本人潜心研究,走家串户,踏遍英伦,决定当下一吐为快。(maggie不在身边)本文中英双解,手把手(口把口,教你英国脏话。语气由浅入深。注:本文基本不含性别攻击的词语。开始Bollocks,-used when you have done something wrong. Ahh, bollocks!等于 Oh shit!,约等于:我靠! 北京话就是:草,褶子了-it can also be used to mean nonsense.Dont listen to that, its a load of bollocks别听他扯淡。How was the party? Ah, it was the dogs bollocks! 这里是褒义, 约等于 牛B。这个只能自己体会Bastard,-Less insulting swear word.actually means someone whose born outside of marriage,seems to be used mor