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1、烘筒烘燥机温度在线检测系统的模拟设计及其研究THE SIMULATION DESIGN AND STUDYOFTEMPERATURE-ONLINE-MEASURING SYSTEM FORDRYING CYLINDER专 业:纺织化学与染整工程作 者:指导教师:答辩日期:东华大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:我恪守学术道德,崇尚严谨学风。所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已明确注明和引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品及成果的内容。论文为本人亲自撰写,我对所写的内容负责,并完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。学位论文作

2、者签名:日期: 年 月 日东华大学学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅或借阅。本人授权东华大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。保密,在 年解密后适用本版权书。本学位论文属于不保密。学位论文作者签名: 指导教师签名:日期: 年 月 日 日期: 年 月 日I烘筒烘燥机温度在线检测系统的模拟设计及其研究摘 要烘筒烘燥机使用过程中,普遍存在织物过烘问题,过烘问题是指在烘燥加工过程的中后期,织物的含湿量已经接近,




6、片、继电器、桌面应用程序组成了网络在线检测和控制平台,该平台稍加改动还可应用于前处理、染色、后整理等其它在线检测系统、自动加料系统以及企业的ERP系统,是提升印染加工信息化水平的一次有意义的探索和实践。关键词:烘筒烘燥机;在线检测技术;网络通信IIITHE SIMULATION DESIGNAND STUDYOFTEMPERATURE-ONLINE-MEASURING SYSTEM FORDRYING CYLINDERABSTRACTFabric over-heating is always existed in the use of drying cylinder, which means

7、that atmiddle and late stage of heating, fabric is heated continuously when surface water content is nearto or even less than moisture regain under corresponding condition, thereby wasting huge energy.This thesis focuses on the design of temperature-online-measuring and stream-saving systembased on

8、network communication. The heating mission is completed by one drying cylinder whichconsists of several alone drying cans (minimum units). Based on this specific independentproperty of drying cylinder, stream-supplying independence can be achieved. In this case, streamconsumption for drying cylinder

9、 is likely to be reduced by controlling the stream supply of eachunit in accordance with the fabric drying degree.In this research, fabric drying degree can be tested through fabric surface temperature andrelated issues change. It indicates that for cotton fabric, stream supply can be ceased for the

10、following drying cans when temperature on fabric surface between two adjacent cans shiftabruptly around 100. Therefore, introducing temperature-online-measuring technology into theworking process of drying cylinder has great effect on improving energy efficiency duringheating.The overall framework o

11、f our project is shown as follows: the stream for drying cansstanding in the late stage of one drying cylinder is supplied separately, which is controlled viaelectromagnetic valve. Infrared temperature sensors set on drying cylinder are used to measurefabric surface temperature on each drying can, a

12、nd then online-measuring about worksiteIVtemperature on surface of fabric is obtained remotely based on network communication.The main content of this thesis are part I drying worksite, part II network communicationandpart III remote controlling system. In part I, we discuss the structure, function

13、and programmethodology about MCU, analyze the principle of analog-to-digital conversion and compileADC0832 program used for the conversion mentioned above. The brief profile of networkcommunication is referred in part II. In this section, we clarify the catalog, structure andapplication method about

14、 network interface, compile chip driver and network communicationprogram and realize embedded network connection with the help of W5100 network interface chip.The demand of drying cylinder temperature-online-measuring and stream-saving system ondesktop application function is analyzed in remote cont

15、rolling system. By applying componentsprovided by Delphi which has a simple introduction in the preface of this section, we design thesatisfactory desktop application interface which meets the online-measuring function and HMI.After that, we investigated Socket and its program method and compile net

16、work communicationprogram in line with ClientSocket component.Online measuring system and controlling platform is obtained with utilizing sensor, MCU,AD converter, network interface chip, relay and desktop application software, which can be usedin other online-measuring, auto feeding and ERP system

17、existed in pre-treating, dyeing andfinishing with a slight change. Hence, this study is a meaningful exploration and practice inpromoting information level in dyeing and finishing industry.Qian chong (Textile Chemistry, Dyeing online-measuring technology; network communicationI目录第一章绪论. 11.1引言. 11.2烘

18、筒烘燥机及其能耗. 11.3烘筒烘燥机蒸汽节能方面的研究现状. 31.3.1烘筒烘燥设备的传统节能方式. 31.3.2信息化设备在烘筒烘燥设备上的应用. 31.4网络通信和嵌入式网络通信芯片. 41.4.1 以太网技术简介. 51.4.2 TCP/IP协议. 61.4.3网络通信芯片. 71.5单片微型计算机. 91.5.1 单片机的起源. 91.5.2单片机的分类. 101.5.3单片机的特点. 101.5.4 51系列单片机. 111.5.5 编程语言. 111.6 Delphi简介. 121.6.1界面设计及程序编写. 121.6.2 Socket网络通信组件. 13第二章基于网络通信的

19、烘筒烘燥机温度在线监测系统现场部分设计. 142.1现场部分总体设计. 142.2 STC89C52单片机的主要结构和功能. 152.2.1半导体存储器原理. 162.2.2半导体存储器的分类. 182.2.3单片机的时序. 182.2.4单片机的特殊功能寄存器. 182.2.5 单片机的中断和中断寄存器. 19II2.2.6 ADC0832模数模块.212.6.1 ADC0832芯片引脚分析:.212.6.2 ADC0832芯片的时序.22第三章网络接口芯片W5100在烘筒烘燥机温度在线监测系统中的应用.253.1 W5100引脚分析.263.1.1 单片机接口引脚. 263.1.2 以太网

20、物理层接口引脚. 283.1.3.电源接口引脚. 283.1.4外接时钟. 293.1.5其它接口信号. 293.2 W5100寄存器分析.293.2.1 公共寄存器. 303.2.2端口寄存器. 343.3 W5100的单片机C51程序.403.3.1 W5100的SPI总线.403.3.2准备程序. 413.3.3 SPI通信函数.423.3.4 初始化函数. 453.3.5 W5100中断处理.47第四章基于Delphi的电脑端监控程序. 484.1界面程序设计. 484.1.1电脑端监控程序功能需求分析. 484.1.2背景图片的设计. 494.1.3图片导入与图像组件的应用. 494.1.4按键的设计. 494.1.5温度的显示. 514.2.Socket程序编写. 514.2.1通信协议. 524.2.2程序分析. 52III第五章烘燥过程的模拟和分析. 545.1 实验部分. 545.1.1实验材料. 545.1.2实验方法. 555.2结果与讨论. 555.2.1模拟烘燥过程的合理性和局限性. 555.2.2 温度突跃与烘燥终点的确定. 56第六章结论. 58参考文献. 59攻读硕士期间发表的论文. 62致谢. 63


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