1、Identify Essay TopicIdentify Essay Topicsl Topics handed out by lecturersl Topics decided by studentsI. Topics Handed Out by Lecturersl 1) check the ground area of content defined by key words in the topic l 2) identify the specific concepts on which the topic is focusedl 3) make a judgmentl 4) be a
2、ware that the essays are “about” what subjectI. Topics decided by studentsl Choosing an appropriate topicl Select a topic that interests youl See whether the topic is narrow enough to focus onChoosing a Topicl Importance and interest(1) what subjects are you interested in?(2) What interests you most
3、 about a particular subject?(3) Is there anything you wonder about or are puzzled about with regard to that subject? Is it significant?Choosing a Topicl Manageability be manageable for youl Avoid a too broad topic(1) Periodical index(2) pick a broad subject, then to choose a second narrower topic wi
4、thin this broad topicChoosing a Topicl Availability of resources the research materials should be availablel Where to find a topic research mainly from scholars works(usually in the notes)Process of choosing a topic 论文的流程流程说l 确定选题l 阅读文献l 选择研究设计l 收集数据l 分析数据l 撰写论文提出问题的步骤阅读课题的相关文献, 与别人讨论选定研究课题 缩小研究课题的范围 形成概括性问题和具体问题英语专业的选题流程选题时要选自己熟悉并感兴趣的 ,有足够的、相关的参考文献。选择论题和确定论文题目 不要过大。题目太大,驾驭不了,内容共会很空泛。