【提要】对于古代法的基本特征,人们的概括五花八门,然而“伦理法”的概括在近期获得了 普遍的认同。“伦理法”的概括应予肯定,但现有的解说存在着无法克服的理论困境, 因而需要进一步完善。“伦理法”的概括只有基于世界的整体背景,基于立法、执 法、守法等法律运行的全过程,才可能达致理论的完满。【摘要】To the basic characteristic of ancient Chinese law,people have several viewpoi nts,but“ethical law”is the common opinion. article agrees with this opinion ,bu t it argues that this opinion has some puzzledom needing important.The co nclusion that the ancient Chinese law is ethical law should be understood in the development of worldwide law,should