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1、 口译与听力真题 1、 南京市是中国著名的七大古都之一,秦淮河是它最典型的景点之一。 Nanjing is one of seven Chinese ancient city , one of its famous spot is Qinhuai River. 2、 越来越多的中国人开始花时间到以前不经常去的健身中心或体育场去做健美操。 More and more Chinese people than ever are beginning to spend more their free time doing keep fit exercise in the Gym and sports c

2、enter where they seldom go . 3、 20 多年来,中国开展了双边合作、区域合作、多边合作等多种形式的国际空间合作。 In twenty years, Chinese carried out international cooperation just like bilateral cooperation、 regional cooperation and multi-lateral cooperation. 4、 面临周 边邻国货币贬值的压力,中国冒着出口崩溃的危险,保持住其货汇率的稳定。 Pressed by neighbors currency deprecia

3、tion , China maintained the stabilization of currency at the risk of export meltdown. 5、 到 1998 年 12 月底,深圳累计批准外商投资项目达 22050 个。 By the end of Dec. 1998, there are altogether 22,050 foreign investment projects approved. 6、 新闻是一个相对自由的词汇。我认为,第一,新闻应该不受限制;第二,新闻应该对社会负责;第三,新闻应该促进社会稳定与进步。 News freedom is a r

4、elatively word. I think, firstly, news should not be limited; secondly, news should be responsibility for the society; thirdly, news should be develop the societys stability and progress. 这三个方面互为联系,同等重要,不可分割。片面强调某一方面会带来问题,因而是有害的。 The three aspects are interconnected, are equal important, are not ind

5、ivisible. Its very harmful to emphasize one of them. 西方媒体对中国的许多报道不是不正确的,有时是非常不客观的,是非常不公开的。 The reports form western press are incorrect, sometimes are not objective, even unfair. 西方报纸很少报道中国的发展,它们感兴趣的不是中国的快速进步,而是存在的困难和问题。 The reports from western press seldom says Chinas development, they are not int

6、erested in Chinas rapid progress, only in difficulties and problems. 如果人们中依据这些报道,无视中国的现实,那么中国在他们的脑海里便是一个很快就要垮台的社会。 They ignored the reality of China if they judge China according to the reports, so China will be a collapse society in their minds. 而事实恰恰相反,中国是一个政治上非常稳定的社会,是一个经济是快速发展的国家。 In contrast, C

7、hina is a very stable society in political and a rapid progress country in economy. 7、 The open university has no formal entrance requirements for its students and is designed particularly for people who have missed out on a formal tertiary education because of lack of money or opportunity in the pa

8、st. 开放式大学对学生没有正式的入学要求,是专门为那些在高中毕业后缺钱或机会未能上学的学生而设立的。 8、 Its a great honor and pleasure to be invited today to share this happy occasion, not only with the members of the graduating class of 2006,but also with the families and friends who have no doubts supported you along the way with their kind word

9、s of advice and encouragement. 非常荣幸能应邀来与大家一起来分享这欢乐时刻,除了在座的2006 届的毕业生,还有这些年以来一直给予他们支持、良言和鼓励的亲朋好友。 9、 Islam is introduced into China along corridor of the old Silk Road that passed through western and central Asia, present Xinjing Uygur Autonomous Region, Gansu Province and into Ningxia. 伊斯兰教是沿古老的丝绸之路

10、经过中亚传入中国,也就是现在的新疆自治区、甘肃省再到宁夏。 10、 Promoting economic and technical cooperation among its members is a major task of APEC and a primary way to common development. 促进各成员国之间的经济技术合作是各亚太经 贸组织的主要任务,也是达到共同进步的主要途径。 11、 What is clear about Silicon Valley is that it is adaptable, that it can cope with change.

11、 更清楚的地说硅谷适应性强,能应对不断的变化。 12、 Despite almost universal acknowledgment of the vital importance of womens literacy, education remains an elusive dream for fat to many women if far too many countries of the world. Worldwide, about 950 million adults lack literacy skills-the vast majority, women. 几乎人尽皆知,妇

12、女是否识字至关重要。尽管如此,对世界上许多国家的妇女来说,教育仍是一个虚无飘渺的梦。世界上大约有 9.5 亿成年人是文盲,而大多数是女性。 In the worlds two most populous countries, China and India, 50% of adult females are illiteracy. Womens education carried many economic as well as health-related benefits. 在世界上两个人口最多的国家,印度和中国有一半的成年女性是文盲。女性的教育不仅有利健康,也能带来经济效益。 In fa

13、ct, a 1994 World Bank report concluded that enrolling girls in school was probably the single most effective anti-poverty policy in the developing world today. 实际上, 1994 年世界银行的一份报告得出结论,招收女生入学是当今发展中国家唯一有效的消除贫困的政策。 To further indicate its supports for this idea, the World Bank announced in late 1995 t

14、hat it was earmarking up to $900 million each year for loans to promote the education of girls. 为了进一步表明对这个观点的支持,世界银行在 1995 年宣布每年提供 9 亿美元贷款专门用于促进女童教育。 1、 1998年,旅游业的总收入为 3430亿元人民币,比去年增长了 10.2%。 In 1998, the total volume of tourism industry is amounted $343US billion, up to 10.2 percent over the previo

15、us year. 2、农业部的一部高级官员说,为保证广大干旱地区的粮食供应和消灭贫穷,中国迫切需要发展有效利用水资源的农业。 The senior officials from the agriculture ministry says, in order to secure the support of grains and eliminate poor from the arid region, China should develop the agriculture of utilizing the efficient water resources. 3、根据中国的实际情况。中国政府制

16、定了控制数量、提高质量的人口政策。 According to Chinas real situation, Chinese government carried out the population policy of controlling the quantity and raising the quality. 4、从某种意义上看,环保可以促使企业制定更高的工业 标准并着手节能化的生产,提高资源的使用率。 In a sense, environment protection can promote the enterprises to formulate the higher stand

17、ard of industrialization and saving the energy, promote its reusage. 5、 在中国古代史上,黄河被称为中华民族的“母亲”,她哺育了千千万万中华儿女。 In our Chinese ancient history, the yellow river is called the mother river, she raised thousands of Chinese people. 6、 在这个举国欢庆的除夕夜晚,我谨代表公司的全体同仁,感谢各位来宾光临我们的春节联联欢晚会。 In the happy Eve evening ,

18、 on behalf of the whole company, thanks for all of you come here to join the Spring Festive gala. 春节是我国 一年中的良晨佳时, 我愿各位中外同事共度一个轻松、欢快的夜晚。我们这家合资企业走过了 10 年的奋斗历程,这是辉煌的 10 年,富有成果的 10 年。 The Spring Festival is the best time of the year, I wish all the colleague may have a relaxation and pleasant night. The

19、 joint venture has been ten years, its a splendid and rich ten years. 我们在这里略备薄酒,庆祝我们的友好合作。我愿借此机会向公司的各位同仁表示诚挚的感谢。 The sweet wine is ready for you to celebrate our friendly cooperation. I really want to take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks for you. 同时,我也希望这次晚会能使我们有机会彼此沟通、增进友谊。最后我再次感谢各位嘉宾的

20、光临,并祝各位新年身体健康、事业有成、吉祥 如意。 Meanwhile(At the same time), I really hope you can use this chance to improve our communication and friendship. At last, thanks for your coming, I wish you healthy、 successful and lucky in the new year. 7、 A number of countries have launched education and literacy programs

21、that focus specifically on females. 许多国家已着手教育和识字计划,特别是对于女性来说。 8、 Our universities form a great intellectual countries round the world. Science has nationality, knowledge belongs to everyone. 我们的大学应该世界上建立一个知识库,科学没有国籍,知识属于我们每一个人。 9、 The exhibition provides a vivid demonstration of how the vitality and

22、 energy of contemporary British architecture and urban design are helping to create dynamic cities for the 21st century, in Britain and elsewhere. 这个展会向我们生动的陈述了英国当代的建筑和城市的规划,很好的帮我们了解到了 21 世纪城市的多样性,在英国是这样在其它地方也是这样。 10、 The Hui people are one of the ten minorities in China who are followers of Islam,

23、and Ningxia has the largest Hui population in the country. 回族是十大信仰伊斯兰教的少数民族之一,宁夏是回族聚集地。 11、 Now, where the United States and China reached agreement that we would have a one-China policy, we also reached agreement that the reunification would occur by peaceful means。 现在中美达成一致只有一个中国的政策,我们也达成一致通过和平的方式

24、来统一。 12、 For good or ill, globalization has became the economic buzz-word of the 1990s. National economies are undoubtedly becoming steadily more integrated as cross-border flows of trade, investment and financial capital increase. 无论是好还是坏,全球化已变成了 90 年代最时髦的词汇。国际经济毫无疑问通过贸易已穿过国界一体化了,提高了国际投资和金融资本。 Cons

25、umers are buying more foreign foods, a growing number of firms now operate across national borders, and savers are investing more than ever before in far-flung places. 消费者越越多的购买外国的产品,大量公司现在已开始对国际市场进行运作,越来越多的储户在世界各地进行投资。 Whether all of this is for good or ill is a topic of heated debate. One positive

26、 view is that globalization is an unmixed blessing with the potential to boost productivity and living standards everywhere. 不管这种情形是好是坏,现在都已成为一个非常热门话题了。积极的观点是经济全球化让各地的生产潜能和生活水平都达到了令人满意的程序。 This is because a globally integrated economy can lead to a better division of labor between countries, allowin

27、g low-wage countries to specialize in labor-intensive takes while high-wage countries use workers in more productive ways. 全球经济一体化也导致了劳动力国家,特别是低工资的国家能专注劳动密集性的产业,而高工资国家的工人从事更有创造性的工作。 And with globalization, capital can be shifted to whatever country offers the most productive investment opportunities

28、, not trapped at home financing projects with poor returns.随着经济全球化,资本被用到那些最有成效的投资国有,而不把资用到国内而获取较少的利润。 1、 所有公民,不管其情况有多特殊,都应享有充分发展其能力的机会。 Al l the citizens ,you should have the chance to develop your ability no matter how special you are. 2、 上海是个充满活力的大都市,上海市民的居住正在发生着深刻的变化。 Shanghai is a big city of fu

29、ll of energy, the citizens housing condition is change deeply now. 3、 我们应深刻认识信息技术的伟大力量,积极推进信息技术的发展。 We should recognize that the great power of IT, promote the development of the IT. 4、 世界贸易组织成立的时间虽不长, 但初始建立在关贸总协定下的多边贸易体系已有 50 年的历史。 Although the WTO is not established for a long, the history of mult

30、i-lateral trade of GATT has been 50 years. 5、 新中国成立后,马术作为体育运动本项目得到有关部门的高度重视,得到了较快的发展。 After establishing New China, horsemanship is becoming more and more important by some administration, it has developed rapidly. 6、 麦当劳不仅把中国人带进一种新的餐饮方式,还使他们接受一种 的新的行为举止。这些行为举止表明,他们在接受麦当劳快餐的同时,也逐步接受伴随而来的外国餐桌行为文化。 Ma

31、cDonald not only brings Chinese people into a new dining style,but also lets them accept a new behavior. These behaviors show that they should accept the new table manner while they accept the MacDonald. 这种餐桌行为简洁地依靠一股温暖的纯黄体现出来, 这使中国人对这种外来饮食模式空前认同 。于是试图将中餐与麦当劳分店形式结合起来的尝试出现 了,我们也在各大城市里看到了各种中餐连锁店。 This kind of table manner shows according to the simple warm yellow


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