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1、论文化自觉与文化保护 张树俊 (中共泰州市委党校,江苏 泰州 225300) 摘 要:文化遗产是民族文化的载体,对于延续历史、传承文脉有着极其重要的作用,也是重要的财富资源,必须提高对文化价值和保护的自觉认知。在文化保护中要正确处理好经济价值与文化价值之间的认识关系、城市建设与文化保护的关系、文化保护与文化利用的关系以及城市与农村的关系,并根据实际需要选择风貌式、全景式、典型式等保护形式和物态性、记录性、传承性等保护方法。 关键词:价值认知;方式选择;文化保护 Abstract: The cultural inheritance is a carrier of racical culture

2、and plays an important role in the continuity of culture and the pass down of cultural term; and it is an important wealth source so we should have the self cognition of cultural value and protection. In the cultural pretection, we should cope with the relationship of the cognition of economic value

3、 and cultural value, the relationship of urban construction and cultural protection, of cultural protection and cultural usage as well as of city and countryside. And the protection of feature, panorama, typical, dynamic, recording and continuity can be chosen according to the procetice. Key words:

4、value cognition; choice of method; cultural protection 提高化工专业学生实践能力的教学改革与探索 刘俊生 1, 宣凤琴 2, 胡科研 1 (1.合肥学院 膜材料与膜过 程重点实验室 ,安徽 合肥 230022; (2.安徽职业技术学院 化学工程系 ,安徽 合肥 230051) 摘 要:文章从化工专业学生实践能力培养出发,结合实际提出通过教学内容及教学方法的改革 ,强化实践教学活动,提高学生分析和解决生产实际问题的能力,培养适应现代化工企业生产需求的应用型人才。 关键词:实践能力;人才培养;化工;教学模式 Abstract: Based on

5、 the cultivation of practical abilities of the students in chemical engineering and the practice of applied ability cultivation of the students in Hefei Unversity, the paper indicates that the students innovative and analytic abilities can be highly created via the special training of practical teac

6、hing, demonstrating that this is an effective method for the cultivation of students majoring in chemical engineering and technology discipline. Key words: practical ability; talents cultivation; chemical engineering; teaching mode 几种特殊形式函数的最值问题 刘俊先 (邢台学院 数学系 ,河北 邢台 054001) 摘 要:文章通过实例 ,分析了知识体系间的关系及处

7、理问题的特殊方法 ,探讨了定积分、变上限积分、重积分、曲线积分及微分方程确定的函数的最值问题。 关键词:积分 ;最值问题 ;解题策略 Abstract: The paper analyses the relationship between knowledge systems and the special ways to deal with problems from some examples, and discusses the definite integral, variable limit integral, re integration, the curve of the fun

8、ction of integral and differential equations to determine the most value problems. Key words: integral; most value problem; problem solving strategy 乳化沥青稳定剂的确定 张 兰 (安徽环宇公路沥青材料有限责任公司,安徽 芜湖 241000) 摘 要:乳化沥青属于胶体分散系统,由于分散程度高,有很大的比表面,比表面能也大,有自动聚集的趋势,其系统是不稳定系统。因此,提高乳化沥青的质量与稳定剂的确定密切相关。 关键词:乳化沥青 ; 自动聚集 ; 稳定

9、剂 Abstract: Emulsified asphalt belongs to the colloid dispersion system. Because of its high degree of dispersion, large relative surface and the energy of the relative surface is also very big. It has the tendency of the automatic accumulation and its system is unstable. Therefore, to improve its q

10、uality is important to the definition of stabilizer. Key words: emulsified asphalt; automatic accumulation; stabilizer S 波段锁相频率合成器的设计 王 飞, 马胜前 (西北师范大学 物理与电子工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730070) 摘 要:文章分析了频率合成器的设计方法,采用小数 N 锁相器 ADF4153 设计了 S 波段的频率合成器,输出频率范围为 2.85GHz-3.35GHz 的宽带频率信号,重点介绍了元器件的选择和环路滤波器的设计,并用 ADIsimPLL软件进行环路

11、滤波器的优化。同时,使 用低介电常数的 rogers 板设计微带功分器,采用 ADS 对 Wilkinson 功分器进行仿真和优化,仿真和实验结果验证了电路的可行性。 关键词: ADF4153;锁相环;环路滤波器;功分器 Abstract: This paper analyzes the design method of frequency synthesizer, using fractionalN phase locked ADF4153 to design S band frequency synthesizer whose frequency range is from 2 85GHz

12、 to 3.35GHz. It mainly introduces the selection of key components and loop filter design and using of ADIsimPLL software to optimize the loop filter. Meanwhile, low dielectric constant rogers board design divider is used, Wilkinson power divider is optimized and simulated by using ADS, and the feasi

13、bility of the circuit is proved from the simulation and results. Key words: ADF4153; phase locked loop; loop filter; power divider 基于 Pro/E的线圈骨架注塑模具设计 张作胜 (安徽职业技术学院,安徽 合肥 230051) 摘 要: Pro/ENGINEER(简称 Pro/E)是美国 PTC 公司开发的大型 CAD/CAM/CAE集成软件。该软件具有造型设计、零件设计、装配设计和模具设计等功能。文章介绍了利用Pro/E中的模具设计模块与模架专家系统( EMX)设

14、计线圈骨架注塑模具的一般过程。 关键词: Pro/E;注塑模具设计;线圈骨架 Abstract: Pro/ENGINEER (referred to as Pro/E) is developed by the large CAD/CAM/CAE integration software made the PTC in U.S.A. The software has mold design, part design, assembly design, mold design and other functions. This paper describes the use of Pro/E in

15、 the mold design module, modular frame expert system (EMX) coil skeleton, such as the design of the general process of injection mold. Key words: Pro/E; injection mold design; coil skeleton 徽杭高速公路泥岩路堑边坡锚杆试验成果分析 吴学宗 (安徽省黄山市公路局休宁分局,安徽 黄山 235400) 摘 要:徽杭高速公路 B 标段泥岩路堑边坡广泛采用了节点锚杆框格梁进行边坡防护与加固。为了对节点锚杆的加固效果进

16、行评价,选取了 3 块地质条件不同的泥岩、泥质岩路堑边坡进行锚杆拉拔试验。文章研究了各泥岩边坡节点锚杆的拉力 位移曲线,并就试验中存在的有关疑点展开讨论,最后对锚杆试验成果的应用及节点锚杆框格梁技术进行了简要评述。 关键词:泥岩;路堑边坡;节点锚杆;框格梁;拉拔试验 Abstract: The node anchor rod sash ridge is used for the protection and reinforcement for the mudstone slope in the Huizhou Hangzhou Expressway B section. In order to

17、 carry out the appraial to the reinforcement effect of the node anchor rod,three samples of mudstone from different geolgical conditions are chosen,and the experiment of anchor rod drawing at the agillaceous rock slope is also made. The pulling force displacement curve of nodeanchor rod at the mudst

18、one side slope is studied and some related questions in the experiments are discussed. Finally, the paper describes the application of the experiments of anchor rod and the technology of node anchor rod sash ridge. Key words: mudstone; slope of cut; node anchor rod; sash ridge; experiment of drawing

19、 上海市外商直接投资与对外贸易相互关系的实证研究 王 玉 (上海师范大学 商学院 , 上海 200234) 摘 要:外商直接投资和对外贸易的快速发展对上海经济增长速度的加快、技术水平的提升、产业结构的优化起到了重要推动作用。鉴于时间序列可能存在非平稳性,首先 进行了单位根检验,运用 Johansen 检验方法,估计出变量之间的协整关系,并运用脉冲响应函数进行动态分析。研究表明,上海市外商直接投资与对外贸易之间表现为互补关系,在此基础上提出了政策建议。 关键词:外商直接投资 ;对外贸易 ;协整检验 ;脉冲响应函数 Abstract: Foreign direct investment and f

20、oreign trade plays an important role in promoting Shanghai s economic growth, technology level and industrial structure. Given the nonstationary of time series, this paper conducts a unit root test, estimates cointegration relationship between variables by using Johansen test method and conducts dyn

21、amic analysis by using impulse response function.The results show that there are complementary relationship between Shanghai foreign direct investment and foreign trade.At last, this paper makes policy recommendations. Key words: foreign direct investment; foreign trade; cointegration test; impulse

22、response function 政府在建立现代农村金融制度中的作用 韩心灵 (中共安徽省委党校 经济学部,安徽 合肥 230022) 摘 要:文章分析了政府过去在农村金融改革过程中出现的若干问题,认为中央提出的建立现代农村金融制度才是我国农村金融改革的正确目标。根据现代农村金融制度的内在要求,各级政府在该制度的建立过程中应该发挥积极的作用。中央政府应做好宏观层面的制度设计工作,而地方各级政府则应改善本地区农村金融机构的金融生态环境,积极支持中央对农村金融的各项改革配套 工作。 关键词:现代农村金融制度 ; 政府作用 ; 农村金融机构 Abstract: This paper analyze

23、s some mistakes which the government commits on rural financial reform in the past years, believing that establishing a modern rural financial system proposed by the Central Government is the correct target of China s rural financial reform.Based on the inherent requirement of the modern rural finan

24、cial system, the governments at all levels should play an active role in the establishment of the process. The Central Government should complete the system designing work at the macro level, while the local governments should improve financial ecological environment of the rural financial instituti

25、ons in the regions and actively support the Central Government in the reform of rural financial co ordination work. Key words: modern rural financial system;the role of government; rural financial institution 论高速公路建设中的环境保护 桂向东 (安徽省桐城市地方公路局, 安徽 桐城 231400) 摘 要:文章对高速公路建设环境保护作了比较深入地分析与探讨,总结归纳了高速公路施工期、营运

26、期环境保护工作的重点与措施,提出了高速公路建设环境保护的发展方向。 关键词: 高速公路;环境保护;措施 Abstract: The paper has made a thorough analysis and discussion about the environmental protection in the highway construction and summerizes the keys and measures of environmental protection in the highway construction and operation. It puts forwa

27、rd the development direction for the environmental protection of highway construction. Key words: highway; environmental protection; measure 家政服务机构责任研究 李 青 (山东大学 法学院,山东 济南 250100) 摘 要:家政服务机构作为家政服务行业整体链条的中间环节,对于家政服务业的健康稳定发展有着重要的作用。家 政服务机构法律责任认定的难点在于现实中家政服务机构的类型多样化、复杂化,文章从家政服务机构的具体分类入手,运用类型化分析方法,对不同经营

28、模式的家政服务机构进行法律上定性,将其划分为居间性和雇佣性家政服务机构两种类型。居间性家政服务机构承担居间人的法律责任;雇佣性家政服务机构承担雇主责任或劳动法意义上的用人单位的责任。但在两种责任之下,实践中家政服务机构的具体责任又具有其特殊性。 关键词:居间性家政服务机构;雇佣性家政服务机构; 居间人;雇主 Abstract: As the middle link in the whole chain of domestic service industry,housekeeping service agencies play an important role in the healthy

29、and stable development of the industry. The difficulties in finding the legal liability of these agencies lie in the diversity and complexity of the types of these agencies. The paper legally analyses the definition of different business models of the housekeeping service agencies from category,in w

30、hich they can be divided into intermediary housekeeping service agency and employment housekeeping ageney. The intermediary agency will bear the legal liabilities of a mediator, while the employment agency will bear the responsibilities of the employer or the employing unit by the Labor Law. However

31、, under the two responsibilities, these agencies have the concrete as well as special responsibilities in practice. Key words: intermedicary housekeeping service agency; employment housekeeping service agency; mediator; employer 现代性视野中的流浪意识 以“新时期”以来的汉语文学为中心 李 斌 (常州市广播电视大学,江苏 常州 213001) 摘 要:“新时期”以来汉语

32、文学中的流浪意识,因其作为现代意识的一种而值得关注。“新时期”以来汉语文学中流浪意识的现代性要素,首先在于它是一种现代个人观的表达。其次,基于意识形态观念之上的“历史化”与非历史化倾向作为其现代性要素之一,也是不可忽略的时代思想背景。 关键词:新时期 ; 汉语文学 ; 流浪意识 ; 现代性 Abstract: The awareness of tramping in Chinese literature since the “new age“ is worth of attention for its being a sort of modern awareness. The paper fo

33、cuses on elaborating modernity element of tramping awareness in Chinese literature since the “new age“. Firstly, it is an expression of modern individual outlook. Secondly, tendency of “history“ and non history on the basis of ideology is also one of the modern elements as well as the modern thought

34、 background that cannot be ignored. Key words: new age; Chinese literature; awareness of tramping; modernity 西厢记女性形象的平民化色彩 齐 涛 (濮阳职业技 术学院 人文科学系,河南 濮阳 457000) 摘 要:西厢记中的女性形象,虽出身高贵,但其社会地位、思想性格、人物语言各方面带有平民化色彩。其产生的原因:传统文化所强调的儒家思想受到冲击;创作主体社会地位、思想状况的改变;市民阶层的状大,平民化的道德观和审美情趣得到发展。 关键词:西厢记;女性形象;平民化色彩;成因 Abstra

35、ct: The images of women in the Chinese drama,West Chamber,have the civilian color in their social social position, thought and character as well as their language though they are of notle birth.The cause is from the impact of the traditional Confucian culture, the creation of the main social postion

36、 and thought status which are changed, the levels of civilians which are enlarged and moral concepts and aesthetic interests of civilian population which are developed. Key words: West Chamber; images of women; civilian color; cause 普宁之三重人格结构 张雪峰 (西北师范大学 外国语学院 ,甘肃 兰州 730070) 摘 要:文章以弗洛伊德的 “人格三结构理论”,即

37、:本我、自我、超我为理论基础,阐述了俄裔美籍作家纳博科夫的小说普宁中的主人公普宁在流亡过程中的心理历程。 关键词:自我; 本我;超我; 普宁 Abstract: Based on Freud s Personality Theory (id, ego, superego), the paper states the psychological growth of Pnin in the novel Pnin written by American writer, Vldimir Nabkov, and it is another attempt in applying Freud s Pers

38、onality Theory in practice. Key words: id; ego; superego; Pnin 提高高等职业教育教学质量的对策分析 方徽聪, 黄学文 (安徽职业技术学院,安徽 合肥 230051) 摘 要:文章分析了影响高等职业教育教学质量的几个因素,并从办学定位、师资队伍、人才培养模式 、课程体系建设、教学质量监督和外部环境等方面提出了提高高等职业教育教学质量的对策。 关键词:高职教育;教学质量;对策 Abstract: The paper analyses several factors that affect the teaching quality of

39、higher vocational education and puts forward some countermeasures in the orientation of schoolrunning,teacher staff,the mode of talents cultivation, the construction of curricula system, the control of teaching quality and the outer environment, for the improvement of the teaching quality of higher

40、vocational education. Key words: higher vocational education; quality of teaching; countermeasure 高职大学生完美主义与自我接纳、交往焦虑的关系 刘 敏 1, 庄 伟 2, 曹 晖 1, 赵富才 1 ( 1.聊城大学 大学生心理健康教育与咨询中心,山东 聊城 252059; ( 2.聊城大学 文学院,山东 聊城 252059) 摘 要:文章通过采用中文版完美主义量表 (CFMPS)、自我接纳问卷 (SAQ)、交往焦虑量表 (IAS)对 1156 名高职大学生进行问卷调查。调查表明,高职大学生的完美主

41、义对自我接纳、交往焦虑存在一定程度 的影响。自我接纳在完美主义与交往焦虑之间具有完全中介效应。 关键词:完美主义;自我接纳;交往焦虑;中介效应;高职大学生 Abstract: 1156 students from two higher VTE schools have completed a battery of questionnaires,including Chinese Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale(CFMPS),SelfAcceptance Questionnaire( SAQ) and Interaction Anxiousness Sc

42、ale(IAS).Perfectionism has influence on higher VTE school students self acceptance and social anxiety to some extent.Self acceptance exerts the fully mediate role in the relation between perfectionism and social anxiety. Key words: perfectionism; self acceptance; social anxiety; mediating role; high

43、er VTE school student 基于工作过程的钻井专业课程体系构建 王小兵 1,2 ( 1. 扬州工业职业技术学院 机械工程系,江苏 扬州 225127; 2. 大庆石油学院提高油气采收率教育部重点实验室,黑龙江 大庆 163318) 摘 要:文章对钻井技术专业的原课程体系进行了重构,将钻井技术专业的课程按岗位需要划分 为井身设计、钻井液配制和开钻三个工作过程,由工作过程导出相应的行动领域、学习领域和学习情境,为学生提供了真实的职业学习情境。在课程实施过程中,将基础理论课程融入技能培养的实践教学之中,理论教学与实践教学没有明显的界限。 关键词:钻井技术;工作过程;行动领域;学习领域

44、;学习情境 Abstract: The paper reconstracts the original course of drilling major,and divides the course into three work processes, that is, the work prosess of wellbore design, the preparation of drilling fluid and drilling. The filed of action, the field of study and study circumstance derived from the

45、 work process provide the students withconditions of real vocational study. In the implementation of the course, the basic theoretical course is merged into the practical teaching of skill-cultivation so that there will be no difference between theoreticalteaching and practical teaching. Key words:

46、drilling technique; work process; action field; study field; study circumstance 实施专题教学 实现精品教学 屠春风 (无锡职业技术学院 基础部 , 江苏 无锡 214121) 摘 要:文章分析了毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论课程传统教学中存在的问题和实行专题教学的优势,结合实际论述了实施专题教学的内容及方法。 关键词:专题教学;瓶颈; 排课; 精品教学 Abstract: The paper analyses the problems in the traditional teaching of “Int

47、roducation to Mao Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chineses Characteristic“ and the advantage of the thematic teaching and describes the content and meathod for the carry out of thematic teaching in combination of the practice. Key words: thematic teaching; bottleneck; cou

48、rse arrangement; excellent course 任务型教学在高职英语教学中的应用 蒋冬美 (顺德职业技术学院 外语系, 广东 佛山 5283330) 摘 要:文章分析了传统高职英语教学中存在的问题,阐述了任务型语言教学的本质特征和优势以及在高职英语教学中应用的可行性和优越性,并从任务的设计原则和对教师 的要求等方面探讨了任务型教学应用中应注意的问题,以求达到教学内容的实践性,提高学生交际能力的目的。 关键词:任务型教学;高职;教学模式;任务设计 Abstract: This paper makes an analysis of the problems of English teaching in traditional higher vocational college, and then introduces the basic features and advantages of TBLT. It also makes some disscusions about the problems in TBLT from the designing principles of tasks and demands on the teachers in order to reach the practice of teachin


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