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1、一、单选1、 1. The cost of the dam reconstruction would _ from 2.5 to 3 million pounds. A. deserve B. range C. spend D. include (分数:1 分) A. deserve B. range C. spend D. include标准答案是:B。2、 2. We cannot get an answer yet, for _ to that problem is still under discussion. A. action B. strategy C. solution D.

2、impact (分数:1 分) A. action B. strategy C. solution D. impact标准答案是:C。3、 3. Among these articles, which do you think are most to interest our students? A. unexpected B. awkward C. competent D. likely (分数:1 分) A. unexpected B. awkward C. competent D. likely标准答案是:D。4、 4. The body cannot store vitamin C s

3、o it is to have a fresh supply every day. A. essential B. visible C. ultimate D. profound (分数:1 分) A. essential B. visible C. ultimate D. profound标准答案是:A。5、 5. Henry seemed by this completely unexpected turn of events. A. consumed B. bewildered C. liberated D. melted (分数:1 分) A. consumed B. bewilder

4、ed C. liberated D. melted标准答案是:B。6、 6. Dont to let me know if theres anything I can do for you. A. hesitate B. reject C. puzzle D. thrill (分数:1 分) A. hesitate B. reject C. puzzle D. thrill标准答案是:A。7、 7. As a teacher, he thinks his business is to stir up in his students rather than insist on obedience

5、. A. observation B. curiosity C. superiority D. judgmen (分数:1 分) A. observation B. . curiosity C. superiority D. judgmen标准答案是:B。8、 8. Her son did not seem to _ any importance to what she had said. A. stick B. notice C. attach D. remind (分数:1 分) A. stick B. notice C. attach D. remind标准答案是:C。9、 9. Tra

6、nsitional Chinese food is far to McDonalds and KFC or any other fast foods I know. A. immune B. superior C. essential D.similar (分数:1 分) A. immune B. superior C. essential D. similar标准答案是:B。10、 10. His bedroom a single bed with a small television at its foot. A. makes up B. consists of C. lays out D

7、. serves as (分数:1 分) A. makes up B. consists of C. lays out D. serves as标准答案是:B。是一、单选1、 1. It is reported that a (n) _of accidents has occurred at that crossroads. A. series B. lot C. number D. amount (分数: 1 分) A. series B. lot C. number D. amount标准答案是:A。2、 2. I have two friends but _ of them likes

8、to go fishing with me. A. none B. neither C. both D. either (分数: 1 分) A. none B. neither C. both D. either标准答案是:B。3、 3. The Olympic Committee has drawn up strict rules for the sportsmen to _. A. go by B. go on C. go over D. go after (分数:1 分) A. go by B. go on C. go over D. go after标准答案是:A。4、 4. Life

9、 is often compared _ a stage by many writers. A. like B. as C. with D. to (分数:1 分) A. like B. as C. with D. to标准答案是:D。5、 5. When do you wish to visit Canada? _ I am settled, Ill go there. A、As B、Since C、Once D、While (分数:1 分) A. As B. Since C. Once D. While标准答案是:C。6、 6. Henrys actually of telling lie

10、s, pretending to be sick when hes healthy. A. capable B. spontaneous C. competent D. expert (分数:1 分) A. capable B. spontaneous C. competent D. . expert标准答案是:A。7、 The rise in unemployment the governments plans for economic recovery. A. converted B. frustrated C. collapsed D. dismayed (分数:1 分) A. conv

11、erted B. frustrated C. collapsed D. dismayed标准答案是:B。8、 8. Linda is 35 years old and, after two close relationships, the prospect of staying single _ her. A. impresses B. depresses C. threatens D. stuns (分数:1 分) A. impresses B. depresses C. threatens D. stuns标准答案是:C。9、 9. _ the look on his face, he d

12、oesnt quite understand what the speaker is saying. A. Judge by B. Judging by C. To judge by D. To be judged by (分数:1 分) A. Judge by B. Judging by C. To judge by D. To be judged by标准答案是:B。10、 10. The manager said that there were two reasons _ our sales dropped sharply last year. A. because B. since C

13、. why D. while (分数:1 分) A. because B. since C. why D. while标准答案是:B。一、单选1、 1. Lucy, who did not even go to grade school, had no of a job at the time. A. interview B. pressure C. prospect D. application (分数:1 分) A. . interview B. pressure C. prospect D. application标准答案是:C。2、 2. The workers in the fact

14、ory stopped working in against their foreman using bad language. A. protest B. threat C. conflict D. criticism (分数:1 分) A. protest B. threat C. conflict D. criticism标准答案是:A。3、 3. Mr. Brown had hardly said a word since supper, _ had his wife. A. either B. or C. nor D. so (分数:1 分) A. either B. or C. n

15、or D. so标准答案是:C。4、 4. The old told me that it was no use thinking too much about ones _ youth. A. loss B. losing C. lose D. lost (分数:1 分) A. loss B. losing C. lose D. lost标准答案是:D。5、 5. Being aware that Jack was dishonest, the teacher demanded he _ nothing but the truth. A. tell B. to tell C. telling

16、 D. tells (分数:1 分) A. tell B. to tell C. telling D. tells标准答案是:A。6、 6. True love cannot be , and it is priceless. A. brought B. caught C. bought D. broad (分数:1 分) A. brought B. caught C. bought D. broad标准答案是:C。7、 7. Marriage on true love often brings happiness. A. decided B. determined C. based D. r

17、elied (分数:1 分) A. decided B. determined C. based D. relied标准答案是:C。8、 8. It is rather _ that the research team as a whole still has little idea about the cause of that fatal disease. A.rewarding B. demanding C. embarrassing D.requiring (分数:1 分) A. rewarding B. demanding C. embarrassing D. requiring标准

18、答案是:D。9、 9. It had never _ to me that our football team won the game. A. struck B. occurred C. hit D. meant (分数:1 分) A. struck B. occurred C. hit D. meant标准答案是:A。10、10._ _, we will review all the lessons before the final exam. A. If time will permit B. Time permitting C. If time permitted D. Time pe

19、rmits(分数:1 分) A. If time will permit B. Time permitting C. If time permitted D. Time permits标准答案是:C。一、单选1、 1. If you have to go through a smoke-filled area, youd better with your head low. A. crawl B. retreat C. proceed D. drag (分数:1 分) A. crawl B. retreat C. proceed D. drag标准答案是:A。2、 9. If doing on

20、e thing gives you an unpleasant feeling, the normal would be to stop doing it. A. perspective B. emotion C. reaction D. function (分数:1 分) A. perspective B. emotion C. reaction D. function标准答案是:C。3、 8. Long after even the latest apple tree had finally broken into leaf, the mulberrys branches remained

21、 stubbornly . A. empty B. bare C. stale D. dumb (分数:1 分) A. empty B. bare C. stale D. dumb标准答案是:B。4、 7. These schools come under the supervision of locally committees. A. appointed B. rotated C. consisted D. composed (分数:1 分) A. appointed B. rotated C. consisted D. composed标准答案是:A。5、 6. This techniq

22、ue is traditionally thought to be of Chinese . A. origin B. architecture C. source D. civilization (分数:1 分) A. origin B. architecture C. source D. civilization标准答案是:A。6、 5. The doctor soon made the worried patient feel ease. A. with B. at C. on D. off (分数:1 分) A. with B. at C. on D. off标准答案是:B。7、 4.

23、 Young _ he is, he has proved to be an able salesman. A. that B. who C. as D. which (分数:1 分) A. that B. who C. as D. which标准答案是:C。8、 3. Please note that I will be away from Boston next week, _ you want to call me and discuss things. A. in case B. unless C. until D. so that (分数:1 分) A. in case B. unl

24、ess C. until D. so that标准答案是:A。9、 2. It is _ from my school to the railway station. A. two-hours walk B. two-hours walk C. two-hour walk D. a two-hour walk (分数:1 分) A. two-hours walk B. two-hours walk C. two-hour walk D. a two-hour walk标准答案是:A。10、 10. This photo _ _ me of the days when I worked on t

25、he farm many years ago. A. reminds B. recalls C. retells D. remembers (分数:1 分) A. reminds B. recalls C. retells D. remembers标准答案是:A。一、单选1、 1. Now the air pollution in this city _ more and more serious with each passing day. A. to become B. became C. becoming D. is becoming (分数:1 分) A. to become B. b

26、ecame C. becoming D. is becoming标准答案是:D。2、 2. We should see ourselves as part of nature rather than in _ with it. A. argument B. connection C. conflict D. crash (分数:1 分) A. argument B. connection C. conflict D. crash标准答案是:C。3、 3.If you love plants, the chances you buy them on and then wonder where t

27、o put them. A. purpose B. impulse C. display D. cue (分数: 1 分) A. purpose B. impulse C. display D. cue标准答案是:B。4、 4. People invest money in this company _ they believe it will make profits. A. though B. because C. unless D. until (分数:1 分) A. though B. because C. unless D. until标准答案是:B。5、 4. People inv

28、est money in this company _ they believe it will make profits. A. though B. because C. unless D. until (分数:1 分) A. though B. because C. unless D. until标准答案是:B。6、 5. Mr. Brown had hardly said a word since supper, _ had his wife. A. either B. or C. nor D. so (分数:1 分) A. either B. or C. nor D. so标准答案是:

29、C。7、 6. In _ Chinese culture, childrens marriage decisions were often made by parents. A. traditional B. historic C. remote D. initial (分数:1 分) A. traditional B. historic C. remote D. initial标准答案是:A。8、 7. In theory, every person will have access an unlimited amount of information in the United State

30、s. A. to B. from C. at D. through (分数:1 分) A. to B. from C. at D. through标准答案是:A。9、 8. Our company has made a with a foreign automobile company to buy 500 cars. A. contrast B. contract C. concept D. contact (分数:1 分) A. contrast B. contract C. concept D. contact标准答案是:B。10、 9. you show me your passpor

31、t, please? A. Must B. Shall C. Should D. Would (分数:1 分) A. Must B. Shall C. Should D. Would标准答案是:D。11、 10. A bird knows instinct how to build a nest. A. by B. with C. from D. through (分数:1 分) A. by B. with C. from D. through标准答案是:A。1. Wait till your turn (come).正确答案:【comes 】2. This time tomorrow the

32、y (sit) in the cinema正确答案:【will sit 】3. After he (finish) his breakfast, he went to the booking office.正确答案:【had finished 】4. Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what (happen) to her.正确答案:【had happened 】5. Go out and get some fresh air! You (sit) there reading all morning. 正确答案:

33、【have been sitting 】6. When I entered the lab, she (make) an experiment.正确答案:【was making 】7. “What are you doing now?”-“I (prepare) my lessons for the final exam.”正确答案:【will prepare 】8. He earned 1,000 dollars in (add) to his salary.正确答案:【 addition 】9. This is a (confuse) word because it has two mea

34、nings. confusing正确答案:【confusing 】10. He is very clever and his ability to improve his work is very (limit). 正确答案:【unlimited 】11. The child always does his homework (willing) so he hasnt made much progress.正确答案:【 unwillingly 】12. A large (percent) of school-books now have pictures. 正确答案:【percentage 】13. There is no real reason for (complain).正确答案:【complaint 】14. Were you (succeed) in finding a new house?正确答案:【 successful 】15. I dont want to be (depend) on my parents because I am already an adult.正确答案: 【 dependent 】


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