云计算在图书馆的应用摘要:本文就云计算及其在高校图书馆服务领域的应用进行探讨,着重阐述了云计算模式下高校图书馆“云服务”的内涵及实现,图书馆应用云计算是一项战略选择, 也是顺应时代发展的必然要求. 本文从云计算的概念入手, 分析了其在图书馆中的应用以及对图书馆将会带来的问题, 提出积极应对措施, 让其更好地为图书馆服务。关键词:云计算、图书馆、云服务。Abstract: In this paper, and its cloud computing services in the university library of the application, focusing on the cloud computing model library cloud services content and implementation, the library application is a strategic choice of cloud computing, but also of the timesinevitable requirement. In this pa