1、 Chapter 2: Drugs, Pharmacy, and Pharmacist1. Definition of drugs;2. The classification of drugs;3. The definition and properties of drug quality;4. The social role of pharmacy;5. Definition of licensed pharmacist;6. Function and distribution of pharmacist;7. Regulation of licensed pharmacist;8. Cod
2、e of ethic of pharmacist;9. Drug administration and drug standards.第一节 药品Section I: Drugs,MedicineI The definition and properties of drug 1.1 Definition of drugs 1.1.1 Pharmaceuticals and drugs药物(Pharmaceuticals)-用于诊断、治疗、预防疾病及恢复、矫正、改变器官功能的物质。1.1.2 Definition of drugs in “The Drug Administration Law
3、of P.R.C” Drugs: refer to those substances used for the prevention, treatment and diagnosis of human diseases, and for the intentional regulation of human physiological functions. For which indications or actions, usage and dosage have been established. Including herbal drugs and their preparations,
4、 prepared slice of herbal drugs, chemical drugs and their preparations, antibiotics, biochemical drugs, radioactive pharmaceuticals, sera and vaccines, blood products, diagnostic aids etc.药品(Drug,Medicine):指用于预防、治疗、诊断人的疾病,有目的地调节人的生理机能并规定有适应症或功能主治、用法、用量的物质,包括中药材、中药饮片、中成药、化学原料药及其制剂、抗生素、生化药品、放射性药品、血清疫苗
5、、血液制品和诊断药品等。1.1.3 The difinition of drugs in other countriesUSA: -The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act()法定美国药典()、法定美国顺势疗法药典()、法定国家药品集()或其补编中承认的物品;(2)用于诊断、治愈、缓解、治疗或预防人或其它动物疾病的物品;(3)用于影响人或其它动物的身体构造或功能的物品(食品除外);(4)用作(1)、(2)、(3)项所指物品的成分的物品,但不包括医疗用品或其组成、部件或附件Japan: -藥事法 医藥品 :(1)日本药局方收载的物品;(2)用于诊断、治疗和预
6、防人或动物疾病的物质、器具器械(包括齿科材料、医疗用品及卫生用品等, 药品除外);( )用于影响人或动物的身体构造或功能的物质、器具器械(包括齿科材料、医疗用品及卫生用品等, 药品及 品除外)医藥部外品:WHO: 生 、 、 或 :用于()治疗、缓解、预防或诊断人和 的疾病、身体 或 的;或用于( )恢复、矫正或改变人或 的器官功能的 物质或 物。1.2 Characters of this definition(1) It stipulates the purpose and methods of drug use-distinguish from Food and Pharmaceuticals.(2) It is used for human being-distinguish from other country(3) It includes modern medicine and traditional Chinese drugs. -developing the national features of China1、 定 用 的和 用方法于食品和 品2、 定 人用药品于其它国家定 的药品、 定 药和药药品currency1国医药“