1、 博士学位论文开题报告书Doctoral Thesis Proposal Report姓名/Name 专业/Major 研究方向/Research Area 录取类别/Enrollment Category 入学时间/Year Enrolled 指导教师 /Instructor 学院名称 /Department 中南财经政法大学研究生部The Graduate School of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law姓名/Name 所在学院/College专业/Major研究领域/Research Area年级/Grade 导师/Instructor
2、论文题目Title of Thesis选题的根据: 1)说明选题的理论及实际意义2)综述国内外有关本题研究的动态和自己的见解The reasons of title selection:1). Illustrate the theoretical and practical significances of your title selection;2). Summarize the domestic and overseas trends of recent researches on the title, and your own understanding.论文的主要内容及论文提纲/Th
3、e main content and outline论文的创新点/Innovation of your thesis主要参考文献书目/Main Bibliography 论文写作计划,进行方式和采取主要措施Writing plan, proceeding modes and methodology 姓 名Name职 称Professional Title工作单位DepartmentMembersofProposal Team报告组成员指导教师意见/Evaluation by Instructor:导师签名/Instructor signature: 年 月 日(YMD) 研究生开题报告记录:(
4、可附页)Records of Graduates Proposal Report: (if needed, add separate sheets)开题报告记录人签名:Recorders Signature:年 月 日(YMD)开题报告评语Evaluation 通过:不需要修改。Pass: No amendment needed. 有条件通过:按修改意见修改,经导师认可后,方可通过。Conditional Pass: amended based on the suggestions; get pass after approval of instructor. 不予通过:按修改意见修改后,重新开题。Failure to pass: amended based on the suggestions, apply for proposal again. 不予通过。 Failure to pass.(请在括号内打“ ”选择)(“” your choice in the corresponding bracket.)成员签名/Members signatures:_、_、_、_、_、_年 月 日(YMD)