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1、 词汇与 连词成句专项练习一(一) 1.The flowers should _(浇灌 )once a week.2.I have _(发觉 )that the guy is very clever.3. To tell you the _(事实 ),I played on the computer for a whole night.4.Wil you please_(关 )the lights when you leave?5.My father worked very hard in order to _(挣钱 )for our school.n ( 二) 1.children,time

2、,homework,spend, more,their,on,usually (.)n 2.I,umbrella,have,packed,the,already (. )n 3.I,himework,forgot,bring,my,here,to (.)n 4.he,gift,this,me,is,the,gave (?)n 5.pay,this,how,did,skirt,you,much,for (?) A 1.Im not feeling well. I feel _(不舒服 ). 2.He_(称 )the fish. It was two kilos. 3. The old build

3、ing was_(推倒 ) yesterday. 4.Tony is always_(期待 ) living a wonderful life in the future. 5.My last try was _(成功 ). B 1.I,homework,have,do,so.much,to,today( .) 2.you,plants,have,watered,yet,the(?) 3.I,birthday,lunch,had,wonderful,a(.) 4.I,food,know,do,cook,how,not,to(.) 5.exam,me,failing,made,angry,the

4、(.)n An 1.He visited five _(国家 )during the summer vacation.n 2.These vegetables are much _(新鲜 ).I picked them this morning.n 3.Tony has many toys.He is always _(借 )his toys to his friends.n 4.It all _(视情况而定 )how you deal with the problem.n 5.Jackie Chan is _(滑稽 )actor of all, I think.n Bn 1.he,a boy

5、,polite,is(?)n 2.they,where,hang,out,usually,do(?)n 3.he,hours,park,spent,walking,many,happy,through,the(.)n 4.life,me,your,America,please,tell,more,about,in(.)n 5.I,store,dont,is,know,where,the(.) A 1.I dont know how to use these_(小刀 ). 2.Old people should be spoken to _(有礼貌 ). 3.Your idea_(听起来 )a

6、good one. 4.My aunt _(自学英语 )when she was young. 5.He always _(发出响声 )while eating noodles. B 1。 Like,you,the,search,Internet,do,to(?) 2.when,mall,do,go,they,to,the,usually(?) 3.she,friends,her,hangs,usually,out,with(.) 4.people,park,are,many,there,in,the(?) 5.I,it,language,is,use,think,important,corr

7、ect,to(.) A 1.There are many new_( 辞典 )on the shelf. You can choose one. 2.She has already_(节省 )enough money for the summer vacation. 3.I almost finish all of the things that I have to do. It makes me feel_( 轻松自在 ). 4.The children all_(穿上盛装 )and went to the party. 5.The teacher who_(握手 )with our hea

8、dteacher now is Li Leis father. B 1.in,nice,she, clothes,red,look,does(?) 2.mistake,potato,were,by,invented,chips(.) 3.where,love,are,the,friendly,people,places,I(.) 4.the,morning,Mary,missed,English,nearly,exam,this(.) 5.how,come,did,Tony,morning,this(?) A 1.I hope you will have a _(令人愉快的 )evening

9、at Toms house. 2.My keys _(落,忘 )at home, so I hurried back. 3.He found his lost bike_(偶然 )yesterday. 4._(根据 )the text, which sentence is right. 5._(敲 )the door before coming in, please. B 1.Tom,too,heavy,to,lift,the,bag,is(.) 2.who,like,people,help,would,to,have,I,home(.) 3.willing,to,he,always,othe

10、rs,is,help(?) 4.do,what,know,not,I,are,used,they,for(.) 5.writing,I,magazine,article,am,the,an,for,school(.) A 1.Jenny found a purse and_(上交 )to the headmaster. 2.Brain_(习惯使用 )chopsticks now. 3.Dont_(熬夜 ) too late, or you will feel tired in class. 4.Im thinking of _(邀请 )them to spend the summer with

11、 me in Italy. 5.The policeman asked me _(描述 )what the thief was like. B 1.go,to,I,want,quiet,somewhere(.) 2.they,like,visit,to,on,Paris,would,holiday(?) 3.me,like,it,tell,could,you,what,looks(?) 4.also,not,twins,Mike,likes,the,but,history,only(.) 5.is,he,his,similar,father,to,really(.) A 1.You will

12、miss the bus_(除非 )you hurry. 2.I want to _(四处转转 )the whole city this afternoon. Could you be the guide for me? 3.They are _(寻找 )an exiting place to go on trip. Do you know a good place near here? 4._(一定,千万 )to take the medicine, or you cant get better soon.5.For many young people, _(成为 )an actor is

13、a dream.B1.visit,they,next,hope,us,year,to(.)2.but,dance,also,not,can,only,I,sing(.)3.she,living,Beijing,enjoying,in,is,now(?)4.we,what,day,weather,these,cool,have(!)5.should,birthday,her,my,what,I,get,mom,for(?) A 1.Ill show my collection of _(邮票 )to the class. 2.We practised _(唱 ) English songs fo

14、r one and a half hours today. 3.Which country is _(大 ) in population, the U.S. or Canada? 4.Xu Li, with his friends, _(拾 )waste paper in the park every Sunday. 5.Do you know this table _(由 制成 )bamboo? B 1.schoolbag, is,your,it(?) 2.pets,have,Henry,how,does,many(?) 3.e-mail,tomorrow,will,an,send,Jim,I(.) 4.helped,night,he,maths,me,last,with,my(.) 5.cross,traffic,red,are,the,when,dont,street,the,lights(.)


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