精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 文章编号 :1006-4079(2008 03-0041-04氨氮工业废水处理技术现状和展望李健昌 , 封丹 , 罗仙平 , 韩磊 , (, 摘要 :, , 分析这些技术的 。:; 生物硝化与反硝化 ; 折点加氯 ; 化学沉淀 :AThe Current Condition of Industraial W aste w ater T reatment T echnology of Ammonia -nitrogenand its ProspectL I Jian 2chang ,FEN G Dan ,L UO Xian 2ping ,HAN Lei ,LAI Lan 2ping(Instit ute of Resource and Envi ronmental Engi neeri ng. Jiangxi U nivesity of Scienceand Technology , ganz hou Abstract :Introduce the source and harm of ammon