摘 要我们针对洗车制动系统在控制台上的模拟试验原理与具体的实验数据,通过科学的物理分析将高速行驰到制动过程中的机械惯量等效转化到制动台的飞轮的机械惯量并建立了达到具有一定惯量所需的驱动电流之间的数学模型。最后用神经网络与模糊控制的方法对模型作出评价和优化。关键词制动试验;混合电模拟;PID控制方法;模糊控制方法 AbstractWe stady the car bake system on the control platform in laboratory. By analyzing the experimental principal and data, constructed a model for equally tranf the uoment of a car to the rolation moment of flywheels of the experimental platform through the support of electric motor. At last, we apply the nea