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1、乔叟1.How is the setting of the tales describe?with such a setting could you predict the general tone of the tales that are follow?Early spring. General tone: happy, easy, lively, humorous.2. In your own words,summarize the character of the knight from the brief introduction in this excerpt?The knight

2、 displays many traits which make him seem almost too good to be true, and a true gentleman that rarely exists in reality. The knight holds four main admirable traits, making him the most liked traveler in “The Canterbury Tales,“ and also amplying the doubt of his realism. From the characters impress

3、ive introduction, it is clear that this man is the most valued and honorable traveler among the group. This perfect gentleman holds a love of ideals that are often not displayed by people. First and foremost, he believes in the ideals of chivalry, and always stays true to its principles. He also fee

4、ls that one should be honest, truthful and faithful, which many people are not all of these ideals. The knight thinks one should only do what is right, and what will gain him honor and reputation. This character also believes in freedom and generosity towards all, and displays this ideal repeatedly

5、throughout the novel. And lastly, the knight also strongly feels that any proper person should display courtesy and elegance at all times.Another aspect of this characters life which makes him seem too prestigious to be truthful is his impressive military career. He fought in the holy war, The knigh

6、t obviously held a very respectable reputation, and was treated with much honor and respect. He was a perfect gentleman, showing kindness and understanding to everyone he came in contact with. The knight was extremely well-mannered, always being on his best behavior. His appearance was the “finishin

7、g touch,“ adding honor and integrity to his courageous and gentle spirit. This main character was clothed still in his armor, wearing a tunic of harsh cloth and his coat of mail is rust-stained, clearly showing remaining signs of past battles.莎士比亚哈姆雷特 1.Why is sleep so frightening, according to Haml

8、et, since it can “end” the heartache and the thousand natural shocks”?Nobody can predict what he will dream of after he falls asleep. Death means the end of life, you may go to or unknown world and you cant comeback,. If he dies, Hamlet s cant realize his will. Though “sleep” can end the heartache a

9、nd the thousand natural shocks, it is a state of mind. Hamlet didnt know at all. He is frightened by the possible suffering in the long “dream”. He cant predict what will happen in the sleep, may be good may be evil.2.Why would people rather bear all the sufferings of the world instead of choosing d

10、eath to get rid of them, according to Hamlet?Death is so mysterious that nobody knows what death will bring to us. Maybe bitter sufferings, great pains, heartbreaking stories Because people hold the same idea “to grunt and sweat under a weary life, but that the dread of something after death-the und

11、iscoverd country, form whose bourn no traveler returns-puzzle the will, and make us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not of?”People also are frightened by the myths in another world after death.3.What, after all, makes people lose their determination to take action? Ple

12、ase explain in relation to the so-called hesitation of Hamlet.Conscience and over-considerations. He wants to revenge, but doesnt know how. He wants to kill his uncle, but finds it too risky. He lives in despair and wants to commit suicide. However, he knows if he dies, nobody will comfort his fathe

13、rs ghost. He is in face of great dilemma. They dont know the result after their taking the action. Such as Hamlet, he doesnt know what would happen if he kills his uncle or kills himself . So Hamlet was hesitated.罗密欧与茱丽叶 1.what does romeo compare juliet to in the beginning passage of the selection ?

14、sun2.What is romeo and juliets attitude to being a Montague or a Capulet?They would give up their names for loves sake.3.What does romeo mean when he says “look thou but sweet,/and I am proof against their enmity”?Only if you are kind to me, their hatred cannot hurt me.十四行诗 1.How does the poet answe

15、r the question he puts forth in the first line? (Page 14)The poet opens with a question that is addressed to the beloved, “Shall I compare thee to a summers day?“ This question is comparing “thee” to the summer time of the year. It is during this time when the flowers are blooming, trees are full of

16、 leaves, the weather is warm, and it is generally considered as an enjoyable time during the year. The following eleven lines in the poem are also dedicated to similar comparisons between the beloved and summer days. In lines 2 and 3, the speaker explains what mainly separates the young woman from t

17、he summers day: she is “more lovely and more temperate.“ (Line 2) Summer days are sometimes shaken by “rough winds“ (line3) which happens and is not always as welcoming as the woman. However in line 4, the poet gives the feeling again that the summer months are often too short by saying, “And summer

18、 lease hath too short a date.“ In the summer days, the sun, “the eye of heaven“ (line 5), often shines “too hot,“ or too dim, “his gold complexion dimmed“ (line 6) as “every fair from fair sometime declines.“ (Line 7) The final portion of the sonnet tells how the beloved differs from the summer in v

19、arious aspects. Her beauty will be one that lasts forever, “Thy eternal summer shall not fade.“ (Line 9), and never end or die.At last two lines, the poet explains how the beloveds beauty will accomplish this everlasting life unlike summer days. And it is because her beauty is kept alive in this poe

20、m, which will last forever. It will live “as long as men can breathe or eyes can see.“ (Line 13) the poem is outwardly a simple statement of praise about the beauty of the beloved woman and perhaps summer to the speaker is sometimes too unpleasant with the extremes of windiness and heat that go alon

21、g with it. However, the beloved in the poem is always mild and temperate by her nature and nothing at all like the summer. At last, the poet starts to praise that the beloved is so great and awing that she is to live forever in this sonnet. The beloved is so great that the speaker will even go as fa

22、r as to say that, “So long as men breathe, or eyes can see, so long lives this and this gives life to thee.”(line 13、 14) that the beloved is deserving to live on foreve2. What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more beautiful than summer and immortal?At the very beginning, the poet puts forth

23、a question: “Shall I compare thee to a summers day?” Then he gives an answer: “Thou art more lovely and more temperate.” On the one hand, “Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, and summers lease hath all too short a date;” on the other hand, “Sometime too hot the heaven shines, and often is

24、his gold complexion dimmed.” So from the above two aspects the poet thinks that “thou” can be more beautiful than summer. In addition, “And every fair from fair sometime declines, by chance, or natures changing course untrimmed.” Compared with immortal, “But thy eternal summer shall not fade, nor lo

25、se possession of that fair thou owst, nor shall death brag thou wandrest in his shade, when in eternal lines to times thou growst.” Therefore, the poet draws a conclusion: “So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long lives this, and this gives life to thee.” In this poem, the poet makes “tho

26、u” more beautiful than summer and immortal because of his beautiful lines. So in this case, “thou” in the poem can be regarded as female because love can beauty eternal. Or “thou” can be referred to male, for friendship can make beauty everlasting. Even “thou” can be abstract “love” or “beauty” whic

27、h will become eternal in the wonderful poem.培根论婚姻和单身 1.Is marriage an impediment or help to ones career development?In the easy Of Marriage and Single life, Bacon prefers marriage to single life. He thinks “unmarried men are best friends; best masters; best servants; but not always best subjects; fo

28、r they are light to run away; and almost all fugitives are of that condition”, “Wives are young mens mistresses; companions for middle age; and old mens nurses”. I have to say his words can still be true today; Im at his back, though many young people now choose to remain single no mater male or fem

29、ale. But since “3S ladies” or “overleft ladies” become the catch word, the female seems more terrible. Maybe because women are easier to get old but to men 30 is the gold ages of career development. For the main reasons of 3S ladies, some are high standard for husband; some are the further studying.

30、 For men, maybe they are fighting in business; maybe they are too bad to find a wife.Then we can see all the state of present marriage. Even though some say “marriage is the tomb of love”, I yet support marriage. Marriage and family make people more responsible and loving, make deeper love between s

31、pouses and make life more colorful. The ability to love and be loved is the most precious of gifts given to man, which should be highly treasured. Family let a man learn to care the whole unit. He has to take good care of his wife and son, love them, be responsible for them, all of which are the sam

32、e to women. All these qualities are vital to anyones career. When you work back home, wife or husband is always the listener to you, son the warm heart to you. Spouses help each other and support each other; family is the harbor for soul. Thus it is help to ones career development.2.Certainly, wife

33、and children are “a kind of discipline of humanity”。A bachelors 单身 life focus is but himself, so he will spend a lot of money on everything that feast his eyes without hesitation. Whats more, he is likely to have a go at any risks that make him feel exciting and fresh for being free from any burden.

34、However, a married man always tends to think twice before making an important decision in order to prevent bringing any harm to his family. He should have the motivation to work hard to fulfill wife and childrens expectation.As a result, family let a man learn to care the whole unit. He has to take

35、good care of his wife and son, love them, be responsible for the.A loving husband and a qualified father can contribute the greatest merit for the public to a large extent.3.Bacon prefers marriage to single life. Do you find his arguments convincing?Yes. I think Bacons arguments are convincing. In t

36、he demonstration process, Bacon uses the method comparison to analyze the advantages of marriage and the shortcomings of single life in order to tell us marriage is better than single life. Taking the sentence “wives are young mens mistresses, companions for middle age, and old mens nurses” for exam

37、ple, it is quite convincing and reasonable. Marriage can bring happiness to people. It is the ecstasy when people pursue marriage in their youth. To a young man, on one hand, a wife needs his care and good graces. A wife is a flower and a man should pay much attention to her and give her special lov

38、e. On the other hand, women are always older than men according to their mental ages. So, wives are more mature than her husband and she could make many decisions and arrangements for the family. That is why wives are young mens mistresses. When a man in his middle age, he needs his wife to help him

39、 not only in the career but also in the family life. The middle-aged man suffers great pressure in career and he wants his wife to support the family together. Also, he could confide his troubles to his wife. So, that is the reason for having a wife in middle age. When the man grows older, his body

40、is not so strong like before. So, he needs his wife to take care of him and do the things as “nurses” for him. In addition, an old man is always like a child and he needs special attention from his wife. So, according to the reasons mentioned above, a wife is always necessary to a man and a wife alw

41、ays plays important and irreplaceable role in a mans life. In addition, the argument is the conclusion according to Bacons longtime observation and consideration towards life. From my perspective, his arguments are convincing.I think his arguments are convincing. Bacons basic idea is that marriage i

42、s good to both individual and society. His analysis is taken step by step. At first, a single man thinks just to live a single life can he make some great contributions to the society. But a single person only cares about himself, he doesnt pay attention to the future, it can be very unwise. Single

43、life could also make a man to be serious to his freedom. On the contrary, marriage makes a man be responsible, tender, enthusiastic and warm-hearted. As the author saying: “wives are young mens mistresses, companions for middle age, and old mens nurses”. It means that when a man is young, wife talks

44、 about love with him, when he comes to middle age, wife always stay with him as a companion, when he becomes old, wife will take care of him till the end of time. Even though a wife marries a bad husband, marriage offers a good chance for husband to correct themselves. The whole essays main point is

45、 very obvious, author tells from two aspects. Firstly, he says how bad it is to be a single man. Secondly, he tells a lot of advantages of being married. Each aspect has enough proof. At Bacons period, his arguments may be more convincing than nowadays.论读书 1.We are now living in the age of “informat

46、ion explosion”. What lessons can we learn from Bacons in our access to information?Our planet is developing forward. The fast-moving development of science and technology makes it more convenient for students to get sufficient and effective information by countless ways. That is the external conditi

47、on for our study, which we can appropriately make full use of. But what we have to keep in mind is that the eternal master of study is no one but ourselves in the process of studying. Actually, Im sure everyone clearly knows the importance and significance of reading, of studies. However, the bigges

48、t problem is that they hardly have powerful resistance to those temptations around us, such as new-style video games, latest Hollywood block-buster, Avril Ramona Lavignes next concert. Placed in the information current, young students are difficult to rationally deal with the flooding information. T

49、he terrible result is that they become more and more indifferent to reading books, and whenever academic assigns come , we just start up their computer and access to information on the Internet no matter how much information they can really copy and make use. What a pity!As to efficient study methods to all these information, Bacon insists on the combination of theory and practice, “studies themselves do give forth directions too much at large, except they be bounded in by experience.” And in terms of books which mean for today not only pap


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