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1、 北外英语翻译资格证书考试 Certificate of English Translation and Interpreting 初级笔译 考试时间: 180分钟 Part 1 Translation from English into Chinese 1 hour 30 minutes Read the following two passages. Translate them into Chinese. Write your answers on this paper. You may use the additional paper for any rough work but yo

2、u must copy your answers onto this paper. Passage 1 Head injuries Alice was a B-plus student through her first three years at college. During the winter holidays in her senior year, while she was driving during a storm, her car ran off the road and hit a tree. Alice banged her head on the steering w

3、heel but never lost consciousness. She was treated for bruises and discharged from the hospital within a day. But, back at her studies, she began to have difficulties. Suddenly her As and Bs were becoming Cs. She had trouble remembering what shed read and was irritable and easily distracted. Alice w

4、as referred to a neuropsychologist for further examination. Although her IQ hadnt changed and standard neurological tests were normal, detailed neuropsychological tests showed she was having memory problems. She could still process new information, but it took longer than before and she became “over

5、loaded” if she tried to do too much at once. Head injuries are often fatal, or of sufficient severity to require the hospitalization of victims. But there is a large group of people who sustain head injuries which can go undetected through ordinary medical examination. These are the people who seemi

6、ngly recover from their injuries but still suffer subtle intellectual and behavioural effects that may seriously impair their ability to work and interact normally with other people. They are the victims of what experts call a “silent epidemic”. Some never lost consciousness and others never even su

7、ffered a direct blow to the head, yet brain damage occurred. Passage 2 My fight against junk e-mail Filtering junk e-mail can be a tricky game of cat and mouse, as I learned when I set out to purge my In Box. I received an e-mail the other day that gave me a moments pause. “Hey cutie, How are you?”

8、It began. “Im so sorry about last night, click here for a SUPRIXE to make you feel better.” I was suspicious for three reasons: my girlfriend never misspells like that, we had not had a row the previous night, and I was pretty sure she had not suddenly acquired an Australian e-mail address. At least

9、 one part of the message was accurate: if she ever pointed me to a website as sexy as that one, Id be very surprised indeed. The cutie incident represented a setback in my war against junk e-mail. I used to get hundreds of these things a day, and some months ago, I vowed to rid my In Box permanently

10、 of every last one. What I soon learned was that most e-mail software cant eradicate the junk without throwing babies with the bath water. Microsoft Outlook, for example, can trash any mail not sent directly to your address. But that ends up junking a lot of useful stuff such as discussions on my jo

11、urnalism, school alumni e-mail list. AOL can turn away mail from anyone not flagged as a friend, but part of my job is to accept correspondence from strangers like you, dear reader. Part 2 Translation from Chinese into English 1 hour 30 minutes Read the following two passages. Translate them into En

12、glish. Write your answers on this paper. You may use the additional paper for any rough work but you must copy your answers onto this paper. Passage 1 我 为 乘 客 服 务 有一次,在拥挤的车厢门口,我听见一位男乘客客客气气地问他前面的一个女乘客:“您下车吗 ?” 女乘客没理他。 “ 你下车吗 ?” 他又问了一遍。女乘客还是没理他。 “ 下车吗 ?” 他耐不住了,放大声问。那女乘客依然没反应。 “ 你是聋子,还是哑巴 ?” 他急了,捅了一下那位

13、女乘客。女乘客这时也急了,瞪起了一双眼睛,回手给了男乘客一拳。 见此情景,我猛然想起在 60 路沿线上有家福利工厂,女乘客可能就是个聋哑人,听不见声音。我赶忙向男乘客作了解释,又用纸条写了一句话,举到女乘客的眼前: “ 对不起!他要下车。他问了您好几声 ,您是不是没听见 ?” 女乘客点了点头,把道让开了。 从此以后,我就特别注意聋哑人的特征,还从他们那里学会了一些常用的手语。这样,不仅我能更好地为他们服务,与他们进行感情交流,也减少了一些他们与其他乘客的误会和纠纷。 Passage 2 知 识 创 新 中国是发展中国家,在掌握、应用科学技术和现代知识方面虽有很大进步,但是与发达国家相比,还是有

14、明显的差距。为此,中国确定了“科教兴国”的战略,正在加快科技进步和知识更新的步伐,以便尽快缩小与发达国家的差距。知识的生命力在于创新,只有不断地创造出新的知识和技 术,才能触发新的产业革命,才能推动经济社会的快速发展。在新的世纪里,人才、文化、教育、经济和社会管理等因素在经济和社会发展中的作用日趋重要。只有在理论、科技方面不断进行改革创新,不断有新的创造和突破,才能为经济和社会发展注入新的生机和活力,才能有效地挖掘、组合、利用人力资源和自然资源,从而创造较多的物质财富和精神财富,造福于人类社会。 翻译资格证书考试样题选登 参 考 答 案 第一部分:英译汉(初级)共两篇短文 Passage 1

15、参考译文 -牛国崎翻译 头 部 损 伤 Head injuries 大学头三年里,爱丽丝的学分是 B+。在她高年级的寒假里,当他在暴风中开车时,她的车滑到路边,撞到了树上,爱丽丝的头撞在方向盘上,但并没有失去知觉,她在医院治疗了擦伤后,当天就出院了。 但是,重新回到她的学业时,她就开始有了问题,她的 A 级和 B 级的学分一下子就变成了 C 级。她难以记住所学内容,易怒而且思想极易分散。 爱丽丝被介绍到一名神经生理医生那里进行进一步的检查,虽然她的智商并未改变,而且标准的神经测试结果也属正常,但是详细的神经生理学测试结果表明她存在着记忆障碍。她仍然可以处理新的信息,但是所 花的时间要比以前长,

16、并且她会觉得 “超载 ”,如果她试图一次记忆太多东西的话。 头部损伤经常是致命的,或者常常十分严重而需要对受害者进行住院治疗。但也有相当大的一群人,他们遭受了头部伤害,而在进行常规的医疗检查中却查不出来。表面上看来,这些人已经从他们的损伤中痊愈,但却仍然忍受着不易觉察的智力和行为方面的负面影响,而这些负面影响可以严重地妨碍她们的工作能力以及他们和别人正常交往的能力。他们就是专家们所说的 “沉默流行病 ”的受害者。一些人从未失去知觉,而另一些人甚至从未遭受过头部的直接撞击,然而头部损害却发生了。 翻译资格证书考试样题选登 Passage 2 参考译文 -牛国崎翻译 我对付拉圾邮件的努力 My f

17、ight against junk e-mail 过滤拉圾邮件就像是猫抓老鼠一样是一项颇费心机的游戏,这是我着手清理我的邮箱时所了解到的。 我收到一份电子邮件,它让我愣了一下。 “嘿,宝贝,你好吗? ”它开始写到。 “我很抱歉咋晚的事,点击这里就可以得到一份 “SUPRIXE(惊喜 )”,这样你会觉得好受些。 ” 我在三方面表示怀疑:一是我的女友从来不会犯这样的拼写错误,二来我们前一天夜里并没有发 生争吵,三是我非常肯定她不会突然获得一个澳大利亚的电子邮箱。这份信息至少有一点是准确的:如果我的女友真的会把我引向这样色情的一个网站,我的确会很吃惊的。 这次宝贝事件表明,我在对付拉圾邮件这场战争中

18、遇到了挫折。以往我一天要收到数百份类似的邮件,而且几个月以前,我就发誓要把每一份最后的拉圾邮件从我的邮箱中永久地清除掉。我很快就明白的是,大多数电子邮箱的软件在清除邮箱时也会把有用的东西删除掉,就像是倒洗澡水时把孩子也一块泼出去一样。 Microsoft Outlook,比如说,就可以把不是直接发给你本人地址的任 何邮件清除掉,但是这样做的结果是,它会清除掉许多有用的材料,如新闻方面的讨论,校友电子邮箱名录。 AOL 可以拒收来自于没有标志为朋友的任何人的邮件,但是我的部分工作就是接收来自于陌生人 -像你一类的读者们 -的来信。 翻译资格证书考试初级 第二部分:汉译英(初级) -共两篇短文 P

19、assage 1-牛国崎翻译 Serve the Customers 我为乘客服务 One time, at the door of a crowded bus, I heard a gentleman politely asking a lady in front of him: “Are you getting off, please?” The lady ignored him. “Are you getting off?” Asked him again, and he was again ignored. “Getting off?” He lost his patience and

20、 shouted. But the lady still remained where she was. “Are you deaf or dumb?” He became furious and pushed the lady on the back. The lady also got angry at this time. Her eyes staring, she turned back and gave the gentleman a blow. At the sight of this, I was suddenly reminded of a welfare factory al

21、ong the route of Bus No. 60. The lady, possibly deaf, had no hearing. I lost no time to explain to the gentleman, and went on to write something on a slip of paper, showing it to the lady: “Excuse me! This gentleman is to get off. He asked you several times. Could you possibly not have heard of it?”

22、 Nodding, the lady made way. Ever since, I have been specially watching the characteristics of the deaf and went on to have learnt some of the commonly used hand gestures from them. With this not only could I serve them better and communicate with them in feelings, but also reduced some of the misun

23、derstandings and disputes between them and other passengers. 翻译资格证书考试初级 汉译英部分 -牛国崎翻译 Passage 2 Knowledge Renewal 知 识 更 新 China, a developing country, still lags far behind compared with developed countries, though it has made great progress in mastering and applying science and technology and modern

24、 knowledge. It is because of this that China has established the strategy of “National Prosperity through Science and Education”, and is speeding up the steps of technological advances and knowledge renewal, in order to minimize the gap with the developed countries as early as possible. The vitality

25、 of knowledge lies in creation. Only when new knowledge and technology are continuously created, can it spark a new round of industrial revolution and enhance the speedy development of the economy and society. In this new century, such factors as personnel, culture, education, economy and social man

26、agement, etc. are playing an increasingly important part in the development of the economy and the society. Only when creation and breakthrough are made in theory and technology continuously, can it inject new vitality and dynamics to the development of the economy and society, and effectively excavate, integrate and utilize manpower and natural resources, in order to create more wealth both materially and spiritually and benefit mankind.


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