1、白 车身扭转和横向刚度对整车操控性能的影响姓名: 王爱华 学号: 31503082参考文献 Hari Krishnan M, N Sreeraj, C Bhaskar, G Nagaraju and R Mugundaram, Maruti Suzuki India, Ltd. “Establishing Correlation between Torsional and Lateral Stiffness Parameters of BIW and Vehicle Handling Performance,” SAE Technical Paper 2011-01-0089, 2011, d
2、oi:10.4271/2011-01-0089扭转刚度 扭转工况下车身抵抗变形的能力CorneringPassing steps扭转刚度的意义 静态或动态扭转工况下车上部件不受影响,比如车门可以整车开关,密封依然良好等。 整车的 操控性 , NVH,耐撞性,耐久性等。 As a result of many earlier studies, it is known that increase in stiffness of the vehicle body improves the handling of the vehicle. But, there has been no attempt
3、made to predict how much improvement in handling occurs for a particular increase in body stiffness. Process flow 仿真 &实验 主观 评价 &客观测试 大胆的假设,小心的求证。NEWBILITYCAE(Torsional Stiffness)Load & Boundary Strain Energy ContourCAE(Torsional Stiffness) Iterations done in CAECAE(Lateral Stiffness)Load & Boundary Strain Energy ContourCAE(Lateral Stiffness)