1、I n 2016 County Economic wor kshop Shang of speech comr ade are: t his count y economic wor kshop of m ain t ask is, f ul im plem ent im plem ent at ion Centr al, and pr ovincial, and m unicipal economic wor kshop and pr ovince par ty main leader s em inar spirt , r ecaled sum mary r esult s, analys
2、is j udge sit uat ion, arr angem ents deploym ent new annual f ocus work t ask, m obilzation Count y upper and lower f ur ther gr asp new norm al, im plementation new concept, t emper new style, show new as, str uggled t o advance County econom ic social t ransf orm at ion upgr ade science developm
3、ent. Fol wing, t old f our a aspect s of pr oblem : a, and f ul cer t ainly r esult s, ef f ective fir m t r ansf ormation upgr ade of confidence and etermination 2015, f ace m acr oeconomic down pr essur e cont inued increased of severe sit uation and if f icult heavy of r ef orm development t ask,
4、 Count y upper and lower t ight at Cent ral and pr ovinces series major decision deploym ent, f ir mly gr asp st abilt y in t he seeking int o t ot al t one, act ive adapt ed econom ic developm ent new norm al, f ocused f ocus f ield, f ul wor k storming, County economic social developm ent r enderi
5、ng out contr arian t o good, and st abilt y in t he has int o, and m or e point s br eakthr ough, and Over al a good t r end. One is closely linked t o t he t ransf orm at ion and upgr ading of t he global, compr ehensive economic power signif icant ly. Accur at ely gauge t he macr o sit uation and
6、based on r eal com pr ehensive plan, str ongly pr om ote t he sust ained and healt hy development of economy and societ y. Project suport capacit y incr eased signif icantly. Adher e t o t he inside and outside sim ult aneously, build, im plem ent ation of nat ional and pr ovincial investm ent of 62
7、5 milon Yuan, f or St ate one or t wo, t hr ee, f our or f ive specif ic bond f unds and local r eplacement bond f unds of 554 m ilon Yuan, f or t he st art ing year of key constr uction pr oj ect s has laid a solid f oundation. I n par ticular t he national cir cular econom y dem onstr at ion count
8、ies and . t wo State-level pilot pr oj ect of ecol gical dem onstr at ion County proj ect platf orms set tled in j ingchuan, Zhu J ia J ian constr uction of t he r eser voir began, handicap r eser voir s, Liu Lihe r eservoir pr epar at 4ion wor k goes well, t ake solid st eps f or com pr ehensive ut
9、 ilzation of water r esources; cit y gas station t o speed up im plem entation of t he pr oject , I becam e t he Count ys fir st West- East gas pipeline pr oj ect in t he sur r ounding ar ea benefit f rom t he Count y, major pr oj ect s upport ed incr eased signif icant ly. Over al well- of f societ
10、y constantly consolidat e 254t he basis. Bat tle vict or y indust rial developm ent as t he prim ary t ask of t he well- of, f ruit pr oduction suit able f or f ul coverage of t he t ar get wil be r ealized, veget able indust ry developm ent ar ea ext ending, f arming aquacult ur e changes t he m om
11、 entum of t he show, “markets + ent er prise + base + f arm er s“ as t hey gradualy int r oduced measures signifcantly st rengt hen st andardized m anagem ent , indust ry constantly consolidat e t he basis and enriching. I nvestm ent att ract ion r esult s cont inue t o expand. Adher e t o t he soft
12、 envir onment of excellence and impr ove the envir onment ar e equaly 严 格遵守招标合同文件明确的设计规范、施工规范和质量评定与验收 标准。坚持技术先进性、科学合理性、经济适用性、安全可靠性与实事求是相结合。通过对劳务、设备、材料、资金、技术、方案、信息、时间与空间条件的优化处置,实现成本、工期、质量及社会信誉的预期目标效果。 交通安全知识 试题 单位 姓名 得分 一、 填空 题(本题共 10题,每题 2 分,共 20分) 1、 机动车号牌应当按照规定悬挂并保持( 清晰 )、完整,不得故意遮挡、( 污损 )。 2、 长途车驾
13、驶员安全教育由安全员( 或队长 )负责,并由( 检查人 )、教育人、被教育人签字。 3、 全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改中华人民共和国安全生产法的决定已由中华人民共和国第十二届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议于 (2014)年 (8)月 ( 31)日通过。 4、 饮酒后驾驶营运机动车的,处 ( 15 日 ) 拘留,并处 ( 5000 元 ) 罚款,吊销机动车驾驶证,五年内不得重新取得机动车驾驶证。 5、 环境保护法将每年 ( 6)月( 5)日 定为环境日。 6 任何单位或者个人对 (事故隐患 )或者 (安全生产违法行为 ),均有权向负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门报告或者举报。 7、 驾
14、驶员私自将 GPS 车载终端设备进行分离、 ( 拆卸 ) 的,除重新安装外,对驾驶员扣发业绩奖励 (1000)元 ,行政警告处分。 8. 客运车辆安全设施( 工具 )、( 及附件 ) 等 不全或失效,扣发驾驶员业绩奖励( 1000)元。 9、 任 何单位和个人不得擅自设置、 ( 移动 ) 、 ( 占用 ) 、损毁交通信号灯、交通标志、交通标线。 10、 行车路单必须标明( 用车单位 )、带车人、( 路线 )、地点等内容。 二、 判断对错 (本题共 20题,每题 1.5 分,共 30 分) I n 2016 County Economic wor kshop Shang of speech co
15、mr ade are: t his count y economic wor kshop of m ain t ask is, f ul im plem ent im plem ent at ion Centr al, and pr ovincial, and m unicipal economic wor kshop and pr ovince par ty main leader s em inar spirt , r ecaled sum mary r esult s, analysis j udge sit uat ion, arr angem ents deploym ent new
16、 annual f ocus work t ask, m obilzation Count y upper and lower f ur ther gr asp new norm al, im plementation new concept, t emper new style, show new as, str uggled t o advance County econom ic social t ransf orm at ion upgr ade science developm ent. Fol wing, t old f our a aspect s of pr oblem : a
17、, and f ul cer t ainly r esult s, ef f ective fir m t r ansf ormation upgr ade of confidence and etermination 2015, f ace m acr oeconomic down pr essur e cont inued increased of severe sit uation and if f icult heavy of r ef orm development t ask, Count y upper and lower t ight at Cent ral and pr ov
18、inces series major decision deploym ent, f ir mly gr asp st abilt y in t he seeking int o t ot al t one, act ive adapt ed econom ic developm ent new norm al, f ocused f ocus f ield, f ul wor k storming, County economic social developm ent r endering out contr arian t o good, and st abilt y in t he h
19、as int o, and m or e point s br eakthr ough, and Over al a good t r end. One is closely linked t o t he t ransf orm at ion and upgr ading of t he global, compr ehensive economic power signif icant ly. Accur at ely gauge t he macr o sit uation and based on r eal com pr ehensive plan, str ongly pr om
20、ote t he sust ained and healt hy development of economy and societ y. Project suport capacit y incr eased signif icantly. Adher e t o t he inside and outside sim ult aneously, build, im plem ent ation of nat ional and pr ovincial investm ent of 625 milon Yuan, f or St ate one or t wo, t hr ee, f our
21、 or f ive specif ic bond f unds and local r eplacement bond f unds of 554 m ilon Yuan, f or t he st art ing year of key constr uction pr oj ect s has laid a solid f oundation. I n par ticular t he national cir cular econom y dem onstr at ion counties and . t wo State-level pilot pr oj ect of ecol gi
22、cal dem onstr at ion County proj ect platf orms set tled in j ingchuan, Zhu J ia J ian constr uction of t he r eser voir began, handicap r eser voir s, Liu Lihe r eservoir pr epar at 4ion wor k goes well, t ake solid st eps f or com pr ehensive ut ilzation of water r esources; cit y gas s tation t o
23、 speed up im plem entation of t he pr oject , I becam e t he Count ys fir st West- East gas pipeline pr oj ect in t he sur r ounding ar ea benefit f rom t he Count y, major pr oj ect s upport ed incr eased signif icant ly. Over al well- of f society constantly consolidat e 254t he basis. Bat tle vic
24、t or y indust rial developm ent as t he prim ary t ask of t he well- of, f ruit pr oduction suit able f or f ul coverage of t he t ar get wil be r ealized, veget able indust ry developm ent ar ea ext ending, f arming aquacult ur e changes t he m om entum of t he show, “markets + ent er prise + base
25、+ f arm er s“ as t hey gradualy int r oduced measures signifcantly st rengt hen st andardized m anagem ent , indust ry constantly consolidat e t he basis and enriching. I nvestm ent att ract ion r esult s cont inue t o expand. Adher e t o t he soft envir onment of excellence and impr ove the envir o
26、nment ar e equaly 严 格遵守招标合同文件明确的设计规范、施工规范和质量评定与验收标准。坚持技术先进性、科学合 理性、经济适用性、安全可靠性与实事求是相结合。通过对劳务、设备、材料、资金、技术、方案、信息、时间与空间条件的优化处置,实现成本、工期、质量及社会信誉的预期目标效果。 1、 对重大、特别重大生产安全事故负有责任的,终身不得担任本行业生产经营单位的主要负责人。 ( ) 2、 国家法定节假日期间调派跨市长途车需二级单位主管领导批准,并到本单位交通管理部门登记备案。 ( ) 3、 除公安机关交通管理部门以外,其他单位或个人不 可收缴、扣留机动车驾驶证。 ( ) 4、 饮酒、
27、服用国家管 制的精神药品或麻醉药品, 不 可以驾驶机动车。( ) 5、 发现公车旅游或因公事绕行到旅游景点的车辆 ,对驾驶员 扣发业绩奖励 5000 元 。 ( ) 6、 机动车 、非机动车实行右侧通行 。 ( ) 7、 厂矿区、生活区内的车辆行驶速度不得超过限速标志,没有限速标志时,最高行驶时速不得超过每小时 20 公里。 ( ) 8、 未按规定执行 “三交一封”制度,扣发业绩奖励 200 元 。 ( ) 9、 机动车在高速公路上发生故障时,警告标志应当设置在故障车车前 方向一百五十米以外 。 ( ) 10、 各级领导对所使用的车辆及驾驶员负有监督管理责任,因 监督管理不到位发生交通事故,领
28、导需负连带责任。 ( ) 11、 驾驶员应在收车前、行驶途中、出车后对车辆进行安全检查 。 ( ) 12、 油田公司机动车准驾证扣分标准:无路单行车一次扣 2 分。 ( ) 13、 辽河油田公司交通安全管理办法中规定:外雇驾驶员年龄不得超过 55 周岁。 ( ) 14、辽河油田 公司 交通安全管理办法中规定:司乘人员行车中不按规定使用安全带,或妨碍驾驶员安全驾驶,扣 发 业绩奖 100 元。 ( ) I n 2016 County Economic wor kshop Shang of speech comr ade are: t his count y economic wor kshop
29、of m ain t ask is, f ul im plem ent im plem ent at ion Centr al, and pr ovincial, and m unicipal economic wor kshop and pr ovince par ty main leader s em inar spirt , r ecaled sum mary r esult s, analysis j udge sit uat ion, arr angem ents deploym ent new annual f ocus work t ask, m obilzation Count
30、 y upper and lower f ur ther gr asp new norm al, im plementation new concept, t emper new style, show new as, str uggled t o advance County econom ic social t ransf orm at ion upgr ade science developm ent. Fol wing, t old f our a aspect s of pr oblem : a, and f ul cer t ainly r esult s, ef f ective
31、 fir m t r ansf ormation upgr ade of confidence and etermination 2015, f ace m acr oeconomic down pr essur e cont inued increased of severe sit uation and if f icult heavy of r ef orm development t ask, Count y upper and lower t ight at Cent ral and pr ovinces series major decision deploym ent, f ir
32、 mly gr asp st abilt y in t he seking int o t ot al t one, act ive adapt ed econom ic developm ent new norm al, f ocused f ocus f ield, f ul wor k storming, County economic social developm ent r endering out contr arian t o good, and st abilt y in t he has int o, and m or e point s br eakthr ough, a
33、nd Over al a good t r end. One is closely linked t o t he t ransf orm at ion and upgr ading of t he global, compr ehensive economic power signif icant ly. Accur at ely gauge t he macr o sit uation and based on r eal com pr ehensive plan, str ongly pr om ote t he sust ained and healt hy development o
34、f economy and societ y. Project suport capacit y incr eased signif icantly. Adher e t o t he inside and outside sim ult aneously, build, im plem ent ation of nat ional and pr ovincial investm ent of 625 milon Yuan, f or St ate one or t wo, t hr ee, f our or f ive specif ic bond f unds and local r ep
35、lacement bond f unds of 554 m ilon Yuan, f or t he st art ing year of key constr uction pr oj ect s has laid a solid f oundation. I n par ticular t he national cir cular econom y dem onstr at ion counties and . t wo State-level pilot pr oj ect of ecol gical dem onstr at ion County proj ect platf orm
36、s set tled in j ingchuan, Zhu J ia J ian constr uction of t he r eser voir began, handicap r eser voir s, Liu Lihe r eservoir pr epar at 4ion wor k goes well, t ake solid st eps f or com pr ehensive ut ilzation of water r esources ; cit y gas station t o speed up im plem entation of t he pr oject ,
37、I becam e t he Count ys fir st West- East gas pipeline pr oj ect in t he sur r ounding ar ea benefit f rom t he Count y, major pr oj ect s upport ed incr eased signif icant ly. Over al well- of f society constantly consolidat e 254t he basis. Bat tle vict or y indust rial developm ent as t he prim a
38、ry t ask of t he well- of, f ruit pr oduction suit able f or f ul coverage of t he t ar get wil be r ealized, veget able indust ry developm ent ar ea ext ending, f arming aquacult ur e changes t he m om entum of t he show, “markets + ent er prise + base + f arm er s“ as t hey gradualy int r oduced m
39、easures signifcantly st rengt hen st andardized m anagem ent , indust ry constantly consolidat e t he basis and enriching. I nvestm ent att ract ion r esult s cont inue t o expand. Adher e t o t he soft envir onment of excellence and impr ove the envir onment ar e equaly 严 格遵守招标合同文件明确的设计规范、施工规范和质量评定
40、与验收标准。坚持技术先进性、科学合理性、经济适用性、安全可靠性与实事求是相结合。通过对劳务、设备、材料、资金、技术、方案、信息、时间与空间条件的优化处置,实现成本、工期、质量及社会信誉的预期目标效 果。 15、未带驾驶证及油田公司准驾证而驾驶油田公司车辆扣发业绩奖200 元。 ( ) 16、 车辆管理单位每月 度对驾驶员组织一次考试,考核率达到 100%。( ) 17、 机动车可以选择交叉路口进行倒车。( ) 18、工作期间 不可 驾驶油田公司以外的机动车辆从事巡井、作业等公务活动。 ( ) 19、 油田公司机动车准驾证扣分标准:驾车时接打电话一次扣 3 分。( ) 20、 机动车驾驶员因多次
41、违章,一个记分周期内累积记分超过 12 分,交纳了罚款和滞纳金后记分可自动消除。 ( ) 三、 选择题 (本题共 20题、每题 1 分,共 20 分) 1、 没有划分机动车道、非机动车道和人行道的,机动车 ( A) 通行 。 A.在道路中间通行 B.在道路两侧通 行 C.实行分道通行 D.可随意通行 2、机动车遇交通警察现场指挥和交通信号不一致时,应当按照 ( B )通行。 A.道路标志 B.交通警察的指挥 C.交通信号灯的指挥 D.道路标线 3、 机动车驾驶人应当遵守道路交通安全法律、法规的规定,按 ( B )安全驾驶、文明行车。 I n 2016 County Economic wor k
42、shop Shang of speech comr ade are: t his count y economic wor kshop of m ain t ask is, f ul im plem ent im plem ent at ion Centr al, and pr ovincial, and m unicipal economic wor kshop and pr ovince par ty main leader s em inar spirt , r ecaled sum mary r esult s, analysis j udge sit uat ion, arr ang
43、em ents deploym ent new annual f ocus work t ask, m obilzation Count y upper and lower f ur ther gr asp new norm al, im plementation new concept, t emper new style, show new as, str uggled t o advance County econom ic social t ransf orm at ion upgr ade science developm ent. Fol wing, t old f our a a
44、spect s of pr oblem : a, and f ul cer t ainly r esult s, ef f ective fir m t r ansf ormation upgr ade of confidence and etermination 2015, f ace m acr oeconomic down pr essur e cont inued increased of severe sit uation and if f icult heavy of r ef orm development t ask, Count y upper and lower t igh
45、t at Cent ral and pr ovinces series major decision deploym ent, f ir mly gr asp st abilt y in t he seeking int o t ot al t one, act ive adapt ed econom ic developm ent new norm al, f ocused f ocus f ield, f ul wor k storming, County economic social developm ent r endering out contr arian t o good, a
46、nd st abilt y in t he has int o, and m or e point s br eakthr ough, and Over al a good t r end. One is closely linked t o t he t ransf orm at ion and upgr ading of t he global, compr ehensive economic power signif icant ly. Accur at ely gauge t he macr o sit uation and based on r eal com pr ehensive
47、 plan, str ongly pr om ote t he sust ained and healt hy development of economy and societ y. Project suport capacit y incr eased signif icantly. Adher e t o t he inside and outside sim ult aneously, build, im plem ent ation of nat ional and pr ovincial investm ent of 625 milon Yuan, f or St ate one
48、or t wo, t hr ee, f our or f ive specif ic bond f unds and local r eplacement bond f unds of 554 m ilon Yuan, f or t he st art ing year of key constr uction pr oj ect s has laid a solid f oundation. I n par ticular t he national cir cular econom y dem onstr at ion counties and . t wo State-level pilot pr oj ect of ecol gical dem onstr at ion County proj ect platf orms set tled in j ingchuan, Zhu J ia J ian constr uction of t he r eser voir began, handicap r eser voir s, Liu Lihe r eservoir pr epar at 4ion wor k goes well, t ake solid st eps f or com pr ehensive ut ilzati