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1、2018年刘家峡中学英语说课比赛Unit8 Is there a post office near here 说课稿Section A (1a-2b) 欢迎各位专家及教育同仁批评指导永靖县刘家峡中学 金彦霞Unit8 Is there a post office near here 说课稿Section A (1a-2b) Good morning, everyone! Its my great honor to stand here and share my teaching ideas with you. My topic today is Unit 8 Is there a post o

2、ffice near here? And Ill talk about it from the following parts: the analysis of teaching material、the analysis of students、the teaching and learning methods、the teaching procedures and the teaching prediction. 尊敬的各位评委、老师: 大家早上好! 很荣幸今天我能在这里陈述我的教学观点。我说的内容是人教版 GO FOR IT 七年级下第八单元 Is there a post office

3、 near here? (这儿附近有邮局吗?) 我将从下几个方面进行说课: 说教材(内容,目标,重难点); 说学情;说教法、学法; 说教学过程; 说教学预测。Now, please allow me to show you the first partThe analysis of teaching material. Part 1 The analysis of teaching material 教材分析First, Ill talk about the status and functions.Status and functions 地位和作用This lesson is from t

4、he second book of GO FOR IT for Grade 7. GO FOR IT is designed to cultivate students overall abilities , including linguistic, culture and social ones. And it is also designed with the aim of making Ss use English to exchange ideas, fulfill certain tasks and solve practical problems. The Lesson is f

5、rom the first period of this unit.This topic is about how to ask and describe the location of the buildings and give directions on the street. Students will be certainly interested in it because it is close to their daily life.本课选自 Go for it七年级下册. Go for it 这本书的设计意图在于培养学生的整体素质,包括语言能力,文化素养,社会交流等各个方面,

6、目的在于使学生在学习使用英语的过程中交换思想, 达成一定的任务, 解决实际的问题。本课是本单元的第一课时。核心是询问和描述建筑物的位置,如何在街上问路和指路。学生将会对此很感兴趣, 因为教材内容很贴近生活。 Then Ill talk about the teaching aims and demands in this lesson. Teaching aims and demands 目标和要求According to the new curriculum standard, teaching aims are composed of three aspects: Knowledge ai

7、ms, Ability aims and Emotion aims. 根据新课程标准要求, 教学目标由三部分构成, 即: 知识目标, 能力目标和情感目标。Knowledge aims 知识目标:1. Ask Ss to learn the words of different buildings 学习建筑物单词 Such as, post office, bank, supermarket, hotel, restaurant, etc. 2. Ask Ss to learn the prepositions of places 学习方位介词:next to, across from, bet

8、ween, near, behind, in front ofetc. 3. Ask Ss to learn the sentence patterns学习句型: Is there a/an? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. Ability aims 能力目标:1. To help Ss ask and describe the places and locations with the prepositions and the sentence patterns “Is there a/an .” 能够使用各种方位介词和 there be 句型询问和描述事物

9、的所在位置。2. To help Ss increase their abilities of communication, cooperation and exploration by expressing their own opinions with the target language. 通过运用目标语言表达观点来提高学生的交流、合作和探知能力.Emotion aims 情感目标:To make Ss get happiness by giving help to others. 培养礼貌待人,乐于助人的品质,在帮助他人的过程中感受快乐。Next, Ill talk about th

10、e teaching important and difficult points. Teaching important and difficult points 教学重点和难点The important points of this period are to talk about the places and locations with the the prepositions of places and ask and give directions on the street politely with the sentence patterns:Is there a/an .?

11、本课时的教学重点: 使用各种方位介词和 there be 句型询问和描述事物的所在位置;有礼貌的问路指路。 The difficult point is to put what they have learned into their daily life. 教学难点: 将所学到的语言知识和生活实际联系起来, 使学习过程生活化。Then, please allow me to show you the second partThe analysis of students. Part 2 The analysis of students 学情分析As we know, the students

12、 in Grade Seven have a good memory and they are good at imitation. Ss in grade 7 have mastered a certain basic knowledge of English, They have learned how to describe the location“Where is .? Its on/ in/ under .” before. They can use the structures when they practice asking and giving directions in

13、this lesson. And they still keep their curiosity on something new and they have a strong desire to get knowledge and show off.1、 思维能力:有较强的记忆力和模仿能力,已经掌握了一定基础的英语知识 ;2、七年级学生之前已经学过如何用“Where is .? It s on/ in/ under .”来描述位置。本课中他们可以用这个句型练习问路, 为本课的学习做了一个很好的铺垫。3、认知心理:有强烈的好奇心,有较强的求知欲和表现欲。Next, Ill talk about

14、 the third partThe Teaching and learning methods. Part 3 Teaching and learning methods 教法和学法 For teaching methods, the new curriculum standard advocates that language is for communication. English teaching should lay special emphasis on cultivating and developing the students oral English and commun

15、ication skills. For this purpose, Ill mainly adopt task-based teaching method. That is to say, in my class Ill design different activities and get Ss to fulfill the tasks. In that way, Ss will learn to experience and explore to improve their overall abilities. 新课程标准提倡语言是为了交流,英语教学尤其应该致力与培养和发展学生的口语交际能

16、力。基于这个目标,我将主要采用任务型的教学法, 即把语言应用的基本词汇表达法转为具有实践意义的课程任务让学生去完成 。学生在完成任务的过程中, 通过感知、体验、实践、参与、创造等方式提高他们的英语的综合能力。 For learning methods, Students will adopt cooperative learning method and autonomous learning method. 采用两种学习方式: 自主学习, 合作交流。Now Ill move on to the most important part, the teaching procedures.Part

17、 4 Teaching procedure 教学过程Step1 Lead-in 导入Ill lead in the new lesson. Ill ask them questions likeT:What is this ?Ss:It is a pencil.T:Where is it?Ss :It is in the pencil-box.设计意图:这些非常熟悉的对话不但让学生的注意力很快集中到课堂上,而且复习了简单的介词 in,on ,and under. 让学生积极主动的投入到英语学习中来, 也为下一步要学习的单词和句型的引出做好了铺垫。Step2 presentation 呈现Fir

18、st, Ill present pictures of buildings on the street. Next,Ill ask them to imagine a real situation. Ill say, “Now, you are in a new city, you dont know the places here. And you want to go to a post, how can you ask people about it? Then Ill help students to ask, “Is there a post office near here?” a

19、nd let them answer , “Yes, there is./ No, there isnt. 设计意图:想象真实的生活场景,将英语课程生活化Step3 Oral practice 口语操练Ill ask students to look at the pictures in activity 1a. Ask them to talk about the places with the sentence pattern: -Is there a-Yes, there is. It is on_ Street. and students work in pairs. 设计意图:教学目

20、标活动化, 在活动中掌握学习方式。Step4 listening and practice 听力和训练Before listening 2b, Ill first present the prepositions of places with some pictures. Ill lead students to learn the prepositions. Then, let them talk about the different places and make conversations using these words. After this, Ill ask students

21、to finish activity 2a, and then check answers by asking question: “Where is the pay phone?” This can also make Ss describe the places with the prepositions. Now, let Ss listen to the conversations in 2b and fill in the blanks. 设计意图:学生将会扩展方位介词的说法, 学会谈论建筑物之间的位置关系。学生通过合作交流, 自主学习和体验式学习了解重点,突破了难点,激发兴趣,提高

22、了能力。Step5 consolidation 巩固Ill ask students to make their own conversations in 1a. to ask and give directions according to the picture. As they do this, Ill walk around and give them help if necessary. Then, as they have done, ask them to perform their conversations. 设计意图:能够用所学语言问路,指路,达成既定学习目标。Step 6

23、 Summary 总结According to a blackboard design to sum what they have learned.Step7 homework 作业Write some sentences to talk about the buildings in your neighbourhood using different prepositions of places.Part 5 The teaching prediction. 教学预测 In this class Ill design different activities and Ss will fulf

24、ill the tasks. They will learn to experience and explore to improve their overall abilities. By cooperating and communicating, Ss attitude will change from “Im willing to speak” to “I can speak”. And so both the teachers and the students initiative and creativity will be fully developed.本课将英语课程生活化, 把一个个教学目标活动化, 学生在完成任务的过程中, 通过感知、体验、实践、参与、创造等方式提高他们的英语的综合能力。学生通过自主学习,合作交流, 改变了学习态度, 激发了学习热情,从我乐说,我想说达到我会说。将充分发挥师生双方在教学中的主动性和创造性。Thats all for today. Thanks for listening.我的说课到此结束, 感谢大家聆听。


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