英语中常见错误01. 有他这颗扫帚星,什么事情都办不成.误 With a comet like him, nothing can be accomplished.正 With a jinx like him, nothing can be accomplished.注:扫帚星是中国人对慧星(comet)的俗称,因其后面象拖着的一条像扫帚一样的长尾巴而得名.在中国古代,扫帚 星被认为是灾难的预兆,并被用来比喻不吉利的人或事;祸根person or thing that is thought to bring)bad luck (to sb/sth);curse.英语的 comet 虽然没有这层含义,但却有一个对应的说法,即 jinx. 例:Theres a jinx on/ Someones put a jinx on this car: its always giving me trouble. 这辆汽车上有什么妨人的东西,总给我找麻烦.02.萝卜青菜,各有所爱.误 Some prefer radish but