1、 焊装扩建辅房装饰工程施工组织设计编制人:审核人:审批人:日 期:0目 录第 1 章 编制说明 General Instructions1.1 基本理念 General Conception1.2 编制依据 Basis of Proposal1.3 编制内容 Content1.4 编制原则及要求 Principle and Requirement1.5 遵循的规范、规程、规定 Code, Standard and Regulation第 2 章 投标函第 3 章 承诺函第 4 章 保密协议第 5 章 商务信息(含付款方式)投标内容报价,报价格式为标准格式,主材,辅材,人工,材料,品牌,数量第
2、6 章 施工方案详细描述第 7 章 施工进度及计划表第 8 章 质保期,质量承诺以及验收标准第 9 章 图表(工程组织架构图,进展网络图,施工图纸,装修图纸,安全体系图第 10章 标书附件:相关资质介绍,制度证书以及相关施工主要人员证书及与贵司的相关证明1第 1 章 编制说明 General Instructions 1.1 基本理念 General Conception1)在认真、全面地阅读工程招标文件和设计图纸的基础上,深刻领会和贯彻设计意图及招标的要求,针对该工程特点结合我公司多年来在类似工程中的施工实践,我们将本着实事求是、“科学技术是第一生产力”的态度,结合合展公司在过去 20 年内
3、积累了 14 项装饰工程专利技术,应用最高标准的管理流程及施工工艺组织施工。On the basis of our full comprehension of the construction design and the construction techniques required in this project and taking into consideration the characteristics of this project, and combining our experiences of similar projects, we will apply best pr
4、oject management procedures and best construction technique with Hezhans 14 patents on interior fit-out from over 20 year design and construction experience for this Project, with a practical and realistic attitude. 2)在绝对保证工程施工质量的前提下选择最优施工方案以加快施工速度,并且加强现场施工管理,积极配合贵公司项目工程师对在施工过程中的检查验收工作,加强原材料的质量控制,合理
5、组织部署施工,充分体现我公司“优质、高效、文明”之宗旨。Under the condition of absolutely ensuring sound quality, we will choose optimum construction method to accelerate the construction. Furthermore, we will strengthen and intensify the site management and quality control of construction materials. We will cooperate with you
6、r engineers to carry out the check and inspection works in an active and zealous way. In one word, we will carry out the whole works following our persistent tenet of high quality, sound efficiency and civilized operation.3) 根据招标文件的要求,本施工组织设计涵盖招标文件中规定的所有内装修工程的全部内容。According to the tender documents r
7、equest, this construction organization design including all the content about the Fit Out works in tender document. 4) 针对业主要求及工程特点,对本工程的施工质量、安全、文明施工、工期等方面作出明确的承诺及保障。In view of the owner request and the project characteristic ,make with clear promises and guarantee to the construction quality 、safety
8、、civilized construction and schedule and so on 5) 对工程施工组织、主要施工方法及技术要求、质量、工期、安全消防、文明施工、特殊环境施工保证等方面进行重点论述。Make keystone treatise about project construction organization、mail method of construction、 request of technique, quality, schedule, safety fire, civilized construction and ensure construction abo
9、ut special environment.6) 专门制定了工程的施工总体协调与管理措施。Make construct collectivity correspond and the manager measure to project.7) 施工的指导思想 guide idea about Construction2我单位施工的指导思想是:根据我公司的质量、职业健康安全、环境三位一体管理体系文件的要求(质量管理体系要求GB/T19001-2008、职业健康安全管理体系规范GB/T28001-2011),环境管理体系GB/T24001-2004 分别建立质量保证体系、职业健康安全保证体系、环
10、境保证体系。选派具有国家一级项目经理资质和高素质的有同类工程施工经验的工程技术管理人员组建项目经理部,根据项目法实施项目管理,在总包的管理下,精心组织、科学管理、协同施工,全面实现工程工期、质量、安全、环境等各项目标。My constructions guiding principle is: According to Our companys quality, the occupational health security, the environment Trinity management system documents request (“Quality control Syste
11、m Request“ GB/T19001-2000, “Occupational health Safety control System Standard“ GB/T28001-2001) establishes the quality assurance system, the occupational health security guarantees system, the environment guarantee system separately. Details to have national first-level project manager the intellig
12、ence and the high quality has the similar project construction experiences engineering technology administrative personnels to set up the project management, according to the project law implementation project management, under always a package of management, carefully organizes, the scientific mana
13、gement, the coordination construction, realizes the project time, the quality, the security, the environment comprehensively and so on each goal.8) 中标后的承诺 promises after receiving tender of acceptance 技术、组织承诺 promises about technic and organization.我公司在工业与民用建筑方面具有丰富的施工经验,在近几年先后承揽了一系列的相关工程,在室内外土建、机电、
14、装修工程施工方面积累了大量的施工技术和施工管理经验。我公司将组织参与过类似工程施工的项目管理和技术人员投入本工程的建设中,充分发挥我公司的技术和管理优势。Our company has rich construction experience in the industry and the civil improve the condition of the work to advance work productivity.7)、尽量采用国内、外先进施工技术,科学地确定施工方案,提高工程质量,确保安全施工,缩短施工工期,降低工程成本。Use the construction technic
15、in advance, make sure the method of construction,improve the quality of the project, ensure safety,cut the time, reduce the cost of the project.8)、我公司近年来承建了多项类似工程,有丰富的施工经验,掌握了先进的施工技术和工艺技能,用于本工程后可有效地保证工程质量和施工安全,加快进度,降低造价。We have completed quite a few similarity projects these years. We have got lots
16、of contruction experience and advanced technogies. We could ensure availably the quality and safety, reduce time and cost about this project, if we get it.56第 6 章 施工方案详细描述6.1总体指导思想及原则 General Principles1)在本工程施工中,我们将贯彻投标时为用户着想,施工中为用户提供服务,投产使用时让用户满意、放心的指导思想。认真做好施工准备,确保创造良好的施工条件,按照“技术先进、管理科学、经济合理、切实可行”
17、的原则,确定总的施工程序和方向,突出重点部位和重点工艺。力争按时建成,确保工程质量优良。General Principle: During the construction, we will always bear in mind the guideline that we must carry out the construction with hign sense of quality, cost and time and meet all needs of the Owner. Besides, we shall hold the principle of advanced techno
18、logy, scientific management, economic and operational application throughout the construction period. Firstly identify the general construction method and then specify the method of each single or partial works with particular emphasis on certain detailed part. Try every effort to ensure a finial hi
19、gh quality delivery within the required period.2)对工程进行定性、定量分析后,确定施工中不同阶段的主攻方向以及侧翼配合的最佳方案。After qualitative and quantitative analysis, find out the best construction procedure and method with the best match between key points and minor points。3)在确保工程质量、施工安全的前提下把优化功能、完善设施、缩短工期放在首位,使该工程的施工达到预期目的。Under
20、the condition of ensuring construction quality and construction safety, functional improvement and shortening schedule should be put above anything else so that we can achieve the expected target.4)据各分部、分项工程的工作量及难易程度划分施工阶段。The whole works will be divided into several construction procedures accordin
21、g to the workload and extent of difficulty of each separate sub-works.5)按照“平面流水、立体交叉”的作业方式,在施工各阶段中各专业工种施工必须密切配合,交叉作业。Since the whole construction will be carried out in a crossing way. Working team of different works must establish a close cooperation between each other.6.2 技术准备 Technical preparatio
22、ns 1、熟悉施工图纸以及有关的图集、规范、文件,做好图纸会审与设计交底的准备工作。7Familiar with the construction drawings and the concerned charts standards and documents, do well the prepare work about the examine drawings and hand over designs2、根据图纸会审及设计交底精神,在开工之前进一步完善施工组织设计。According the spirit of the check drawings and hand over desi
23、gn work, improve the construction organize design before construction3、编制各分部分项工程的作业指导书及单项施工方案。Weave the instructor of various sub-project and individual operating program4、做好计量设备及测量器具的鉴定工作,主要设备有 50 米钢卷尺、5 米钢卷尺、全站仪、经纬仪、水准仪、测距仪、磅称等工具。Does the check up work of the metering equipment and survey instrume
24、nt, the major equipments have 50m steel tape measure, 5m steel tape measure, total station apparatus, theodolite, water level, range finder, pounds 5、企业相关主管部门会同项目部制定现行有效文件清单(包括验收规范、图集等技术文件)、重大环境因素清单与管理方案、重大危险源与管理措施(包括应急救援预案)等。The correlation director department together with item department making t
25、he existing effective document list (including the acceptance norms and charts), the list of major environmental factors and management programmes, and the major source of risk and management measures (including emergency rescue plan)6、提出订货清单、质量要求且明确进场时间,落实合格供方名单。Giving the book product list, qualit
26、y requirements and specific approach time to carry out the supplier lists.7、进行工料分析,明确用料、用工等额定数量及费用。Construe the material quantity and clear the materials and the quantity and costs8、搞好技术、质量、环保、安全等各项班组技术交底工作与职业培训工作,制订工作职责和工作制度,使各项管理条理化、专业化。Do a good job in technology, quality, environmental protectio
27、n, safety and other technical team hand over work and vocational training work, making the work duties and system to make the management specialized.6.3装修工程主要施工方法及技术要求 Main Construction Method and Technical Requirment6.3.1 地砖地面 Floor tile Works1)施工工艺 Construction Procedure基层清理贴灰饼、标筋铺结合层砂浆(底层)弹线铺砖压平拨
28、缝嵌缝养护82)基层施工:Base Constructiona)基土夯实时,严格控制填土土块粒径不大于 50mm,分层夯实的厚度不大于 300mm。Before the compaction,keep strict control of the size of earth and ensure that the diameter should not be more than 50mm. With 300mm thickness as maximum layer,Do the compaction by layers.b)铺设垫层时,要求砂石级配良好,均匀、分层摊铺,用电夯夯实不少于三遍,直至
29、表面平整。During the bedding course construction, the Sand and Stone to be used is required to be well-graded and should be paved by layers. The bedding course must be tamped at least for three times with electrical tamps.c)用 1: 2 干硬性水泥砂浆在基层上按标高做灰饼,尺寸为 50mm*50mm,先在四周做好塌饼,并用线按两边灰饼标出中间灰饼。Make standard bloc
30、k with 1:2 rigid cement and motar in accordance with required elevation. The size of the standard block is 50mm*50mm, Mark out the standard blocks in the middle by referring to those on each side.d)浇筑细石砼垫层应连续进行,砼铺设后用平板振动器振实,振后用 2 米直尺刮平。First cast the concrete gravel in a continuous manner, then comp
31、act bedding course with vibrator, finally strickle the surface with 2-meter-long rulers.e)养护:垫层浇筑后,常温时在 24 小时后浇水养护,养护时间不小于 7 天。Curing: Spray water for curing 24 hours later than the concrete casting. The curing period should not be less than 7 days.3)地砖面层的铺设施工方法:Floor Tiles Pavings Worksa)设置地面标准高度面。
32、Establish the standard elevation of the floor surface.b)清理基层,将基层表面的水泥砂浆等浮浆杂物清理打扫干净,并洒水湿润。Clean the base and wet it down.c)确定地面标高线,用水平管在墙上弹出水平线,然后根据地面标高,在墙面上弹出面砖标高水平线。Identify the floor level and mark out the horizontal line on the wall with water pipe. d)设标准点及划线定位,在干净的地面基层上,摊铺一层 1:3 的水泥砂浆,厚度小于 10mm,然后用尼龙线或棉线绳在墙面标高点上拉出地面标高线以及垂直交叉的定位线。Locate the standard point and lineation. Next lay 10mm thick 1:3 cement motar on the cleaned floor base.e)根据开间尺寸和地砖尺寸排版,按定位的位置铺贴地面砖,用 1:2 的水泥砂浆摊铺在地面砖背面上,再将地面砖与地面铺贴,并用橡皮锤敲击面砖面,使其与地面压实,并线高度与地面标高线吻合。铺贴 8 块