2 0 2 1地 产 项 目 父 亲 节 主 题 暖 场 策 划 活 动Presentation template for your personal and commercial needs, designed and presented by Aqr TypefacePresentation template for your personal and commercial needsHAPPY FATHERS DAY父亲节暖场活动推荐在成为父亲之前,他们是球场上最亮眼的投篮手他们是游戏里carry全场的MVP他们是挥斥方遒的职场精英但,自从你来了,他就是父亲了.他变得越来越成熟,开始慢慢适应父亲的角色,虽然他最嘴上不说,但他其实,很爱你。今年父亲节,不要吝啬说爱他!PART 01C O N T E N T S活动思路PART 03活动细则PART 02活动内容活 动 思 路01Presentation template for your personal and commercial needs, designed and presented by Aqr TypefacePre