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1、 西南石油大学 博士 研究生 英语结业考试 题 专 业 名 称 : 课 程 名称: 科技英语 翻译 学 生 姓 名 : 学 生 学 号 : 2014 级博士英语 -科技英语翻译结业考试题 2 Part One Translate the Following into Chinese I Words Translation(例: laser 激光) 1、 asbestos 石棉 2、 camshaft 凸轮 轴 3、 resistor 电阻器 4、 capacitor 电容器 5、 transistor 晶体管 6、 chemical 化学制品 7、 heat-pipe 热管 8、 heat-p

2、ump 热泵 9、 steroid 类固醇 10、 quantum 量子 11、 mosaic 马赛克 12、 bumper 缓冲器 13、 resistance 电阻 14、 contact 触点 15、 waveform 波形 16、 radwaste 放射性废物 17、 nukes 核武器 18、 LCD 液晶显示屏 19、 SMS 存储管理服务 20、 anode 阳极 2014 级博士英语 -科技英语翻译结业考试题 3 II Sentence Translation (例: Action is equal to reaction, but it acts in a contrary

3、direction.作用力与反作用力大小相等,方向相反。 ) 1、 The automobile with automatic transmission has smooth gear shifting and convenient operation. 装有自动变速器的汽车 换档平稳、操作方便。 2、 Automation is a concept through which a machine system is caused to operate with maximum efficiency by means of adequate measurement, observation,

4、and control of its behavior. 自动化是一个概念 , 它 是 通过 大量 的测量 、 观察 , 控制 机器系统 运行 的 最大效率 。 3、 Larger fiber bandwidth, lower loss and more reliable optical source would make optical fibers competitive in this section. 更 大的光纤带宽 ,较 低 的 损失和更可靠的光 源 使 得 光纤 更具 竞争 力。 4、 Seismic measurements of travel time and amplitu

5、de would define the subsurface. 地层是通过 地震测量 时间和振幅 来 定义 的 。 5、 The harder the rock, so much the more difficult is the work of drilling, though few types are sufficiently hard to be allowed to remain after blasting without a lining of masonry or concrete. 因为极 少有坚硬的岩石能在 未灌注水泥情况下保持原样,所以, 岩石 越坚硬, 钻井 越 困难

6、。 6、 For any machine whose input force and output force are known, its mechanical advantage can be calculated. 若已知 机器的输入力和输出力 , 则 可以计算其机械优势。 7、 Conversion to electric power represents a practical means of transferring geothermal energy. However, the price of the conversion is a substantial loss of e

7、nergy, and further losses occur in transmission and in the subsequent use of it. 电能转换 实际 是一种 地热能 转换的方法 。然而 , 其 代价是 很大转换 能量损失 和 使用过程中的运输损失 。 8 、 The crust and mantle are separated by a seismically determined boundary known as the Moho-discontinuity. 地壳和地幔 的 分界面 称为莫霍面 。 9、 The burnish machine is used

8、for surface treatment before the cold rolling for CPD material, and hence is one of the key installations for CPD material production. 打磨机是用于 CPD 的冷轧材料、涂装前的表面处理 , 因此是 CPD 材料生产的关键设备之一 。 10、 The value of R by (18) may be in error by as much as 20%, as shown in the table. Doctor Jackson will meet his W

9、aterloo if he puts the data into practice. R值 (18)可能 有 高达 20%的 误差 , 如表所示。 Jackson博士 如果 将 他的 数据 应用于2014 级博士英语 -科技英语翻译结业考试题 4 实际将会产生严重的后果 。 11、 More than 100 chemical elements are known to man; of these, about 80 are metals. 人类 目前 所知 的 化学元素 有 100 多种; 其中 , 大约 80 多个 是金属。 12、 Automobiles may be manufactu

10、red with computer-driven robots or put together almost totally by hand. 汽车 的生产可能会带有 电脑驱动的机器人 或者 几乎完全用手放在一起 13、 A market is any group of buyers and sellers communicating offers to exchange goods. 市场 就是 的买家和卖家沟通提供了交换商品 14、 Management is the scientific art of attaining intended organizational objective

11、s by working effectively with and through the human and material resources of the firm. 管理是科学的艺术 ,其 目的 是 通过组织公司的人力和 物力 达 到有效地工作 。 15、 The ultimate objective of economics is the study of how best to satisfy relatively unlimited human wants with relatively scarce resources. 经济学的终极目标是如何用稀有资源最大化的满足人类无止境

12、的需求。 16、 The slightly porous nature of the surface of the oxide film allows it to be colored with either organic or inorganic dyes. 17、 The civil engineer must be able to select and utilize effectively the products provided by the other branches of the profession developing consumer goods, such as t

13、he materials of construction and industry, including steel, timber, concrete and many other materials; and engaging the modern application and use of steam, electric and gas power engines and machines. 18、 Most of what we know about the earth below the limited depth to which boreholes or mine shafts

14、 have penetrated has come from geophysical observations. 19、 Aluminum remained unknown until the nineteenth century, because nowhere in nature is it found free, owing to its always being combined with other elements, most commonly with oxygen, for which it has strong affinity. 20、 The global economy

15、 that boomed in the 1960s, growing at an average of 5.5 percent a year, and pushed ahead at a 4.5 percent-a-year in the mid-1970s, simply stopped growing in 19811982. 21、 Apart from the obviously arithmetical work like pay calculations, there is much work which can be put into a mathematical form al

16、though at first sight it may not appear to have anything to do with arithmetic. 22、 Eclipses are not seen in every part of the world. 23、 Keep the petroleum from the fire. It will burst into flame. 24、 Every one cannot do these tests. 25、 All of the heat supplied to the engine is not converted into

17、useful work III Passage Translation 1、 As oil is found deep in the ground, its presence cannot be determined by a 2014 级博士英语 -科技英语翻译结业考试题 5 study of the surface. Consequently, a geological survey of the underground rock structure must be carried out. If it is thought that the rocks in a certain area

18、 contain oil, a “drilling rig” is assembled. The most obvious part of a drilling rig is called “a derrick”. It is used to lift sections of pipe, which are lowered into the hole made by the drill. As the hole is being drilled, a steel pipe is pushed down to prevent the sides from falling in. If oil i

19、s struck, a cover is firmly fixed to the top of the pipe and the oil is allowed to escape through a series of values. ( Passive Voice & its Translation ) 2、 Many man-made substances are replacing certain natural materials because either the quantity of the natural products cannot meet our ever-incre

20、asing requirement, or more often, because the physical properties of the synthetic substances, which is the common name for man-made materials, have been chosen, and even emphasized so that it would be of the greatest use in the field which it is to be applied. 3、 The electronic notebook will serve

21、as memo files in which the scientist records thoughts for preservation, description of experiments, drafts of reports, calendar and diary information, quotations and other materials extracted from other electronic files, and other types of information that would now be put in paper notebooks and oth

22、er types of paper files. 4、 With the advent of the space shuttle, it will be possible to put an orbiting solar power plant in stationary orbit 24000 miles from the earth that would collect solar energy almost continuously and convert this energy either directly to electricity via photovoltaic cells

23、or indirectly with flat plate or focused collectors that would boil a carrying medium to produce steam that would drive a turbine that then in turn would generate electricity. 5 Oil and Gas Exploitation geology Well construction challenges for Russian oil and gas producers can be broadly grouped int

24、o two categories. Firstly those fields in new frontiers (“NF?) such as the arctic and offshore, in which risk management and technological solutions are paramount. And secondly, mature fields (“MF?) in which cost management and efficiency are drivers. Drawn from experience of the re-emergence and tr

25、ansformation of the Russian oil and gas industry over the last 10 years, this paper reviews historic and current approaches, and recommends new models for partnership between operators and service companies to improve performance and encourage investment in technology. Specifically, it is suggested

26、how traditional Russian approaches, revised and revamped with new structures, processes and technologies, can provide a basis to exceed benchmark drilling efficiencies in mature fields. It also suggests how an 2014 级博士英语 -科技英语翻译结业考试题 6 improved approach to front end planning, engineering, and collab

27、oration, can decrease project risks in “new frontiers“. Some of the lessons learned are globally applicable. Another key conclusion is that distinct organizational cultures are required in new frontiers compared with mature fields, and that these cultures are remarkably difficult to contain within o

28、ne operational entity. 6 The Exploitation Enigma Evaluation of exploitation drilling programs raises unique issues around risking logic plus estimated ultimate recoverable (EUR) and project economic uncertainties. Clarification of these issues will assist in managing portfolios of exploration, explo

29、itation, and development investment opportunities. Under USA accounting rules, all wells drilled outside the area of proved reserves are classified as “exploratory wells“ for computation of cost of finding. However, companies typically segregate wells into Exploration (targeting prospective resource

30、s in undiscovered accumulations) and Exploitation (targeting probable and possible reserves in and around discovered fields). Classification as “discovered“ signifies a high degree of confidence that the accumulations EUR exceeds an internal economic threshold for development. However, there remains

31、 significant risk of drilling a dry well within the projected field limits. At the field level, the non-proven area is part of the uncertainty distribution for discovered reserves. At the exploitation well level, risk of failure and success case volume uncertainty both come into play. This multiple

32、level view of risk and uncertainty gives rise to the “exploitation enigma“. Exploitation well results change the field/reservoir model, the EUR uncertainty profile and associated cash flow projections. Successful wells not only develop reserves within a drainage area but also modify the total field

33、volume uncertainty distribution. Results redefine the remaining proved undeveloped, probable, and possible reserve volumes and their associated confidence levels. Dry exploitation wells also change the EUR distribution and increase investment costs without an increase in forecast production. This pa

34、per compares alternative approaches to the evaluation of exploitation programs. It concludes that the economic analysis to support exploitation drilling decisions should not be based solely on the individual wells anticipated results, but rather on its risk-weighted, incremental effect on the overal

35、l project value. 7 Sour-Gas-Reservoir Exploitation in Croatia Because fossil fuels are still dominant sources of energy supply, the petroleum 2014 级博士英语 -科技英语翻译结业考试题 7 industry is called upon not only to provide an effective management of oil and gas reserves in order to meet rising energy demand, b

36、ut also to do that in a safe and efficient manner, with as small an ecological footprint as practically possible. Consequently, also taking into account the fact that conventional oil and gas reserves are declining, petroleum companies are forced to develop and adopt new technologies to increase oil

37、 and gas recovery and to expand their upstream activities to still unexploited areas, which often implies development of deep-buried oil and natural-gas reservoirs characterized by unfavorable reservoir conditions such as high temperature and pressure and even a certain amount of impurities. Croatia

38、n experience with natural-gas production from deep-buried reservoirs is based on the development of several gas fields in the northwestern part of Croatia. The development of the largest natural-gas fields in Croatia-Molve, Stari Gradac, and Kalinovac gas fields-began at the beginning of the 1980s.

39、The main characteristic of all the mentioned fields are extremely unfavorable reservoir conditions, with reservoir depth of more than 3000 m, high initial reservoir pressures (more than 450 bar), high temperature (180C), and a significant share of CO2 (10 to 54%), H2S (800 ppm), and some other nonhy

40、drocarbon compounds such as mercaptans (30 mg/m3) and mercury (1000 to 1500 g/m3). Several other gas fields with similar reservoir conditions were discovered and developed in the last 25 years in the same region. Today, the petroleum industry in Croatia has almost 30 years of experience in processin

41、g sour natural gas with a well-established methodology of auditing processing-plant outlet-gas influences on the environment. These experiences and future plans regarding this subject will be presented in this paper. 8 Opportunities For Offshore Mineral Exploration In the Indian The Indian Ocean off

42、ers several opportunities for offshore mineral resources in the nearshore and coastal areas, the EEZs of different countries as well as the deep sea regions. With the increasing demands and depletion of land resources, the oceans are being looked upon as the future source of these minerals for susta

43、ining the industrial development. The coastal and nearshore resources of heavy mineral placers are being successfully mined in some of the countries around the Indian Ocean, and ample opportunity lies in exploring for these resources in .the hitherto unexplored areas, to build up the reserves for th

44、e future. Simultaneously, activities in the deep sea areas for polymetallic nodules, crusts and sulfides need acceleration owing to their potential for strategic metals, such as cobalt, nickel, lead and zinc. These efforts call for cooperation and sharing of facilities, infrastructure, know-how and

45、expertise, among the national as well as international agencies for exploration, mining, impact assessment and metallurgical process development. With its strategic location in the Indian Ocean, India could also play a major role in assisting the other countries in developing their offshore mineral

46、resources. 2014 级博士英语 -科技英语翻译结业考试题 8 9、 Surveillance System for Subsea Survey and Mineral Exploration A surveillance system for seafloor survey and mineral exploration has successfully completed its initial sea trials off the coast of Florida. The system consists of an unmanned undersea vehicle whic

47、h houses an array of electronic seafloor measuring devices. The 700 pound aluminium vehicle is designed to be towed at speeds of 3 to 10 knots at controllable depths above the seafloor. A terrain following sonar controlled guidance system will be used for obstical avoidance. Plans are underway to de

48、sign two advanced surveillance systems. One capable of operation at 600 meters depth for outer continental shelf (OCS) work and another to a 6000 meter depth for deep water mineral explorations. The 600 meter surveillance system will be applied to rapid and concise data collection on bottom conditio

49、ns in frontier areas of proposed OCS oil and gas lease investigation. Survey equipment will include dual side scan sonar, CCTV tied to video tape, proton magnetometer and a high resolution sub-bottom profiler. The 6000 meter surveillance system will be capable of real time measurement of deep ocean seafloor parameters which relate t


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