语美文欣赏2Phelps said right now he is a bit overwhelmed and needs time to come to terms with the significance of his Olympic achievements before moving on to the next stage of his life.Questions:1. Is he sure a
19、bout his future life? How do you know?2. How many Olympic records has he set? How many gold medals has he got? How many medals has he got?3. Which medal does he value most?4. Why was he initially frustrated in London? 5. What made him confident again?6. What does he plan to do? 7. Where can you find
20、 the passage?Beautiful words and phrases:decorated; when asked; I have the confidence that2. Free Minds and Hearts at Work by Jackie RobinsonAt the beginning of the World Series of 1947, I experienced a completely new emotion, when the National Anthem was played. This time, I thought, it is being pl
21、ayed for me, as much as for anyone else. This is organized major league baseball, and I am standing here with all the others; and everything that takes place includes me.About a year later, I went to Atlanta, Georgia, to play in an exhibition game. On the field, for the first time in Atlanta, there
22、were Negroes and whites. Other Negroes, besides me. And I thought: What I have always believed has come to be.And what is it that I have always believed? First, that imperfections are human. But that wherever human beings were given room to breathe and time to think, those imperfections would disappear, no matter how slowly. I do not believe that we have found or even approached perfection. That is not necessarily in the scheme of human events. Handicaps, stumbling blocks, prejudices all of these are imperfect. Yet, they have to be reckoned with because they are in the scheme of human events.