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1、华中科技大学本科生学习指南68预防医学专业(五年制)本科人才培养计划Undergraduate Program for Preventive Medicine Specialty(5-years schooling)一、培养目标. Educational Objectives本专业培养具有良好素质的能获得公共卫生医师资格的高级专门人才,毕业后能从事疾病预防与控制、卫生监督、卫生保健、健康促进、社区卫生服务等工作,并为毕业后进一步深造打下良好的基础。This program aims at cultivating the high-ranking specialized personnel of

2、 good quality obtaining the qualification of public health doctor who will be able to undertake the work of prevention and control of diseases, health care, health promotion, community health services, etc, and laying a good foundation for advanced study after graduation.二、基本规格要求IIBasic standard req

3、uired 本专业学生应掌握基础医学、 临床医学和预防医学的基础 理论、基本知 识和基本技能,具备良好的思想品德和职业态度,为毕业 后继续教育打下坚实的基 础。毕业生应获得以下的态度、知 识和技能:Students of this specialty should master the basic theory, basic knowledge and skills in the subjects of fundamental medicine, clinical medicine and preventive medicine; and possess good moral characte

4、rs in ideology and job attitude so as to lay a firm foundation for the continued education after graduation.Graduates should acquire the following morals, knowledge and skills:态 度 要 求1.树 立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,具有 爱国主义和集体主 义精神,愿 为公共卫生与预防医学事业贡献力量。2.热爱 公共 卫生事 业和疾病预防控制工作,牢固树立预防为主的观念,具有良好的敬业精神和医德医风,全心全意为人民健康服 务

5、。3.有极 强 的法律意 识,遵纪守法,公正 执法,以保 护人民健康、控制疾病、促进国民健康水平的提高为己任。4.始 终将社区的健康利益作为自己的职业责任。5.树 立正确的医学伦理观念,尊重个人信仰,理解其人文背景及文化价值。6.树 立终 身学习观 念,充分认识到不断自我完善和接受继续教育的重要性。7.重 视对 新知识 、新技能的学习和探索,具有 创新精神以及 为新知识产生、新技能的建立做出 贡献的意识。8.尊重同仁,树立团队意识。Attitude Requirements 1. Establish scientific outlook on world, life and values, h

6、ave patriotism and collectivism spirit, and wish to contribute to the cause of public health and preventive medicine.2. Have ardent love for the cause of public health and the work of disease prevention and control; build up firmly the idea of giving priority to prevention; possess a good spirit of

7、devotion to duty and of 华中科技大学本科生学习指南69good medical ethics and work-style; and wish to serve the people health wholeheartedly.3. Possess a strong consciousness of law, observe the law and discipline, justly execute the law; and regard protecting the peoples health, controlling diseases, and raising

8、the peoples health to a higher level as your own duty.4. Take the benefits of community health as your own professional duty all the time.5. Establish the idea of medical ethics, respect personal faith, respect every person, and have a good understanding of his humane background and cultural value.6

9、. Establish the idea of studying throughout ones life and fully realize the importance of going on unceasing self-perfection and receiving continued education.7. Attach importance to the learning and exploring of new knowledge and new skills; establish the initiative spirit and the ideology of wishi

10、ng to make contributions to the formation of new knowledge and to the building up of new skills.8. Respect colleagues and establish team spirit.知 识 要 求1.基本掌握相关生物科学的基础知识和基础医学的理论知识及其研究方法,指导今后的卫生防病工作实践。2.掌握生命各阶 段的人体正常结构和功能及其异常情况下的各种变化特征。3.掌握各种常见 病、多发病、慢性病的 发病原因、 发生机理及 诊断和防治原则。4.掌握 环 境因素、生物因素、社会因素及心理行 为

11、因素对人群健康影响的基本理 论知识。5.掌握不同环境条件下有害因素对人群健康的危害、特点及影响因素。6.掌握 环 境因素与健康关系研究的原理和方法,包括宏 观的流行病学和卫生统计学方法及微观的毒理学方法。7.掌握不同条件下对健康有害因素的识别、 监测和评价的知识和技能。8.掌握有关社会医学的基本知识及卫生事业管理、卫生监督执法的基本方法和程序。9.掌握健康教育、健康促进的知识和方法,提高人 们的自我保健意 识和健康水平。Knowledge requirements1. Have a basic mastery of relevant basic knowledge of bioscience

12、and theoretical knowledge and research methods of basic medical science to guide the future practice in disease prevention and health services. 2. Master the normal structure and functions of the human body at various stages of life and their various characteristics of changes under abnormal conditi

13、ons.3. Master the etiology, pathogenesis and principles for diagnosis and treatment of common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases.4. Master the basic theoretical knowledge of impacts of environmental factors, biological factors, social factors and psychological behavior factors on the public

14、health.5. Master the harms and characteristics for the impacts of deleterious substances on the public health under various environmental conditions.6. Master the principles and methods of research for the relationship between environmental factors and public health, including epidemiological and he

15、alth statistical methods macroscopically and toxicological method microscopically.7. Master the knowledge and technical skills of identifying, inspecting and evaluating the impacts of deleterious factors on the public health under various conditions.8. Master the basic knowledge of sociology and bas

16、ic methods and procedures of the management of health undertakings and the execution of the law in health surveillance.华中科技大学本科生学习指南709. Master the knowledge and methods of health education and health promotion to raise the consciousness of self-healthcare of the public and the level of the public h

17、ealth.技 能 要 求1.具有 对 不同环 境条件下存在的有害因素的卫生检测和监督的基本技能。2.具有分析影响人群健康的各种因素及疾病发生和流行规律、开展科学研究基本能力。3.具有制定预防疾病和增 进人群健康的实施计划和开展实施工作的初步能力。4.具有开展调查 研究、制定现场调查计划、 设计调查表格及初步分析、研究的能力。5.具有 对 常见病、多发病、慢性病防治和开展社区 卫生保健服 务的基本能力。6.具有一定的健康的心理行为及社会工作能力、组织协调能力和人际交往的能力。7.初步具备发现 公共卫生中的问题和能分析问题、解决问题的基本素质与能力。8.具有 应对 突发 公共卫生事件的初步能力。

18、9.具有利用各种信息资源和信息技术进行自主学习、文献收集与研究的能力。10.掌握一门外 语,并具有应用语言的能力。Skills requirements 1. Possess the basic skills of health inspection and surveillance for the existing deleterious factors under various environmental conditions.2. Possess the basic ability to analyze the various factors affecting peoples hea

19、lth and the rules of disease incidence and prevalence and to carry out scientific research. 3. Possess the elementary ability to work out and execute a plan of preventing diseases and promoting the public health.4. Possess the elementary ability to make an investigation study, to work out a plan for

20、 on-the-spot investigations, to design a survey questionnaire, and to do analysis and researching.5. Possess the basic ability to prevent and treat common diseases, frequently-occurring diseases and chronic diseases and to carry out community healthcare services.6. Have healthy psychological behavio

21、r and the ability to carry out social work, organizational coordination and interpersonal communication.7. Possess the basic diathesis and ability to detect, analyze and solve the problems concerning public health.8. Possess the elementary ability to deal with the unexpected incidents concerning pub

22、lic health.9. Possess the ability to utilize various information resources and information techniques for autonomous study, literature collection and scientific research.10. Master a foreign language and be able to use it as a tool.三、培养特色Program Features将人文信息科学、基础医学、临床医学和预防医学知识相结 合,培养基础扎实、专业知识宽厚、综合能

23、力较强、素质较高的公共 卫生医师。Combining the knowledge of humanities and information science, basic medicine, clinical medicine with that of preventive medicine, cultivate public health physicians of high quality with a solid foundation, wide knowledge in specialty and strong capability of synthesis. 四、主干学科Major

24、Disciplines基础医学 Basic Medicine、临床医学 Clinical Medicine、预防医学 Preventive Medicine华中科技大学本科生学习指南71五、学制与学位Length of Schooling and Degree学制:基本为五年,实行弹性学制。Duration: Basic system: 5 years, plus flexible system.授予学位:医学学士Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of medicine degree六、学时与学分Hours/Credits完成学业最低课内学分(含课程体系与集中性实践教学环

25、节)要求:284.5Minimum Credits of Curricular (Comprising course system and intensified internship practical training): 284.5完成学业最低课外学分要求:10Minimum Extracurricular Credits:101. 课 程体系学时与学分Hours/Credits of Course System课程类别 课程性质 学时/学分 占课程体系学分比例()必修 1056/66 27.8通识教育基础课程选修 160/10 4.2必修 984/61.5 25.8学科大类基础课程选修

26、 64/4 1.7必修 816/51 21.5学科基础课程 学科(专业)基础课程 选修64/4 1.7必修 592/37 15.6专业课程 专业核心课程 选修 64/4 1.7合 计 3800/237.5Course Classified Course Nature Weeks/Credits Percentage (%)Required 1056/66 27.8Basic Courses in General EducationElective 160/10 4.2Required 984/60.5 25.8Basic Courses in General Discipline Electi

27、ve 64/4 1.7Required 816/51 21.5Basic Courses in Discipline Basic Courses in Discipline Elective 64/4 1.7Required 592/37 15.6Courses in Specialty Common Core Courses Elective 64/4 1.7Total 3800/237.52. 集中性实践教学 环节周数与学分Weeks/Credits of Intensified Internship and Practical Training实践教学环节名称 课程性质 周数/学分 占实

28、践教学环节学分比例()军事训练 必修 2/2 4.3入学教育 必修 1/1 2.1毕业教育 必修 1/1 2.1毕业考试 必修 1/1 2.1临床实习 必修 24/24 51.1毕业实习 必修 18/18 38.3合计 47/47华中科技大学本科生学习指南72Internship Membership of group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province22*Contact the labor education

29、through an early stage of clinical practiceThose who take part in health care or nursing work for 2 weeks in summary holiday of 2nd academic year, and submit a practice-summary with a certificate from the authenticator, and pass an assess or examination, will be awarded the extra credits. 23*Contact

30、 the labor education through an early stage of Social Practice in SpecialtyThose who take part in special practice for 4 weeks in summary holiday of 3rd academic year, and submit a practice-summary with a certificate from the authenticator, and pass an assess or examination, will be awarded the extr

31、a credits. 4CET-6 Students whose Band-6 exam scores accord our requirements 2National Computer Rank Examination Win certificate of Band-3 or higher 2Win certificate of Programmer 2Win certificate of Advanced Programmer 34Examinations in English and Computer National Computer Software QualificationWi

32、n certificate of System Analyst 4Win first prize 3Win second prize 2University LevelWin third prize 1Win first prize 4Win second prize 3Provincial LevelWin third prize 2Win first prize 6Win second prize 45 CompetitionsNational LevelWin third prize 36 Thesis Those whose thesis appears in national pub

33、lications Per piece 2-37 Scientific ResearchDepending on both the time spent in and ability demonstrated in scientific research projectEach item 1-38 Experiments Depending on innovative extent Each item 1-3Note: 1. In HUST Sports Meet, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, an

34、d the sixth prize to the eighth prize are deemed respectively the first prize, the second prize and the third prize of university level.2. The “*” shows that the items and requirements must be completed for every student.华中科技大学本科生学习指南74七、主要课程Main Courses in Specialty生理学 Physiology、生物化学与分子生物学 Biochem

35、istry & Molecular biology、病原生物学 Medical Microbiology、医学免疫学 Medical Immunology、病理学 Pathology、物理诊断学 Physical Diagnostics、内科学 Internal Medicine、卫 生统计学 Health Statistics、流行病学 Epidemiology、卫生毒理学 Health Toxicology、环境卫生学 Environmental Health、营养与食品卫生学 Nutrition and Food Health、劳动卫生与职业病学 Occupational Health

36、and Occupational Disease、儿童少年卫生学 Child and Adolescence Health、卫生检验学 Health Inspection、社会医学与卫生事业管理 Social Medicine and Health Service Management八、主要实践教学环节(含专业实验)Main Internship and Practical Training (Including experiments)临床实习 Clinical Practice、毕业实习 Graduate Practice九、教学进程计划表 Table of Teaching Sched

37、ule院(系):同济医学院公共卫生学院 专业:预防医学(五年制)School (Department): School of Public Health, Tongji Medical College Specialty: Preventive Medicine Specialty其中Including各学期学时Hour Distribution in a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st

38、二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th九9th十10th必 修Required 0301901思想道德修养与法律基础Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law48/3 12 36必 修Required 0100721中国近现代史纲要Survey of Modern Chinese History 32/2 8 24必 修Required 0100321毛泽东思想概论、邓小平理论概论和“三个代表” 重要思想概 论Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiaoping Theory and the “Thr

39、ee Representations”96/6 32 64必 修Required 0100731马克思主义原理Theory of Marxism 48/3 12 36必 修Required 1200011军事理论Military Theory 16/1 16必 修Required 0510071中国语文Chinese 32/2 32必 修Required 0700019微积分(二)Calculus() 80/5 80必 修Required 0700035大学物理(四)Physics() 96/6 28 96必 修Required 0702511基础化学(二)Fundamental Chemis

40、try() 88/5.5 38 88通识教育基础课程BasicCoursesinGeneralEducation必 修Required 0704081有机化学(一)Organic Chemistry() 96/6 44 96华中科技大学本科生学习指南75续表其中Including各学期学时Hour Distribution in a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th

41、五5th六6th七7th八8th九9th十10th必 修Required 0500015大学英语(一)College English() 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0500017大学英语(二)College English() 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0500019大学英语(三)College English() 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0503019大学英语(四)College English() 56/3.5 56必 修Required 0800171大学计算机基础Introduction to Computer Technology32

42、/2 12 32必 修Required 0812221Visual Basic 语言程序 设计Visual Basic Program Designing 56/3.5 20 56必 修Required 0811161计算机网络技术及应用Computer Network & Application 48/3 16 48必 修Required 0400111大学体育(一)Physical Education() 16/1 16 16必 修Required 0400121大学体育(二)Physical Education() 16/1 16 16必 修Required 0400131大学体育(三)

43、Physical Education() 16/1 16 16必 修Required 0400141大学体育(四)Physical Education() 16/1 16 16通识教育基础课程BasicCoursesinGeneralEducation人文社科类选修课程Electives in Humanities and Social Science160/10必 修Required 0700355生命科学导论Introduction to Life Sciences 16/1 16必 修Required 1001101细胞生物学Cytobiology 64/4 2 24 62必 修Requ

44、ired 1001091系统解剖学Systematic Anatomy 96/6 48 96必 修Required 1001131组织学与胚胎学Histology and Embryology 80/5 44 80必 修Required 1001031生理学Physiology 96/6 10 86必 修Required 1001082生 物 化 学 与 分 子 生 物 学Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 120/7.5 42 120学科基础课程学科大类基础BasicCoursesinGeneralDiscipline必 修Required 1001021病原生

45、物学Medical Microbiology 128/8 5 54 123华中科技大学本科生学习指南76续表其中Including各学期学时Hour Distribution in a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th九9th十10th必 修Required 1001112医学免疫学Medical Immunology 48/3 5

46、12 43必 修Required 1001011病理学Pathology 104/6.5 2 34 102必 修Required 1001001病理生理学Pathophysiology 56/3.5 2 54必 修Required 1001051药理学Pharmacology 80/5 80必 修Required 1001041机能实验1 Functional Experiments(1) 32/2 32 32必 修Required 1001061机能实验2 Functional Experiments(2) 64/4 64 64学科基础课程学科大类基础BasicCoursesinGenera

47、lDiscipline医学基础学科类选修课Electives in Basic Science 64/4必 修Required 0704591医学伦理学Medical Ethnics 32/2 4 28必 修Required 0507411医学英语基础Elementary Medical English 32/2 32必 修Required 0506461医学拉丁语Medical Latin 16/1 16必 修Required 1001752医学心理学Medical Psychology 24/1.5 24必 修Required 1001301物理诊断学Physical Diagnostic

48、s 80/5 40 80必 修Required 1001311实验诊断学Experimental Diagnostics 40/2.5 20 40必 修Required 1001462医学影像学Medical Imaging 32/2 32必 修Required 1001362内科学Internal Medicine 96/6 6 90必 修Required 1001403外科学Surgery 56/3.5 56必 修Required 1001351妇产科学Gynecology 40/2.5 4 36必 修Required 1001332儿科学Paediatrics 40/2.5 4 36必

49、修Required 1001412眼科学Ophthalmology 24/1.5 4 20学科基础课程学科(专业)基础 BasicCoursesofDisciplines必 修Required 1001341耳鼻咽喉科学Otolaryngology 24/1.5 4 20华中科技大学本科生学习指南77续表其中Including各学期学时Hour Distribution in a Semester课程类别CourseClassi-fied课程性质CourseNature课程代码CourseCode课程名称Course Name学时/学分Hrs/Crs课外Extra-cur.实验Exp.上机Oper-ation一1st二2nd三3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th九9th十10th必 修Required 1001371皮肤性病学Dermatology and Venereology 24/1.5 4 20必 修Required 1001321传染病学Lemology(Infectious


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